struts2的struts.properties配置文件详解 VQ`O;n6/`
struts.action.extension JOk`emle
The URL extension to use to determine if the request is meant for a Struts action _:
用URL扩展名来确定是否这个请求是被用作Struts action,其实也就是设置 action的后缀,例如login.do的'do'字。 e&nw&9vo
struts.configuration IC~D?c0H:
The org.apache.struts2.config.Configuration implementation class #k, kpL<a
org.apache.struts2.config.Configuration接口名 6 , ~aV
struts.configuration.files cMAfW3j: ;
A list of configuration files automatically loaded by Struts &2^V<(19
struts自动加载的一个配置文件列表 Sj+#yct -
struts.configuration.xml.reload *x!5I$~J
Whether to reload the XML configuration or not UI'eD)WR
是否加载xml配置(true,false) huE#VY
struts.continuations.package q~lW
The package containing actions that use Rife continuations <u\G&cd_tA
含有actions的完整连续的package名称 .=S{
struts.custom.i18n.resources @"0qS:s]X
Location of additional localization properties files to load aleIy}"
加载附加的国际化属性文件(不包含.properties后缀) 2{\Y<%.
}_x oT9HUr 5E8PbV-l
Location of additional configuration properties files to load zwS'AN'A
加载附加的配置文件的位置 __ [q`
struts.devMode L2%P
Whether Struts is in development mode or not DTY=k
是否为struts开发模式 %iNDRLR%I
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struts.dispatcher.parametersWorkaround 3 -FNd~%
Whether to use a Servlet request parameter workaround necessary for some versions of WebLogic `)fGw7J
(某些版本的weblogic专用)是否使用一个servlet请求参数工作区(PARAMETERSWORKAROUND) |v&&%>A2
)Ec;kr b+
struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation R_}(p2
Allows one to disable dynamic method invocation from the URL @ ri.r1
允许动态方法调用 Fk:(%ci
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struts.freemarker.manager.classname &0`L; 1R
The org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager implementation class q ^?{6}sy
org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager接口名 R<)uvW_@
struts.i18n.encoding n:+MNr
The encoding to use for localization messages _ev^5`>p/
国际化信息内码 I/l]Yv!
struts.i18n.reload )_uK(UNZ5
Whether the localization messages should automatically be reloaded ~jaGf
是否国际化信息自动加载 E {MSi"
struts.locale [+GG Wo
The default locale for the Struts application &!=3Fbn
默认的国际化地区信息 5P4>xv[
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struts.mapper.class |bh:x{h
The org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.ActionMapper implementation class -e ya$C
org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.ActionMapper接口 4^5s\f B
struts.multipart.maxSize RK0IkRXQd
The maximize size of a multipart request (file upload) 6lPGop]js]
multipart请求信息的最大尺寸(文件上传用) Q=[&~^Y)
struts.multipart.parser `i-&Z`
The org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart. ]iPdAwc.1
MultiPartRequest parser implementation for a multipart request (file upload) %rsW:nl
专为multipart请求信息使用的org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.MultiPartRequest解析器接口(文件上传用) ]pt @
struts.multipart.saveDir 7iJlW&W
The directory to use for storing uploaded files Kh> ^;`h
设置存储上传文件的目录夹 G7yxCU(I\
struts.objectFactory k"6^gup(U
The com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory implementation class R[z6 c)
com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory接口(spring) 8K qv)FjB
struts.objectFactory.spring.autoWire A-<qr6q
Whether Spring should autoWire or not R ~b$7jpd
是否自动绑定Spring :V
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struts.objectFactory.spring.useClassCache [|3
Whether Spring should use its class cache or not v1:5r
是否spring应该使用自身的cache I;7VX5X
struts.objectTypeDeterminer B:l(`G
The com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ObjectTypeDeterminer implementation class @"6BvGU2s
com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ObjectTypeDeterminer接口 z')'8155
struts.serve.static.browserCache n V<YwqK
If static content served by the Struts filter should set browser caching header properties or not 61]6N;kJ;
是否struts过滤器中提供的静态内容应该被浏览器缓存在头部属性中 Wrlmo'31
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struts.serve.static X,p&S^
Whether the Struts filter should serve static content or not w/R^Vwq
是否struts过滤器应该提供静态内容 2c}kiqi{
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struts.tag.altSyntax ve$P=ZuM
Whether to use the alterative syntax for the tags or not OS3J,f}<=
是否可以用替代的语法替代tags OIN]u{S
struts.ui.templateDir g\ke,r6
The directory containing UI templates 7>.^GD
UI templates的目录夹 +}^
struts.ui.theme QF>H>=Za=
The default UI template theme #xO`k1W.
默认的UI template主题 1{A4_/R
struts.url.http.port HLS^Ga,(
The HTTP port used by Struts URLs I(2ID +
设置http端口 j*P@]&e7d
struts.url.https.port 1vobfZ-w9
The HTTPS port used by Struts URLs Y}0 - &
设置https端口 /%.K`BMN
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struts.url.includeParams NY_Oo!)3
The default includeParams method to generate Struts URLs {r Gx*<e
在url中产生 默认的includeParams ohwQ%NDl
@x)z" )>
struts.velocity.configfile <)M?qkjb
The Velocity configuration file path ct/I85c@P
velocity配置文件路径 y&iLhd!p
tJ 6:$dh
struts.velocity.contexts fd(>[RP?
List of Velocity context names *?c~7ru
velocity的context列表 zj8;ENhEI
struts.velocity.manager.classname ;Eck7nRA)
org.apache.struts2.views.velocity.VelocityManager implementation class ~Su>^T(?-
org.apache.struts2.views.velocity.VelocityManager接口名 $BG9<:p
struts.velocity.toolboxlocation nwz}&nR
The location of the Velocity toolbox 1 }:k w
velocity工具盒的位置 hj-M
struts.xslt.nocache E;%{hAD{
Whether or not XSLT templates should not be cached ]E`DG
是否XSLT模版应该被缓存 }O_6wi