- 注册时间2007-03-17
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间46小时
- 发帖1660
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板3994
- 人品值2133
- 贡献值0
- 交易币0
- 好评度1663
- 信誉值0
- 金币1
- 发帖
- 1660
- 铜板
- 3994
- 人品值
- 2133
- 贡献值
- 0
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1663
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 1
- 所在楼道
 $Y<(~E$FX HFTDea +# 专辑名称:Dive Deep (Promo) TDY =! 歌手姓名:Morcheeba '^~38=FA 唱片公司:Pias mBWhC<kKs 发行日期:January, 2008 9<6Hs3|.! 风格类型:Trip Hop/Electronica/Experimental A:YWXcg 视听主页:http://www.myspace.com/morcheeba <PTi>C8;r 官方网站:http://www.morcheeba.co.uk g].v .Af H>)E 一位网友的评价: uW^ W/S%' |
sZu1K 一支大牌英伦乐队。曾经还来过中国做过演出。 g0"KCX 细心的朋友也一定会发现这张专辑大多是与其他歌手的合作作品, -K U@0G 由此可以看出乐队的资历底蕴有多深厚。 8b:\@]g$ 感觉这支乐队很复杂,风格上来说也是非常多样化。 Cswa5l`af 准确点的来说,这是一支来自英国的灵魂乐队, hSfLNvK
氛围音乐迷人之处在于对节奏和乐器的特殊处理。 C^!ej" 其中之一的男主唱声音非常优雅,轻柔,一贯的英伦味道。 E K#ib 而另一位居然还是名DJ,基本乐队歌曲的Mix作品,搭配都是由他一手包办。 eVB.g@%T 而女主唱似乎并不是英国人,因为她会唱法语歌曲。 p="K4E8~H Au Dela被她唱的好伤感。 {uji7TB MD=VR(P?eq About Morcheeba kG|pM54:^ oLz9mqp2% We began to make music, we carried on and now we are all the better for it. It has been a long and interesting journey (so far) and the challenge gets more engrossing by the day. Morcheeba have a reputation for keeping our audience guessing, this is because we ourselves have no clear idea either. The spirit of the music seems to dictate what it needs and our collaborators also bring something unexpected every time. We have always believed in the D.I.Y. ethic and record and mix everything in our own London studio. We have a collection of vintage and specially modified equipment hence our warm and textured sound. We also have cool software customized to slice, dice and make the beats nice. We have toured most of the World including China, Russia and the Americas. Along the way we have worked with some wonderful folks including David Byrne, Skye, Jim White, Slick Rick, Kurt Wagner, Biz Markie, Mr Complex, Big Daddy Kane, Nosaj the Great, Booty Brown (The Pharcyde), Mos Def, Quannum, Pace Won, Thomas Dybdhal, Judie Tzuke, Spikey T, Rob Mullender, Mr Lif, Cool Calm Pete, DJ Swamp, DJ Big Wiz and have produced many remixes and tracks for other "big names". 8!VFb+ 6 jo+i[h Morcheeba is an English band that mixes influences from trip hop, rock, rhythm and blues and pop. Their most popular albums include debut Who Can You Trust? and Big Calm. They achieved huge international pop crossover success with the single Rome Wasn't Built in a Day in 2000. u(P;) E"1 rBovC Release in 2008, Dive Deep is Morcheeba's sixth album and second without lead singer Skye Edwards. It features a lot of different vocalists. z{dn 9S$?2z".2 本人评价: R;Gf3K 3-$w5O3} 非常同意上面那位网友的评价,这张专辑其实早就看到了 HP*AN@>Kw ffE&=eh) 专辑封面在网上有分歧,本人倾向帖出来的这张,那张应该是乐队成员照片合成的,视听主页上是以水为主题 uq_h8JH$ |4u?Q+k%% 在发行日期上大家也有分歧,有说是2007年9月发行的,本人倾向2008年1月(2008年的说法大家可以看英文介绍) 8@'Q=".J *'hvYl/?> 我的这张还现在网上的音质也有区别,我的是82 MB打包,呵呵比现在其他版本的音质都好 @iD5X.c Rhil]|a/ 曲目列表: NJTC+`Hm N~@VZbS(6 01. Enjoy The Ride (Feat. Judy Tzuke) fE&wtw{gi 02. Riverbed (Feat. Thomas Dybdahl) 8GFA}_(^R 03. Thumbnails >" z&KZKI 04. Run Honey Run (Feat. Bradley) +jpC%o}C 05. Gained The World (Feat. Manda) Dt8wd,B 06. One Love Karma C*fSPdg? 07. Au Dela (Feat. Manda) b6~MRfx`7 08. Blue Chair (Feat. Judy Tzuke) {glRXR 09. Sleep On It (Feat. Thomas Dybdahl) &+>)H$5 10. Hemphasis 6
&)fZt 11. Flowers (Feat. Manda) ."\&;:ZNv 12. Washed Away (Feat. Thomas Dybdahl) =*?2+ ; 13. The Ledge Beyond The Edge k7ODQ(*v =D6H?K-k!
 w=S7zzL) /]*#+;;%