- 注册时间2007-02-01
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间29小时
- 发帖1717
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板4734
- 人品值2015
- 贡献值8
- 交易币0
- 好评度1715
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1717
- 铜板
- 4734
- 人品值
- 2015
- 贡献值
- 8
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1715
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
- 所在楼道
Triple Image & Stevie Brock 的《Boy Next Door》,来自美国少女组合Triple Image的《Celebrate》专辑中的一首歌曲,她们因为不错的和声及对Rap的熟练掌握而在美国受到欢迎。在《Boy Next Door》中,你可以听见Stevie Brock 演唱的一段很有特色的电话答录。图片为同名小说。 V92e#AR O#CxS/M5 UOT~L4G 6TlkPM$~2 'hg, W] <b{Le{QJ* eWW\m[k]} oIQor%z The Boy Next Door 歌词 ~Se/uL;* kc1 *@<L6 Dear Stevie, ].7)^ I just wanna let you know, =/Vr,y$ That I've been thinking about you lately, +.b~2K1 And since you've been gone, gj$gqO`B I wanna let you know, PHT;%;m= That I miss you boy, w!8h4U.
; I miss you boy. \7jcZ~FBX% Well it's been three weeks since you went away. X];a(7+2 It might sound crazy But I count the days. y85GKysT I miss the little things that we use to do, &*T57tE And those are the things that I like about you. s
<Ag8U8 And now you're gone don't know what to do. oC^-" (# You never knew I had a crush on you. Jg/WE1p> I miss you boy. BVC\~j
j I miss you boy. : ,LX3, Well I wake up in the morning getting ready for school, 3:dQN;= Combing my hair and trying to look cool. gV$Lfkz But I looked in the mirror and said to myself, w3fi2B&q Why'd you have to leave me all by myself. )xT_RBR I know you you didn't know it, gMFTZQsP Never said it before. Cp_"PvTmT But I had a crush on the boy next door. V:2|l!l* I miss you boy, q#c\ I miss you boy. OAc+LdT (Chorus) r}pYm'e I had a crush on the boy next door. pc:~_6S Now he's gone should have told him before, 0waQw7
E But it's never to late to be my friend. .2Y"=|NdA Maybe someday I'll see you again, Mp7r`A,6 And I wanna tell you from my heart, . m@Sk`s I know what it's like to be apart. CP["N(fF bUU_NqUf*3