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Earl Klugh - The Journey ^R
Fp8w( Cd rip |压缩格式 mp3 VBR 185 avg |音乐风格 soft jazz | 发行时间1997 | TT app 52 min | 文件大小size 1 x 44MB + 1 x 24MB (/j/>9iro #& Rw& 1\>^m Earl Klugh Ix=}+K/ &wCg\j_c K[r^'P5m >X4u]>X 吉他手Earl Klugh 于公元1954年出生,但在七零年代初就出道了,而当时他不过是个十来岁的小伙子。Klugh 最早曾在管乐手Yusef Lateef的《Suite 16》〈公元1969年录音〉专辑中担任起重角色,才十五岁就堪当大任,潜力由此可见。除此之外,公元1971年Klugh 被当时如日中天的吉他大师George Benson邀请,在著名专辑《White Rabbit》中取代佛朗明哥吉他高手Jay Berliner的位置。也就是从这里开始,乐迷们广泛注意到这位年轻吉他手的才气与技艺,Klugh 的星运逐渐迈上坦途。公元1974年短暂加入钢琴大师Chick Corea领军的“回到永恒”乐团《Return to Forever》,随后便踏上了单飞之路,迄今发行过数十张个人专辑。 q):5JXql~ Earl Klugh 的吉他演奏听起来并没有太强调即兴乐句的铺陈,这与他设定的个人音乐定位有关,毕竟他并没有把自己设定在“爵士吉他手”上头。公元1976年Klugh 正式单飞,首张个人专辑《Earl Klugh 》就展现出强烈的气势。首先他找来了当红的坚强制作团队〈Grusin/Rosen Productions〉当专辑制作人,而制作人之一,同样是知名乐手的Dave Grusin顺理成章地在专辑里担任键盘手的角色。此外Klugh 另邀请了融合爵士吉他名家Lee Ritenour和曾与多位爵士大师合作过的鼓手Harvey Mason等二位著名乐手共襄盛举. T<p !5`B 1 EYEnN :~T99^$zA An acoustic guitarist with a very pretty tone, Earl Klugh does not consider himself a jazz player and thinks of Chet Atkins as being his most important influence. Klugh played on a Yusef Lateef album when he was 15 and gained recognition in 1971 for his contributions to George Benson's White Rabbit record. He played regularly with Benson in 1973, was a member of Return to Forever briefly in 1974, and then in the mid-'70s, began recording as a leader. Klugh's popular recordings (for Blue Note, Capitol, Manhattan, and Warner Bros.) tend to use light funk beats, stick closely to the melody, and put the emphasis on his sound; little surprising ever occurs. ,\n&I( 专辑曲目: DBD%6o>]K Tracks
&NoS=(s, 01.All Through The Night 8UyMVY 02.Last Song ?!cvf{a 03.4 Minute Samba +M$Q
=6/ 04.Sneakin' Out Of Here ;n=.>s*XL' 05.The Journey HxK80mJ 06.Good As It Gets E!l!OtFL 07.Finderdance ^o1*a&~J@ 08.Evil Eye $#S&QHyEe 09.Walk In The Sun b+6\JE^Mz 10.Autumn Song A
'5,LfTu SO(NVJh _FVcx7l!u v+`N*\J_ p@5`&Em, 分卷压缩打包下载: vchm"p?9) part1 =&2Lb part21 ^,_w$H #( jw!d& http://rapidshare.com/files/47935089/EKTJ.part1.rar ,5,!es@`b http://rapidshare.com/files/47935880/EKTJ.part2.rar E}p&2P+MR ;1.,Sn+zO