struts2的struts.properties配置文件详解 H;RwO@v
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struts.action.extension #%DE;
The URL extension to use to determine if the request is meant for a Struts action -Uml_/rd_
用URL扩展名来确定是否这个请求是被用作Struts action,其实也就是设置 action的后缀,例如login.do的'do'字。 *}P~P$q%
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struts.configuration ;*MLRXq
The org.apache.struts2.config.Configuration implementation class UX7t`l2R
org.apache.struts2.config.Configuration接口名 XI^QF;,
struts.configuration.files X&kp;W
A list of configuration files automatically loaded by Struts Y]&j,j&
struts自动加载的一个配置文件列表 1I:+MBGin
struts.configuration.xml.reload ](hE^\SC
Whether to reload the XML configuration or not KCs[/]
是否加载xml配置(true,false) R17?eucZ
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struts.continuations.package % >=!p
The package containing actions that use Rife continuations B
含有actions的完整连续的package名称 s0vDHkf8
struts.custom.i18n.resources .mR8q+I6
Location of additional localization properties files to load <7~'; K
加载附加的国际化属性文件(不包含.properties后缀) q<M2,YrbAI
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Location of additional configuration properties files to load ui?
加载附加的配置文件的位置 4t=G
struts.devMode u A<n
Whether Struts is in development mode or not ez|)ph7
是否为struts开发模式 4%4 }5UYN
struts.dispatcher.parametersWorkaround `EaLGzw
Whether to use a Servlet request parameter workaround necessary for some versions of WebLogic }~L.qG
(某些版本的weblogic专用)是否使用一个servlet请求参数工作区(PARAMETERSWORKAROUND) {tWf
struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation ')cMiX\v
Allows one to disable dynamic method invocation from the URL P5UL4uyl
允许动态方法调用 :.Wr{"`
struts.freemarker.manager.classname yK=cZw%D
The org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager implementation class A*\.NTM
org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager接口名 5?x>9Ca
struts.i18n.encoding r 8RoE`/T
The encoding to use for localization messages -Fe?R*-g
国际化信息内码 #pnI\
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struts.i18n.reload Bx<
Whether the localization messages should automatically be reloaded lNYt`xp
是否国际化信息自动加载 @u6B;)'l
struts.locale tVN
The default locale for the Struts application YpVD2.jy
默认的国际化地区信息 T{-CkHf9Q
struts.mapper.class J| w>a
The org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.ActionMapper implementation class \| 8
org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.ActionMapper接口 Wi)_H$KII
struts.multipart.maxSize 1G^`-ri6
The maximize size of a multipart request (file upload) ZbdZrE$
multipart请求信息的最大尺寸(文件上传用) X4~y7
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struts.multipart.parser 3EPv"f^V
The org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart. ]>5/PD,wWy
MultiPartRequest parser implementation for a multipart request (file upload) sYI-5D]
专为multipart请求信息使用的org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.MultiPartRequest解析器接口(文件上传用) H&