- 注册时间2007-03-14
- 最后登录2017-10-26
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- 发帖1903
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- 好评度1898
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- 人品值
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- 好评度
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=Htt'""DN GbLHzw ^x0N]/ 專輯名稱:Arrows And Bridges E{)X ;kN= 歌手姓名:Rise Of The Speedmen 4rDVCXE 唱片公司:ROTS Records huZ5?'/Fg 發行日期:May 2007 Xm# +Z`|N 專輯流派:Indie q]1p Q)\'p *$O5.`] Lx_Jw\YO Post rock electronic music. Cut up drum beats. Vintage synths. Haunting vocals qb;b.P?~D$ Rise of the Speedmen is the brainchild of just one man, San Diego native Gene Padigos Jr.. An evocative investigation into electronic sound, ROTS seems to have opened a pandoras box of digital sound bites. Placed cleverly amidst alluring guitar melodies and tangible drum loops this experiment in sound becomes startlingly accessible. @tSB^&jUWu Padigos began playing piano at age 10, and soon found himself enrolled in a performing arts school where he received classical training in the cello and string bass. One day on his motorcycle, Padigos had an encounter with a drunk driver, or more aptly with the hood of his car. The ensuing insurance settlement led to padigos’ first major musical purchase: a tascam 8 track. Thus began the Rise of the Speedmen. Playing each instrument himself, Padigos passed countless hours in his garage creating lo-fi compositions and developing his indie/post rock sound. His influences included My Bloody Valentine, the Smiths, David Bowie, and Guided by Voices. E,d<F{=8,o Ceaselessly exploring the limits of his craft padigos has continued to push the boundaries of electronic music today. He now sits poised to drop a second album, “Arrows and Bridges.” Those who know Rise of the Speedmen wait with bated breath. Everyone else will surely have their breath taken away. And its anyone’s guess what new dimensions he will reveal. 3^P;mQ$p1 @:im/SE 53hX%{3 01. Who Am I Kidding &B5&:ib1D 02. Rapid Heart Movement `a52{Wa 03. Civil zsuqRM
" 04. Robot Love 8pEA3py 05. Shakedown `Hw][qy# 06. Lucky Strike G+fo'ThG 07. Losing My Mind [Q:mq=<Z% 08. Empty Shell =oVC*b 09. Crumar a(~X 10. Dim the Lights @(c^u; 11. Midnight Session 8AW}7.<5 v#gXXO[P1 B.=n U Sharebig 网盘下载 (1cB Tf 密码:allanzhulei