- 注册时间2007-03-14
- 最后登录2017-10-26
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- 好评度
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6&xW9' 6b: 4{;8 ]/.a gp|7{}Q{ 专辑名称:Breakfast on the Morning Tram _>:=<xyOq 歌手姓名:Stacey Kent }mT%N eS 唱片公司:EMI Music Taiwan aBA#\eV 发行日期:Sep. 11, 2007 oRJP5Y5na 专辑流派:Jazz pop ;Cp/2A}Xx [2H(yLw O N-?|]4e/ 短短十年里,史黛西.肯特平均一年发行一张专辑,中间吸引了全球各地的乐迷,而这些乐迷中,不乏国际名人,好比日裔英籍小说家石黑一雄,这位英国布克奖得主,就是史黛西.肯特的最大歌迷,他还将她的专辑选进他个人的“荒岛唱片”中;另外著名的畅销犯罪小说家约翰.哈维也在他最新的小说“静如止水”(Still Water)中,写进了史黛西.肯特。另外好莱坞老牌演员、导演克林.伊斯威特也因为钟爱她的歌声,而邀肯特在他70大寿生日派对上为他演唱。除此之外,音乐同业对她的肯定更是让人侧目,她被三届卡最佳歌曲创作得主李文斯顿赞为堪与往昔的爵士巨星相比,将她比作今日的比莉.哈乐黛、艾拉.费兹洁罗,更力赞她对歌词的清晰咬字有着纳京.高的功力。 4[f7X4d$ xx`8>2T#e 这样的歌唱实力,让她能够一上全美电视网唱一次现场,就把自己四张专辑拱上亚马逊网站销售前十大。这张“早安.幸福”是她加盟 Blue Note的首张发行,也是她第一次踏进国际大厂的作品。全片由她的萨克斯风手老公汤姆.林森担任制作和编曲,全片以吉他、键盘、贝斯、鼓和萨克斯风这样的小型五人组合搭配,清清淡淡的传统爵士伴奏,衬托肯特的轻柔嗓音,正好捕捉到她声音那种擅于掌握浪漫情歌的那一面。在这些乐手的搭配下,整张专辑呈现出更像她现场演唱会的爵士风格,也与她过去专辑采用较多弦乐、走情歌取向的作风截然不同,其中尤其是John Parricelli连换六把吉他那细腻的声音,主导了整张专辑的音乐织体。这张专辑更特别的是,特别邀请到她的头号歌迷,小说家石黑一雄为她填写四首歌词,在收到这四份歌词后,史黛西更鼓励老公吉姆,首次提笔创作歌曲。而这种请现代名家为她量身订作新歌的走向,也正是史黛西.肯特向过去挥别的大动作:不像以往专辑全部都是翻唱爵士老歌,这张新专辑中的12首歌曲,有九首都是为她新写的。 #*;fQ&p t73Z3M After 10 years and 6 albums on the indie label, Candid, Stacey Kent finally releases her major label debut on Blue Note Records. A multi-award winner (2001 British Jazz Award, 2002 BBC Jazz Award Best Vocalist, etc) Stacey has built a huge fanbase for her cool, classy interpretations of the Great American Songbook, all recorded with husband, arranger, producer and now songwriter Jim Tomlinson (himself a winner of the 2006 Album of the Year British Jazz Award). On "Breakfast..." Jim contributes 4 new songs written with the writer Kazuo Ishiguro - one of a legion of fans that Stacey has attracted over the years (they met after he played one of her songs on Desert Island Discs!!) and this is the first time that they have featured their own songs on an album. Stacey tours constantly - she even turned down an appearance on Parkinson because she was playing a gig (admittedly this would have been her second performance on Parkinson, which in itself is quite unique) - and has built up a very sizeable fanbase which will be determined to get the album as soon as possible. However, since Stacey is out of the UK through September we will be focusing our promotion and marketing push at the start of October as a preview to the forthcoming residency at Ronnie Scotts in November 1st - 3rd. Stacey will be available for press and promotion in late September/early October and we fully expect to find her on some major shows. In the past, her appearances on shows such as Parkinson, CBS Sunday Morning in the USA and even Swedish tv have driven an immediate and impressive sales response pushing her to number 1 and 2 in the Amazon.com charts as an example. As well as the Ronnie Scott dates in November Stacey will play a significant number of dates in the UK both this year. See below for information. {/|8g( %&Q7;? w$_'xX( 01.The Ice Hotel E*!zJ,@8 02.Landslide 77=y!SDP 03.Ces Petits Riens C6=;(=?C 04.I Wish I Could Go Travelling Again efAahH 05.So Many Stars }RP 9%n^ 06.Samba Saravah n-| i 07.Breakfast On The Morning Tram ]@<3 6ByM 08.Never Let Me Go G]3ML)l 09.So Romantic :Ro"
0/d 10.Hard Hearted Hannah Iz$W3#hi 11.La Saison Des Pluies J'Mgj$T $ 12.What A Wonderful World B6!<@*BI 13.The Ice Hotel (Live) WUOPYYW<o $P}]|/Yb cwD*>[j Sharebig 网盘下载 t%YX-@ 密码:allanzhulei