- 注册时间2007-04-12
- 最后登录2009-11-02
- 在线时间1小时
- 发帖1266
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板3445
- 人品值1399
- 贡献值0
- 交易币0
- 好评度1024
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1266
- 铜板
- 3445
- 人品值
- 1399
- 贡献值
- 0
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1024
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
- 所在楼道
专辑名称:Book of Roses l& ^B 艺术家:Andreas Vollenweider -ZoOX"N} 发行时间:February 11, 1992 vVN[bD< 发行公司:Sony "6NNId|Y 音乐品质:192-320K/mp3 M"$RtS|h amazon.com:★★★★★ ]MA)='~ DwrCysIK 'm!11Phe Chockablock stylistic collisions include virtuoso classical piano, medieval folk, blues-rock, the chant of Ladysmith Black Mambazo, pastoral orchestration and flamenco-frenzy, and that's merely within tracks 6-8. Not to damn it with faint praise, but this shapes up as a "Tubular Bells? for the '90s. x]J-q5 &\]f!'jV Buy this CD. I have listened to the majority of Vollenweider's work since the '80s (thanks to my friends) and I am very familiar with his music.. Yet, I am not one to run out and buy his releases, nor do I believe his work has universal appeal, but this Book of Roses CD is a stunning album, both for its beauty and diversity. I dare say it has the proverbial universal appeal. The breath of musical diversity is astounding - that it all could be by one artist and placed on one CD is as mysterious as the book itself pictured on the cover. The cuts with recognizable muscial styles are remarkable compositions within thier own intent. Otherwise, Vollenweider has trailblazed fusing some new style combinations with absolute success. Vollenweider's arsenal of melodies, timbres, sound effects, and the fluidity of his transitions is beyond reproach. We are talking one large canvas here, folks. Make no mistake, this is not the white cloud-hopping or cave-dwelling harp hiding behind gardens, under trees or on the moon - this is a galaxy of music. If you don't buy this album and it goes out of print, you will never forgive yourself (And then I'll say "I told you so"). \=G
Xe.}4d ~z1KD)^ wsGq>F~ 1. La Strega (Her Journey To The Grand Ball) NMY!-Kv 5 2. The Grand Ball Of The Duljas &qI5*aQ8T 3. Morning At Boma Park }?q nwx. 4. Five Curtains .HyiPx3^ 5. Book Of Roses K~ /V 6. In Doga Gamee xo_k"'f+ 7. Passage To Promise +U/ "F|M 8. In The Woods Of Kroandal Lp]C![\>U 9. Jugglers In Obsidian (uK), *6B 10. Chanson De L'heure Bleue BiLreZ~" 11. Czippa And The Ursanian Girl FivaCNA 12. The Birds Of Tilmun uy-Ncy 13. Hirzel xo 'w+Av 14. Jours Damour w*ktx{ 15. Mantos Arrow And The Sphinx &fy8,} 16. Letters To A Young Rose x2& |