- 注册时间2007-01-07
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间0小时
- 发帖1519
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板4369
- 人品值1854
- 贡献值0
- 交易币0
- 好评度1517
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1519
- 铜板
- 4369
- 人品值
- 1854
- 贡献值
- 0
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1517
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
- 所在楼道
vRR(b!Lq 9bxBm ,2R7AHk &l0-0T> 專輯名稱:Chixdiggit II b;K];o-/f 6zf3A:]&{ 歌手姓名:Chixdiggit jMP!/t
:w 1\{_bUZ& 唱片公司:Bad Taste Records Cr a@ @_L:W1[ 發行日期:Nov. 5, 2007 f0h^ULd 'ZUB:R@[ 專輯流派:Pop/ Punk xyvG+K& (=/%_jj [JzOsi~R dZ"B6L!^( Chixdiggit is a pop punk band formed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The idea of the band was conceived by three high-school students in 1990 when they started making band t-shirts for the as of yet fictitious band. According to the band the name Chixdiggit is "the Heavy Metal way of writing 'Chicks Dig It'". The band released their debut self-titled, full-length in 1996. Their latest CD was released in 2005, titled Pink Razors. The band has a reputation for writing often light-hearted pop songs, usually about girls and relationships. j/Dc';,d.( T]fBVA - UMPt"o iYE7BUH= Just finished recording, mixing and mastering a new record in a blistering ten days! First I should explain what I mean by "new" record. We've re-recorded our first self titled record and added a couple of tracks that we used to play back in the day but never got around to "laying down" IcDAl~uG e]qbh_A waYH_)Zx c@ea
;Cv 1. Dolphins Love Kids ]%4rL
S {Iu9%uR>@ 2. Great Legs %{sL/H_ S7A[HG; 3. Where's Your Mom $h()%C7s _Cd_i[K[ 4. Henry Rollins Is No Fun l|Z<pD Vjc*D] 5. I Wanna Hump You @[vwqPOL |*5QFp 6. Song For "R" yE80*C~d 6 pQbh* 7. Stacked Like That aV6l"A] mDJg-BQ 8. Hemp Hemp Hooray JBCJVWUt rK@ UCRf 9. 323 F:P&hK .AzGPcJY 10. Angriest Young Men (We're The) =q4QBAW #G/
_FRo` 11. Toilet Seats Coming Down 1q&gTv |