AcPLJ!y 7upko9d/ My Little Radio-My Little Radio ]HuB%G|t1V 辑名称:My Little Radio _9 ]:0bDUo 歌手姓名:My Little Radio Y \-W` 唱片公司:N/A <f>w"r 发行日期:Feb 2, 2007 V0>X2&.A 专辑流派:Pop Rock Wye* ~t ]VRa4ZB{u Qs6Vu)U= Nc7"`!;- |Ev|A9J! bOFzq>k_ 专辑介绍: 7v ZD <gkE,e9 “It is what it is…” Simple words that are well suited for the way My Little Radio came together as a band. After years of playing music in and around the city of Boston, the members of MLR seemed to simply find each other by chance. alaL/p{O Yi*F;V “…there was something inherently appealing about My Little Radio. The music – hard-rock grooves and riffs you’d expect from such a band playing power rock – served as nothing more than a backdrop for the star of the show… Kate O’Brien’s stage presence [and] sincerity mixed well with her booming-but-beautiful voice… My Little Radio is the type of band that wins these Battle O’ the Band Competitions in the movies, with all close-up shots on the adorably spunky singer.” – The Boston (coverage of the 2007 WBCN Rumble) &>,;ye>A K8;SE! ,,gMUpL7_8 曲目列表: iZ-R%- }B .ybmJU*Hg 01. Leave The Light On >8e)V ; 02. All You Wanted Mw/9DrE7/ 03. Lost My Cool A'DFY { 04. Beginning Of The End I)Xf4FS@ 05. Miss You ]P0%S@] 06. Waste Another Night &v{#yzM 07. Walk Away gEd A hfx 08. Centurion De La Noche e0zP LU} 09. Drive Through Diary olE(#}7V 10. Don't Go Home u ]e-IYH OlOOg i/x |c!E x#D%3v"l_* 专辑打包下载地址: ... tle%20Radio.rar.htm p"ZvA^d\ nF <K84
My Little Radio-My Little Radio ]HuB%G|t1V 辑名称:My Little Radio _9 ]:0bDUo 歌手姓名:My Little Radio Y \-W` 唱片公司:N/A <f>w"r 发行日期:Feb 2, 2007 V0>X2&.A 专辑流派:Pop Rock Wye* ~t ]VRa4ZB{u Qs6Vu)U= Nc7"`!;-
,,gMUpL7_8 曲目列表: iZ-R%- }B .ybmJU*Hg 01. Leave The Light On >8e)V ; 02. All You Wanted Mw/9DrE7/ 03. Lost My Cool A'DFY { 04. Beginning Of The End I)Xf4FS@ 05. Miss You ]P0%S@] 06. Waste Another Night &v{#yzM 07. Walk Away gEd A hfx 08. Centurion De La Noche e0zP LU} 09. Drive Through Diary olE(#}7V 10. Don't Go Home u ]e-IYH OlOOg