- 注册时间2006-08-23
- 最后登录2009-11-02
- 在线时间544小时
- 发帖2054
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板4710
- 人品值2122
- 贡献值58
- 交易币0
- 好评度2057
- 信誉值0
- 金币1
- 发帖
- 2054
- 铜板
- 4710
- 人品值
- 2122
- 贡献值
- 58
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 2057
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 1
- 所在楼道
Eskobar---Whatever This Town 瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Dream-Pop/Rock 来之瑞典的Eskobar.浑然天成是他们的标志,妖艳迷幻是他们的特色,他在你耳边随意低唱,使你可以沉醉,也可以微笑安睡.Eskobar唱着一个孤独与寂寞者的心声,它告诉你勇气与坚强是我们继续前进的基础. 717S3knlv 刚开始听这首曲子的时候,就被这轻柔的吉它伴奏和看似呢喃,极尽随意的男声,深深的吸引~~~ ^m
Ua5w 这就是Eskobar, 6U9FvPJ 来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Dream-Pop/Rock团演唱的whatever this town。 1Be/(pSc 音乐本身的魅力有时候是无法用语言来述说的。 m941 Y 这是让文字也开始无力的音乐,好似穿过黑暗的玻璃, vB<9M-sa0 到达信仰的彼岸之感, ;x.5_Xw{. 那种疏离让人在恐惧过后开始无尽的沉默。 3FY87R 听着Eskobar,就像是身处一个黑白的超现实世界中, V9Pw\K!w#\ 人们的情绪开始落寞起来。 2:oAS 生活好似倒影,好似一梦之隔,绝望之时无须痛也无须哭。 y=!7PB_\| 有时候,我们谁都不想去理会,只想做片刻的自己~~ %\^VxM
L;h|Sk]{ 歌手介绍 fDjJdRS" 来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩的最饱满"英伦摇滚"(Brit Pop)之活跃朝气三人组合。 B@k2lHks( 并发"华丽式"Sad-core哀愁与"欧陆式"Dream Pop跃动的灿烂摇滚火焰。 jZr"d*Y 94年成军、却到世纪末才推出首支暖身单曲,并於千禧年正式发行第一张创作大碟的Eskobar; ]$~\GE^ 也可说是历经千辛万苦,才得以立足瑞典、放眼欧陆。 I
>aKa 主唱Daniel曾远赴美洲大陆, dOX"7kZ 欲想参与由盛产美国著名黑人灵魂乐大厂Motown的传奇人物Berry Gordy之子、 ?k`UQi]Q 所发起的"西岸嘻哈说唱音乐改造运动\"(把东岸的风格往西岸推进)。 'D'H)J 但是,Daniel始终无法忘怀他在家乡锺情的、以吉他为基本的摇滚音乐风格。 "O~7s} 半年後,他毅然决然回到家乡;与吉他手Frederik Zall、鼓手Robert Birming再度结合, 18,;2Sr44 继续燃烧Eskobar灿烂的摇滚火焰。 b|pp}il u.ej<Lo
QpCTHpZ (}m2} 点我下载 (&MtK1;; 歌词: %/oeV;D If you try to get close to me, be prepared, it might hurt Cz|F%>y# cause i live like the human i am so my nails, will catch some dirt NK\0X5##. dont expect a knight on a horse to come rescue the princess in you i&^]qL|J I got me on my mind , i put myself first and so should you AO]k*N,N mmm...don’t you listen to the choir of jealous people full of hate w?V;ItcL if they have nothing better in their life i swear inside they ache...they ache T*z*x=<5 Whatever this town, makes you think of me ka/>jV" I’ll still be around, when the final bell rings )LAG$Cn Whatever this town, makes you think of me qh|fq
b What you see right now is who i am 6t=)1T If you find this too hard to survive, please think before u say farewell .WLwAL without the history of my past i would be, an empty shell #+&"m7
s the bags that we carry around contain fragments of yesterday &$bcB]C\3 the heavier load, the harder to cope, but gas for the grey <&kl:| mmm...don’t you listen to the choir of jealous people full of hate ?{L5=X@$$ if they have nothing better in their life i swear inside they ache...they ache XTJA"y Whatever this town, makes you think of me "m>BE I’ll still be around, when the final bell rings J@A^k1B Whatever this town, makes you think of me Qe =8x7oIP What you see right now is who i am |G)P
I`BH There’s nothing that they can do, this city hasn’t already done ;b}cn!U] there’s no need to be scared so i laugh in their face when they pull their gun 7jw5'`;)" Whatever this town, makes you think of me !i_~<6Wa7 I’ll still be around, when the final bell rings %/2OP &1< Whatever this town, makes you think of me l?A~^4(5a/ What you see right now is who i am