文字文字 X$&Sw3c
The nice girls are ugly. #R PB;#{
The pretty girls are not nice. L0VR(
The pretty and nice women are lesbians. ?HyioLO
The pretty, nice and heterosexual women are married. e CUcE(
The pretty women without money are after our money. E=*Q\3G~
The pretty women, who are not so nice and somewhat wEc5{ b5M
heterosexual don’t think we have enough money. 7CMgvH)O
Now...who in the hell undestands women? cH-Zj
The women who are somewhat pretty, somewhat nice and have some money and thand god are heterosexual are shy and never make the first move! Once we make the CgKSK0/a
first move, automatically lose interest on us when we take the initiative. ?N*@o.