- 注册时间2007-03-14
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间5小时
- 发帖1903
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板3941
- 人品值2209
- 贡献值0
- 交易币0
- 好评度1898
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1903
- 铜板
- 3941
- 人品值
- 2209
- 贡献值
- 0
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1898
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
- 所在楼道
G/NTe N|UBaPS|o [B}1z 專輯名稱:The Real Me 7k'=F m6za 歌手姓名:Chandra Currelley >Y,/dyT
Zm 唱片公司:Young Enterprises hO^&0? 發行日期:August 2007 hZp=BM"bJ 專輯流派:R&B/ Gospel 8]sTX9 `%FIgE^ >(IITt Smooth, soulful, inspirational, jazzy and upbeat all at the same time, with rich vocals. }%-UL{3% ]cx" Chandra Currelley is one of the music world’s most extraordinary artists, with the ability to make her music a unique experience. Her first major gig was touring with the jazz funk legend, Roy Ayers, which produced the duet “Let Me Love You” from Ayer's Sony album “I’m the One”. The Pittsburgh Courier noted “her chops are powerful, but she reaches upper and lower registers effortlessly….she’s also quite a fantastic scat vocalist”. /d{glOk //#xK D fKPiRlLS 01. The Real Me JVD@I{ 02. Nothing Can Take You Away q,<n,0)K 03. Peace kb/|;! 04. All Your Love \?bwm&6+r 05. These Moments [ED!J~lg8 06. The Little Things B.]qrS| 07. Think About It 5u'TmLuKT 08. Kiss And Tell }s`jl``PM 09. Always There P3+)pOE-SI 10. Your Word UiJ^~rn *Gg1h@& di-O*ug 下载地址:http://www.sharebig.com/d/srvsbbuos/07SGfhe46F2B99D0B/The%20Real%20Me.rar.htm t7{L[C$ _ff=B 密码:allanzhulei