- 注册时间2007-03-14
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间5小时
- 发帖1903
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板3941
- 人品值2209
- 贡献值0
- 交易币0
- 好评度1898
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1903
- 铜板
- 3941
- 人品值
- 2209
- 贡献值
- 0
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1898
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
- 所在楼道
d 4\E !b->u_ fKz"z{\,0 专辑名称:Pointing Excitedly to the Sky {kl{mJ* 歌手姓名:Cocosuma ^s~n[ 唱片公司:Setanta 6q[!X0u 发行日期:August 14, 2006 ,."(Gp 专辑流派:Grindcore/ Psychobilly h_chZB' 专辑语言:英语 E
D^rWE_ 文件内容:mp3 vbr 70MB -f2`qltjb ?U/Wio$@ `6N-MsP The Second Album from the Paris-based Trio. Whose Song was Recently Picked by Ryuichi Sakamoto on his Playlist. Y+u-J4bj UxcDDa/j2T Album two from this Paris trio mixes guitars, sampled beats and washes of keyboard behind singer Kacey's light, summery vocals. 8C,utjy ObyuhAR It's refreshing stuff, full of experiments that shouldn't work but do: the single 'Bam! Tululu!' hints at 60s easy listening; 'Drizzling Yet Dazzling' recalls Life-era Cardigans and 'So As A Gentleman' is lovely pastoral pop. ho]!G498 MupW=3.38 Y`7#[g Track Listings #!Cter2 kad;Wa#h 01. Communication's Lost V"by9p|V` 02. Bam! Tululu! TflS@Z7C 03. Servant z2Y_L8u2 04. Sparks W+f&%En 05. Did You Ever See @ZkAul0@ 06. Drizzling Yet Dazzling IO!1|JMr6 07. We Were A Trio )=E~CpKV 08. Easy Terms ,J(5@8(>a 09. Nutopia 9^QYuf3O 10. Daisy's Face wz*A<iU 11. 90105 #}!>iFBcH 12. So As A Gentleman You Should Be More Polite u:uSsAn0$ 13. What's Left Of Us? q= yZx) n*m"L|:ff }K/}(zuy1Y 试听官网 : http://www.myspace.com/cocosuma TjUZv 1(L fAMD2C 打包下载[两空间任选一个下] W-!Bl&jF[ http://www.mediafire.com/?8yydzm9a5yb ;*-@OLT_K http://www.sharebig.com/d/slmnmk ... _to_the_sky.rar.htm 45)ogg2
Ku/H= qbU1qF/ 密码: www.needpop.com