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/* zu|pL`X **SiteFileFetch.java 2C8M1^0:Z */ $K
G?d>wx package NetFox; zR<jZwo]# import java.io.*; :e9E#o import java.net.*; oL6_Ya 3> fuH'= )US)-\^ public class SiteFileFetch extends Thread { nEn2!)$ "iydXV=Q tIvtiN6[|l SiteInfoBean siteInfoBean = null; //文件信息Bean FP\[7?ZLn long[] nStartPos; //开始位置 _88~uYG long[] nEndPos; //结束位置 `H|g~7KD& FileSplitterFetch[] fileSplitterFetch; //子线程对象 @LmUCP~ long nFileLength; //文件长度 QTyl=z7 boolean bFirst = true; //是否第一次取文件 PHOW,8)dZh boolean bStop = false; //停止标志 WMC6dD_6e File tmpFile; //文件下载的临时信息 4v?S`w:6 DataOutputStream output; //输出到文件的输出流 !kz\
{ hmi15VW //负责整个文件的抓取,控制内部线程(FileSplitterFetch类) [j/-(?+ public SiteFileFetch(SiteInfoBean bean) throws IOException ~gAx { 5s|gKM siteInfoBean = bean; Cv=0&S. //tmpFile = File.createTempFile ("zhong","1111",new File(bean.getSFilePath())); lubS{3< tmpFile = new File(bean.getSFilePath()+File.separator + bean.getSFileName()+".info"); bBQp:P?E if(tmpFile.exists ()) w5nRgdboy! { GS^4tmc bFirst = false; d8K^`k+x read_nPos();
)Ob{] } p*'?(o:= else " h#=ctCx" { ]Lh\[@#1f nStartPos = new long[bean.getNSplitter()]; &,)tD62s nEndPos = new long[bean.getNSplitter()]; D *tBbV } 5u!cA4e" doa$
;=wg Q7s1M&K z(=:J_N } =wQ=` n#R!`*[ *5NffiA}- public void run() _96&P7 { ,8
.`; //获得文件长度 dvf*w:5K! //分割文件 (+@.L7>m+t //实例FileSplitterFetch BKTsc/v2>: //启动FileSplitterFetch线程 Psv!`K //等待子线程返回 xWMMHIu try{ kDKpuA! if(bFirst) *SW,pHYnLb { I@B7uFj nFileLength = getFileSize(); ,)RdXgCs if(nFileLength == -1) ibq@0CR { AjS5 System.err.println("File Length is not known!"); C+mU_g> } JB|I/\(A else if(nFileLength == -2) : ?V; { y\[=#g1(@ System.err.println("File is not access!"); }B5I#Af7 } PX'LN else Dz{e@+>M { a !IH-XJ2 for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) ZUu^==a { W< n`[ nStartPos = (long)(i*(nFileLength/nStartPos.length)); 2*|]#W } i_MI!o for(int i=0;i<nEndPos.length-1;i++) \x!>5Z
Y { LWI~m2 nEndPos = nStartPos[i+1]; @FTi*$Ix } D)_Ei'+*l nEndPos[nEndPos.length-1] = nFileLength; dd$N4& } V~=)#3]`[ } y AWDk0bx ST3qg6Cq2J --9mTqx //启动子线程 =%3nKSg fileSplitterFetch = new FileSplitterFetch[nStartPos.length]; _=8+_OEk for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) T)u w2 { ]ok>PH] fileSplitterFetch = new FileSplitterFetch(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL(),
W6~=?C siteInfoBean.getSFilePath() + File.separator + siteInfoBean.getSFileName(), c;^ J!e nStartPos,nEndPos,i); ^Toi_ Utility.log("Thread " + i + " , nStartPos = " + nStartPos + ", nEndPos = " + nEndPos); R+K[/AA fileSplitterFetch.start(); #RF=a7&F } Trrh`@R // fileSplitterFetch[nPos.length-1] = new FileSplitterFetch(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL(), gy{a+Wbc* siteInfoBean.getSFilePath() + File.separator + siteInfoBean.getSFileName(),nPos[nPos.length-1],nFileLength,nPos.length-1); <} %ir,8 // Utility.log("Thread " + (nPos.length-1) + " , nStartPos = " + nPos[nPos.length-1] + ", B /W$RcV nEndPos = " + nFileLength); E(@;p%: // fileSplitterFetch[nPos.length-1].start(); +RkYW*|$S ~laZ(Bma); {9Y'v //等待子线程结束 `9ox?|iJ //int count = 0; )hug<D *h //是否结束while循环 #*!$!c{ boolean breakWhile = false; :~(im_r !A!\S/x4 R%%`wmG)" while(!bStop) 5)UmA8"zVB { CC\z_C*P-p write_nPos(); `y}d)"! Utility.sleep(500); q8Dwu3D breakWhile = true; i7rq;t< qx)k1 QY GcnY=%L? for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) ZkW@ |v
{ g1~I*!p if(!fileSplitterFetch.bDownOver) hptuTBD { PlZiTP breakWhile = false; qedGBl& break; MbfzGYA2~ } $T6Qg(p }
qR qy if(breakWhile) yjd'{B9{ break; (5~C
_Y B$l`9!, A ? M]5d //count++; 5-^%\?,x //if(count>4) 8-:k@W // siteStop(); ^%&x{F. } >A&@W p1 QCR-l xO1 !9,
pX System.err.println("文件下载结束!"); $VWzv4^: } 91H0mP>ki catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} l,.?-|Poa } h
'[vB^ M N#C2 qz Db(_T8sU //获得文件长度 ~7pjk public long getFileSize() kA__*b}8UK { sg{D ?zl int nFileLength = -1; :OCuxSc%5 try{ U*Qq5=dqD URL url = new URL(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL()); 'c&@~O;^d HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection (); n*Vd<m;w httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","NetFox"); +5[oY,^cO -kbm$~P 5vft}f int responseCode=httpConnection.getResponseCode(); @@83PJFid if(responseCode>=400) pm]DxJ@ { .KucjRI processErrorCode(responseCode); D a[C'm= return -2; //-2 represent access is error N@6OQ:,[F } yvCR = C Jwd&[
O T-C#xmY( String sHeader; toqzS!&.v | ",[C3Jg OZD!#YI for(int i=1;;i++) Rt^<xXX$ { p{q!jm~Nq //DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(httpConnection.getInputStream ()); 4q13xX //Utility.log(in.readLine()); U5!f++ sHeader=httpConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(i); W@,p9=425 if(sHeader!=null) KC:4 { Reu{
if(sHeader.equals("Content-Length")) *Ca)RgM { 9K':Fn2, nFileLength = Integer.parseInt(httpConnection.getHeaderField(sHeader)); lt6;*z[ break; j yRSEk$ } =nx:GT3&[ } -'[(Uzj else [!@oRK=~ break; :z.Y$]F@ } *xg`Kwl5Kl } 9xn23*Fo catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} S tnv> catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} UVc<C
1q ^}Qj} 4iNbK~5j Utility.log(nFileLength); s;2/Nc ~59`S#ax/l (\t_Hs::a return nFileLength; 12sD|j } V.ji
_vX ] 5v4^mk qmA2bw] //保存下载信息(文件指针位置) 'd#\7J>d private void write_nPos() ^mueFw}\ { ,LW+7yD try{ \c~{o+UD- output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); knOnUU output.writeInt(nStartPos.length); s
S5fd)x for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) ydND$@; Z { HNy/ - // output.writeLong(nPos); x8?x/xE output.writeLong(fileSplitterFetch.nStartPos); 5 n+ e output.writeLong(fileSplitterFetch.nEndPos);
{kPe#n>xT } pzq;vMr output.close(); {HHh.K } r1ok u0 o catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} $54=gRo^ catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} <D!c
~*[ } /3Nb Pc)VK>.fc U2V^T'Y[ //读取保存的下载信息(文件指针位置) g[s\~MF@s private void read_nPos() 0UGiPH,() { d)0LVa( try{ 1Vf78n DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(tmpFile)); oY%"2PW1B int nCount = input.readInt(); X#DL/#z k nStartPos = new long[nCount]; ')5L_$ nEndPos = new long[nCount]; wfDp,T3w7 for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) lMwk.# { [.;%\>Qk< nStartPos = input.readLong(); YxEbg(Y nEndPos = input.readLong(); qA/#IUi)1 } mT6q}``vtG input.close(); Fkcx+d } Jf?S9r5 Q catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} 5'X74` catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} K)/!&{7n}a } U.RW4df%E lMBX!9z O:;OR'N9 private void processErrorCode(int nErrorCode) -4e)N*VVu { g={]Mzh System.err.println("Error Code : " + nErrorCode); N&fW9s} } 1Sg|3T8bGT f4'El2>-86 {jOzap| //停止文件下载 T+;H#& public void siteStop() K[uY+!'1 { ZU-4})7uSB bStop = true; 3J'73)y for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) hIVI\U, fileSplitterFetch.splitterStop(); 3cOY0Z#T jVad)2D *%X6F~h(u } ;GE26Ymqly } Cs:+93w //负责部分文件的抓取 n .f4z< **FileSplitterFetch.java B;z;vrrL */ O`i)?BC package NetFox; Y^R?Q' {gFAvMj# GS
;HtUQ import java.io.*; $A;7Em import java.net.*; 3s` V)aXP =Kc|C~g )o#6-K+b public class FileSplitterFetch extends Thread { j?:`-\w5 4l lD6&% J?UA:u String sURL; //File URL W/ g|{t[ long nStartPos; //File Snippet Start Position /Jxq
3D)v long nEndPos; //File Snippet End Position m$fQ `XzU int nThreadID; //Thread's ID 9ZDVy7m\i- boolean bDownOver = false; //Downing is over FZe:co8Mu boolean bStop = false; //Stop identical *.,"N} FileAccessI fileAccessI = null; //File Access interface UrO=!G k [D3+cDph SU%mmwES3 public FileSplitterFetch(String sURL,String sName,long nStart,long nEnd,int id) throws IOException #V.ZdLo( { 3ty4D 2y this.sURL = sURL; k"">2#V this.nStartPos = nStart; "7=bL7wM& this.nEndPos = nEnd; ;asm 0H( nThreadID = id; Mv.Ciyc fileAccessI = new FileAccessI(sName,nStartPos);//定位 =X%!YZk p } 2E$^_YT
C >=if8t! Ci~f#{ public void run() U/ ?F:QD4 { QVIcb;&:} while(nStartPos < nEndPos && !bStop) +J|+es { +7V=aNRlE i=oTg ,H>W:O try{ NW
z9C=y URL url = new URL(sURL); L-#e?Y}$J HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection (); (O$}(Tn httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","NetFox"); D =$4/D:; String sProperty = "bytes="+nStartPos+"-"; }@d>, 1DU httpConnection.setRequestProperty("RANGE",sProperty); zhNQuK,L Utility.log(sProperty); ?-e7e% SOVjEo4'3 }N?g| InputStream input = httpConnection.getInputStream(); wHx}U M" //logResponseHead(httpConnection); :^n*V6.4 'X9AG6K1 lM>.@: byte[] b = new byte[1024]; 6N"m?g*Z
d int nRead; rwy+~ while((nRead=input.read(b,0,1024)) > 0 && nStartPos < nEndPos && !bStop) H4t)+(:D' { Zr=ib nStartPos += fileAccessI.write(b,0,nRead); d$pYo)8o({ //if(nThreadID == 1) ^f9>l;Lb // Utility.log("nStartPos = " + nStartPos + ", nEndPos = " + nEndPos); 8qn 9| } OY: u',T >-b&v $ 4S tjj!ew Utility.log("Thread " + nThreadID + " is over!"); 0; 7#ji
bDownOver = true; Z a!
gbt //nPos = fileAccessI.write (b,0,nRead); `19qq] } U_]=E<el catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} B`i$Wt<7 } j_p`Ng } !x>,N%~ 69>/@< ymYBm:" //打印回应的头信息 :$Q`>k7A public void logResponseHead(HttpURLConnection con) 1Pm4.C) { V\0E=M*P for(int i=1;;i++) .46#`4av { CphFv!k'Z String header=con.getHeaderFieldKey(i); }`9jH:q-Z if(header!=null) 2HD:JdL //responseHeaders.put(header,httpConnection.getHeaderField(header)); k@yh+ v5 Utility.log(header+" : "+con.getHeaderField(header)); 3A_G=WaED else =NadAyv break; ?-f,8Z|h } /,!<Va;~ } Q^L)
Vp" 3f"C!l]Xu +
~"5! public void splitterStop() \/ErPi=g { eIH$"f;L bStop = true; 6#U^<` } /'ZKS T4 ZWS2q4/S 802H$P^ps } V C-d0E0 => qTNh*' A{N\) /* M diwRi **FileAccess.java R:M,tL-l *//文件访问(定位,写) TkRmV6'w package NetFox; ziiwxx_ import java.io.*; "oR@JbdX ^XG*z?Tt `PgdJrE public class FileAccessI implements Serializable{ k[%aCGo 9gy(IRGq/ //RandomAccessFile类用于在任意一个文件的特定位置上读/写字节 le8 #Z}p RandomAccessFile oSavedFile; 2Q@Y^t
long nPos; y \D=Z
N@ <.bRf 1Ipfw public FileAccessI() throws IOException Xh
F_] { %Ds+GM- this("",0); Ab2Q
\+, } I-kWS4 5wv fF.v BEUK}T K4 public FileAccessI(String sName,long nPos) throws IOException uH:YKH':/ { Z+4D.bA oSavedFile = new RandomAccessFile(sName,"rw"); WF[bO7: this.nPos = nPos; 4t*so~ oSavedFile.seek(nPos); 2: SO_O4C } v+xB7w '#.#$8l Ls}7VKl' public synchronized int write(byte[] b,int nStart,int nLen) qtMD CXZ^n { PyBD int n = -1; hr/o<#OW try{ r|eZv<6 oSavedFile.write(b,nStart,nLen); @kxel`,$e n = nLen; $!B}$I;cd } ;j9\b9m catch(IOException e) `XKVr { x#*QfE/E(@ e.printStackTrace (); 3I $>uR } 9t$]X>} bm#(? AXPMnbUS return n; H,y4`p 0 } tU:EN;H \+ 0k+B4a R[jEvyD>( } &%mXYj3y5 ?!'ZfQ:zK iM]o"qOQm /* Nd@~>&F **SiteInfoBean.java Ef)yQ */ 4a''Mi`u package NetFox; t9cl"F= =0
F_H82BE+3 public class SiteInfoBean { 4(8xjL: +&i +Mpb Vsnuy8~k private String sSiteURL; //Site's URL <hx+wrv private String sFilePath; //Saved File's Path Ig6T g ? private String sFileName; //Saved File's Name :j^FJ@2_ private int nSplitter; //Count of Splited Downloading File x@KZ] S DLvi!y B9,^mE# public SiteInfoBean() )]htm&q5 {//nSplitter的缺省值为5 j)C:$ //default value of nSplitter is 5 N?P%-/7 this("","","",5); ye}p~& } >e,mg8u6$ $I9qgDJ) 0#*Lw }qi public SiteInfoBean(String sURL,String sPath,String sName,int nSpiltter) c>"cX& { UVQ7L9%?f sSiteURL= sURL; cyM-)r@YQV sFilePath = sPath; kgi>}
% sFileName = sName; [U/(<?F{( this.nSplitter = nSpiltter; ._O ACq7dLys,B w= P9FxB } L+}n@B $*R/tJ. {0"YOS`3AX public String getSSiteURL() *%/~mSx { ({WyDu&= return sSiteURL; y|wlq3o } ]X Z-o>+, L;Z0`mdz d5 7i)= public void setSSiteURL(String value) X;v$5UKU { Vv1|51B sSiteURL = value; mtz#}qD66 } $-}e; V Zb *^%Q0mU[ I/gjenUK public String getSFilePath()
-!W<DJ* { 9}a_:hAy/ return sFilePath; O3DmNq$dz } a2Pf/D]n ,JU@|` G)v
#+4 public void setSFilePath(String value) L@`ouQ"sa { ~w8JH2O sFilePath = value; sm[94,26 } ';Zi@f" ~vlype3/EF h.O$]:N public String getSFileName() >{\7&}gz { ./Q, return sFileName; %NL^WG: } ;bHV _=CZR7:O !aO` AC=5u public void setSFileName(String value) [(1c<b2r { 9z)5Mdf1j sFileName = value; ]BR,M4 } U!U$x74D5 sVG(N.y ?T+q/lt4 public int getNSplitter() mU}F!J#6 { 4jD2FFG-
G return nSplitter; F1L:,.e` } <! )** Hx,0zS%> }!IL]0q public void setNSplitter(int nCount) ]Oq[gBL"A { orOt>5}b< nSplitter = nCount; y ]?V~% } Sb~MQ_ } 23~Sjr
^%O]P`$ E@7J:|.)R /* Y>'|oygHA **Utility.java !%$`Eq)M^7 */ "
Hd|7F'u= package NetFox; $56,$K`H GnvL'ESa@M j~*L~7 public class Utility { w*R$o yn#X;ja- 0jEL<TgC public Utility() @')[FEdW { K4kMM*D 720D V+o h<$MyN4]g } ght$9>'n ti#7(^j //线程睡眠 ~ 0M'7q' public static void sleep(int nSecond) qT+%;( { '3g[]M@M try{ #'y#"cmQ. Thread.sleep(nSecond); 0\e IQp } ?"g! catch(Exception e) /FRm2m83 { =uS9JU^E e.printStackTrace (); HPZ}*m' } pej|!oX } 4T ~} 62zYRs\Y)X //日志 9gmW&{6q public static void log(String sMsg) !_Wi!Vr_ { &wV]"&- System.err.println(sMsg); o7$'cn } \ZkA>oO". ;XBI{CW ]iUxp+ public static void log(int sMsg) h5^Z2:# { ,LnII System.err.println(sMsg); OOo3G~2r } k=jk`c{<[ } r8xv#r 1 Y/*mUS[oa %4gg@Z9 /* 6}FP **TestMethod.java Jt}Bpg!J */ 32`{7a3!= package NetFox; V)[@98T_4? 6|PrX
L& yjF1}SQ public class TestMethod { 7Mg=b%IYs ci?qT,& 6V7B;tB public TestMethod() %yv<y+yP~ { ///xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe ]d!
UJ&<? try{ qm"rY\: SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost/xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe","L:\\temp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); =ACVE;L? //SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost:8080/down.zip","L:\\temp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); 24z< gO SiteFileFetch fileFetch = new SiteFileFetch(bean); &tg&5_ fileFetch.start(); FG.em } +nJgl8'^y catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} 2h5nMI]' +lHjC$ t%E!o0+8Z } iT2B'QI=< J4fi' ,[P{HrHx public static void main(String[] args) hpO`] { o!kbK#k new TestMethod(); ~f$|HP} } SAy=WV } e&&53? 点击下载更多相关资料