- 注册时间2007-04-28
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间17小时
- 发帖1709
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- 铜板4177
- 人品值2034
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- 好评度1703
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1709
- 铜板
- 4177
- 人品值
- 2034
- 贡献值
- 0
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1703
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
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p<=Lh47 = ":8\2Qp
Gio -- Fantasy Girl cZQ8[I
Lyrics W~0rSVD$<z
Whoho.. vMB61 |O Whohohoho.. y $\tqQ Oeeeh Yeah 8W{M}>;[9 Refrain: HWsV_VAw} She is the girl my fantasy =`QYy-b X When I saw her passing by uQKQC?w Look at she walked right of my dream OemY'M?ZQ Whohoho.. 0-S.G38{ Pinch me is this reality? BLyV~ Can I be by your side? NX,m6u So I can make you feel the way I do about you v>#Njgo You haven't 6{buel(|e I was wrong and hypnotize Wu^Rv- xA I couldn't believed )gEE7Ex? When I looked in to your eyes
C3{hf Girl I'm in a dream was standing there ?a3wBy Can you imagine how it feels +7}^Y}( Cause you're the one I always dreamed of aWIkp5BFj Your eyes Jgv Mx Girl they got me hypnotize 7%i'F=LzT Your lips B`Z3e%g# Oeeeh they wanna make me kiss 0#9H;j<Op Your hands wKLYyetM! They can me hold you tight e{@RBYX@+c Just like in my dreams J`U]Ux/L Your eyes !:!(=(4$P Girl they got me hypnotize pE&G]ZC Your lips 7h}gIm7e" Oeeeh they wanna make me kiss >)u;X Your hands D{6y^@/ Yeah I wanna hold them ?"mZb#% You're a fantasy girl K2zln_W Refrain ywAvqT, So I'm gonna stand..? dGYR
'x Hey girl I got a question M; wKTTQy Tell me I'm not dreaming or is this reality l.o/H| Everytime I close my eyes ou're there 1~c\J0h)d Can you imageine how it feels? Dj(PH3^ Cause you're the one I always dreamed of |${4sUR Your eyes 7.hBc;%2u Girl they got me hypnotize Uv(R^50> Your lips
22ON=NN Oeeeh they wanna make me kiss 7]vmtlL Your hands `!vqT 3p, They can me hold you tight ^x\VMd3*w Just like in my dreams q*UHzE:LI Your eyes bW6| &P}X Girl they got me hypnotize ~i"=:D Your lips F<,pAxl~@ Oeeeh they wanna make me kiss 3p=Xv%xd Your hands E:x@O8F They can me hold you tight g:M;S"U3*Y You're a fantasy girl ?Fl}@EA#M Refrain 2x n?fy@R My fantasy girl.. R%WY!I8C My fantasy girl.. fWmc$r5n]( My fantasy girl.. ,2fi`9=\ She's myyyyyyyy fantasy girl.. ]ZcivnN#
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