Kq[4I[+R 专辑名称Me'Shell NdegeOcello - The Article 3 (2006)/发行时间
L:HvrB~ 音乐风格 R&B, Funk, Alternative Pop, New Age Soul | Umvd Import Records |压缩格式 MP3 |压缩比率 320 kbps | 文件大小37.6 MB | 6 Tracks
W&5/1``u\ 专辑介绍:
J~%43!X\K m%0-3c( *新灵魂(Neo-Soul)运动先锋融合嘻哈、灵魂、放克、爵士、节奏蓝调、摇滚等音乐元素的新呈献
'0Cp *AMG四颗星高评
GDSV:]hL }=X: F1S 90年代早先一步踏入Neo-Soul的音乐革新运动中,并为后进D'Angelo、Erykah Badu、Maxwell及近期的Jill Scott、India Arie等优秀歌手舖出一条灿丽的音乐先途。曲风多元广泛的将嘻哈、灵魂、放克、爵士、节奏蓝调、摇滚等音乐元素加以融合呈献;专辑中并将情爱、性、信仰等议题赤裸裸的在她音乐中主题性叙述演出。
Q6m8N q|*^{(tWs 这位出生於德国,成长於华盛顿州,现居南加州名为Meshell Ndegeocello的全才型女歌手,从小受到在爵士乐团中担任萨克斯风手的父亲薰陶,便对音乐有着疯狂的迷恋,贝斯是她最拿手的乐器,但吉他、鼓、键盘等乐器也都难不倒她,陆续於80-90年代担任Prince、Alanis Morisette、Mick Jagger、Madonna等歌者幕后乐手,优秀的演奏、演唱、创作等全方面才华被Madonna相中,成为她的音乐厂牌Maverick旗下首签第一位女性歌手。
!.P||$x`& !E$$FvL 顺势於1993年发行个人首张专辑「Plantation Lullabies」,果然不负眾望的登上报章媒体的音乐头条,气势蔓延至94年,Rolling Stone讚喻道:『1994年乐坛最闪耀的新希望!』同年与摇滚巨将John Mellencamp共同合作演唱Van Morrion的作品"Wild Night",一举让她囊括葛莱美4项提名,她的首张专辑,单曲"If That's Your Boyfriend"(He Wasn't Last Night)及Meshell本人通通入围;'95年获Gibson Guitar颁发年度最佳贝斯手荣誉,同是Bass Guitar杂誌首位女性年度贝斯手;'96年的第二张专辑「Peace Beyond」,再度让Meshell入围葛莱美最佳节奏蓝调专辑。接着'99年的「Bitter」又是让各音乐杂誌刊出『年度最佳专辑』...等斗大一面倒好评字眼…。
n])#<0 <AU*lLZ Review:
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\S|iY This EP has more style than any average full length recording out there right now. Meshell is an artist who is more and more progressive with each new recording; which is what R&B artists were about during the golden age of soul/r&b music in the late sixties and early to mid-seventies. This is not music for the pop/r&b listener stuck in the right now. The tone is political, religious and sensual, while the music defies category, you can pinpoint various styles & influences within. She pushes furthur the imaginary boundaries of what an r&b artist can do by incorporating african tones into her music.This kind of daring musical exploration is sorely lacking in the popular r&b style today. And to think Meshell's debut started on a Plantation. ~ amazon.com
z~Q=OPCnY 专辑曲目: aL1%BGlmZ< Tracks:
lX4; 1. Haditha
z&;8pZr 2. Sloganeer
exq5Z c% 3. Shirk
? 4. Article 3
\3hA_{ w 5. Elliptical
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