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/* J*D3=5& **SiteFileFetch.java %(A@=0r# */ Ti>2N package NetFox; P X>>h}% import java.io.*; ~9Cw5rwH<; import java.net.*; 99*QfC >=K~*$&> -GZ:}<W6+ public class SiteFileFetch extends Thread { zn#lFPj12 8SOfX^;o Wxzh'c#\8 SiteInfoBean siteInfoBean = null; //文件信息Bean v-&@c long[] nStartPos; //开始位置 D!rD-e long[] nEndPos; //结束位置 "Tnmn@ FileSplitterFetch[] fileSplitterFetch; //子线程对象 3U4h>T@s| long nFileLength; //文件长度 'k9Qd:a} boolean bFirst = true; //是否第一次取文件 Z)!#+m83>- boolean bStop = false; //停止标志 Fd/Ra]@\Y File tmpFile; //文件下载的临时信息 Rja>N)MzBf DataOutputStream output; //输出到文件的输出流 <,</ Ge 0)Q*u //负责整个文件的抓取,控制内部线程(FileSplitterFetch类) qk=OodEMK public SiteFileFetch(SiteInfoBean bean) throws IOException Yv"-_ { /E^j}H{ siteInfoBean = bean; 1EQLsg`d^ //tmpFile = File.createTempFile ("zhong","1111",new File(bean.getSFilePath())); ZsN3 MbY tmpFile = new File(bean.getSFilePath()+File.separator + bean.getSFileName()+".info"); :RDQP if(tmpFile.exists ()) d;v<rw { .(Tf$V bFirst = false; <(_${zR read_nPos(); Gdv{SCV } GzjC;+W else !laOiH { #B@*- nStartPos = new long[bean.getNSplitter()]; * TByAa{ nEndPos = new long[bean.getNSplitter()]; kb[+II } s)}EMDY 5"z~BE7 j$Vtd& >K*TgG6!X } GB{Q)L tUhr gc G5*_ public void run() S4D~`"4$/ { 8X)1bNGqhe //获得文件长度 ,U=7#Cf! //分割文件 1?{w~cF} //实例FileSplitterFetch !yu-MpeG //启动FileSplitterFetch线程 jBU!xCO //等待子线程返回 e_dsBmTh try{ pykRi#[UrX if(bFirst) nmoC(| r { `o6T)49 nFileLength = getFileSize(); q(Zu;ecBN if(nFileLength == -1) xbsX-F { 7l3Dxw/N System.err.println("File Length is not known!"); (``|5;T\ } O6]X\Cwj% else if(nFileLength == -2) dF'oZQz { ~`<_xIvrq System.err.println("File is not access!"); 23'Ac,{ } }u.1$Y else A?H.EZ { ni-4~k for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) -z'6.IcO { &?M'(` ~ nStartPos = (long)(i*(nFileLength/nStartPos.length)); =' &TqiIv" } $O, IXA for(int i=0;i<nEndPos.length-1;i++) 7%yP5c
B { "tz`@3,5dN nEndPos = nStartPos[i+1]; w%eEj.MI|i } iJzW3%E nEndPos[nEndPos.length-1] = nFileLength; c:,K{ZR } !CLL{\F } T^H`$;\ z6'l" D'h :PP!v!vk //启动子线程 %i@Jw fileSplitterFetch = new FileSplitterFetch[nStartPos.length]; ~i=5NUE for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) X@Yl<9|i { lQ| i
Ws fileSplitterFetch = new FileSplitterFetch(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL(), \<x{U3q5 siteInfoBean.getSFilePath() + File.separator + siteInfoBean.getSFileName(), {%QWv%| nStartPos,nEndPos,i); .2/W.z2 Utility.log("Thread " + i + " , nStartPos = " + nStartPos + ", nEndPos = " + nEndPos); <v$yXA fileSplitterFetch.start(); :2-!bLo}& } 2$1D+(5; // fileSplitterFetch[nPos.length-1] = new FileSplitterFetch(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL(), V?4G~~F siteInfoBean.getSFilePath() + File.separator + siteInfoBean.getSFileName(),nPos[nPos.length-1],nFileLength,nPos.length-1); V#\ iO // Utility.log("Thread " + (nPos.length-1) + " , nStartPos = " + nPos[nPos.length-1] + ", g42f*~l nEndPos = " + nFileLength); uEdeA'*^ // fileSplitterFetch[nPos.length-1].start(); /^b=| +Do qQe23,x@5 @^^,VgW[ //等待子线程结束 tV9 K5ON //int count = 0; |1UJKJwX //是否结束while循环 92g&,Wb boolean breakWhile = false; kXW$[R W)2ZeH* nj7\vIR7 while(!bStop) )Q c>NF0 { v Yw$m#@ write_nPos(); #&& Utility.sleep(500);
;"+]bne~ breakWhile = true; @mu=7_$U W(jP??up ])mYE
}g for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) 5j#XNc)" { dPyZzMes= if(!fileSplitterFetch.bDownOver) G$CI~0Se: { C%;J9(r breakWhile = false; ' O d_:] break; 6" |+\ } Fes/8*- } HsAKz]Mq if(breakWhile) k>!A~gfP~ break; A IsXu" Q#sLIZ8= u;=a=>05IR //count++; _A=Pr_kN //if(count>4) !KmSLr7xU // siteStop(); g:fzf>oQ>p } H(ds =l1O9/\9 O"f|gc)GLz System.err.println("文件下载结束!"); THz=_L6 } mY!&*nYn| catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} ,B$m8wlI| } L=<{tzTc ;p/$9b.0: $qfNEAmDf\ //获得文件长度 PVX23y; public long getFileSize() eC*-/$D { Gcd'- 1 int nFileLength = -1; 2JLXDkZ try{ uDsof?z URL url = new URL(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL()); lwp(Pq HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection (); 8eZ^)9m httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","NetFox"); Bey|f/
< 1|3{.Ed S '%!KGVe int responseCode=httpConnection.getResponseCode(); p^?]xD( if(responseCode>=400) jt4c*0z { uI+^8-HZ; processErrorCode(responseCode); IjnO2X return -2; //-2 represent access is error Qj(|uGqm3 } FAF+ } lb[\Lzdvmu _.K<#S String sHeader; i2m+s; xGo,x+U* <ly.l]g for(int i=1;;i++) [E4#|w { qn#f:xltu //DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(httpConnection.getInputStream ()); Nt
@ //Utility.log(in.readLine()); FOD_m&+ sHeader=httpConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(i); ?;?$\b= if(sHeader!=null) [Z{0|NR { qo5WZ
be if(sHeader.equals("Content-Length")) J G3#(DVc; { ~6O<5@k nFileLength = Integer.parseInt(httpConnection.getHeaderField(sHeader)); ,[|4{qli\ break; e$=0.GWT } t+m
ug } -KFozwr5/ else A"R5Fd%6pc break; XonI } B3-;]6 } DXc3u^
L catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} !%Qm{R catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} &kNJs{ :/941?%M e BxOa Utility.log(nFileLength); 18kzR6(W R[_UbN 28 8@-
UvT&o return nFileLength; 'n0u6hCSb } QzX|c&&>u2 y759S)U>>p Cz]NSG 5 //保存下载信息(文件指针位置) )%=oJ!) private void write_nPos() >r~!'Pd! { gQ~X;' try{ :;u?TFCRx output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); mQy!*0y output.writeInt(nStartPos.length); Y> f 6 for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) ={gf x; { L>1i~c&V // output.writeLong(nPos); Zh,{e/j output.writeLong(fileSplitterFetch.nStartPos); |*-&x:p7O output.writeLong(fileSplitterFetch.nEndPos); Kitx%P`i } @h";gN output.close(); Zm~oV?6 } 2/ v9 catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} mq*Efb)! catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} FCMV1, } +4*jO5EZ +YK/^;Th ";$rcg"%X //读取保存的下载信息(文件指针位置) qZ|>{^a* private void read_nPos() @ob4y { ( zL( try{ Zcg@]Sx(I DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(tmpFile)); j65qIw_Z int nCount = input.readInt(); j`pX2S nStartPos = new long[nCount]; -OPJB:7Z nEndPos = new long[nCount]; gS$?#!f for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) N#"( { 2%*mL98WK nStartPos = input.readLong(); YqSkz|o}m nEndPos = input.readLong(); Y6r<+#V } x=~$ik++ input.close(); '#p2v'A } ;u
"BCW catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} I#U"DwM catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} E ) iEWc } |SfmQ; jX8,y pa)2TL/@ private void processErrorCode(int nErrorCode) z),@YJU"z { 8C(@a[V System.err.println("Error Code : " + nErrorCode); !H[K"7w } "hi)p9 _cR HE0@`(mCpa sp'f>F2] //停止文件下载 d iG kwKj public void siteStop() 236,o
{9e { 8%W(",nd bStop = true; ! >l)*jN8 for(int i=0;i<nStartPos.length;i++) V$';B=M fileSplitterFetch.splitterStop(); ir/-zp_ MX\v2["FoV zv}3Sl@ } P>s3Rh3: } F vt5vQ //负责部分文件的抓取 ;+-M+9"?O **FileSplitterFetch.java y2:~_MD */ "{F e package NetFox; a8wQ, m^M sp:T, OX!<{9o import java.io.*; />,KWHR|: import java.net.*; 12JmSvD x%d\}%] XFv) ]_G public class FileSplitterFetch extends Thread { s}5,<|DL ub,GF?9 SZ'2/#R> String sURL; //File URL WQ>y;fi5/{ long nStartPos; //File Snippet Start Position U3UDA long nEndPos; //File Snippet End Position \2Atm,#4 int nThreadID; //Thread's ID v@^P4cu; boolean bDownOver = false; //Downing is over ?f\ ~:Gm/ boolean bStop = false; //Stop identical k9Xv@v FileAccessI fileAccessI = null; //File Access interface F&= X/ K.T.?ug;: GjD^\d/ public FileSplitterFetch(String sURL,String sName,long nStart,long nEnd,int id) throws IOException i
SD?y# { )J<VDO:_YA this.sURL = sURL; Pv3rDQ/Yt| this.nStartPos = nStart; DN%b!K: this.nEndPos = nEnd; 8pZGu8 nThreadID = id; lUJ~_`D fileAccessI = new FileAccessI(sName,nStartPos);//定位 u{ +z?N } wYLi4jYm 4ZAnq{nR4 uKL4cr@ public void run() P^Tk4_,0 { j{?ogFfi while(nStartPos < nEndPos && !bStop) vl,Ff9 { 3{*nG'@Mal Q eZg l! S_ELV#X try{ JsZLBq*lP URL url = new URL(sURL); 9\J.AAk~/ HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection (); <<5x"W(,
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","NetFox"); gf\F%VmSN String sProperty = "bytes="+nStartPos+"-"; FT$Z8 httpConnection.setRequestProperty("RANGE",sProperty); I"5VkeIx Utility.log(sProperty); A0f98?j^ {dF_=`. lCAD $Ia~ InputStream input = httpConnection.getInputStream(); ~p* \|YC //logResponseHead(httpConnection); s=BJ7iU_68 Y:-O/X t<DZW# byte[] b = new byte[1024]; (- QvlpZ int nRead; 31> $;" while((nRead=input.read(b,0,1024)) > 0 && nStartPos < nEndPos && !bStop) #vs=yR/tn{ { dPmtU{E<M nStartPos += fileAccessI.write(b,0,nRead); LeTOVgjA| //if(nThreadID == 1) )U5Ba^"fI // Utility.log("nStartPos = " + nStartPos + ", nEndPos = " + nEndPos); 8EBy5X}US } OoqA`%
u>y/<9]q8 1> IA9]D7 Utility.log("Thread " + nThreadID + " is over!"); z3mo2e bDownOver = true; w$1B|7tX;2 //nPos = fileAccessI.write (b,0,nRead); Ak'=/`+ p } EjDr
catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} 5%K(tRc| } (ibj~g?U, } GJo`9 oT}-i [=} :% m56 //打印回应的头信息 *< ?~ public void logResponseHead(HttpURLConnection con) y|Vwy4tK9 { PC55A1(T for(int i=1;;i++) 'irHpN6n { nKu)j3o` String header=con.getHeaderFieldKey(i); nSR<( -j! if(header!=null) 1 LUvs~Qu //responseHeaders.put(header,httpConnection.getHeaderField(header)); @5:#J! Utility.log(header+" : "+con.getHeaderField(header)); t8_i[Hw6D else )~LqBh break; k,0lA#> } L_{gM`UFc } g* DBW, 3@8Zy:[8< kl[Jt)"4@ public void splitterStop() oa
q!<lI { dm`:']? bStop = true; l37)
Q } 5kdh!qy[$, I\WBPI tuIQiWHbM } <#>{7" } %Xjg/5G - Jnl#d0)
- /* U%u%_{- **FileAccess.java Fsi;[be$A *//文件访问(定位,写) D wtvtglqV package NetFox; ^"!)p2= import java.io.*; ;9"6g=q Cj1nll8c Y'eE({)<K public class FileAccessI implements Serializable{ =}wqo6Bn| \VAm4 //RandomAccessFile类用于在任意一个文件的特定位置上读/写字节 ee\xj$, RandomAccessFile oSavedFile; qx2M"uFJ long nPos; R
Y ";SfYb 8;GuJP\ MG(qQ#;j/ public FileAccessI() throws IOException cj@ar^=`K { /&!4oBna this("",0); "R
%3v.Z } o%_Hmd;_' gBd@4{y6C. dO!5` ] public FileAccessI(String sName,long nPos) throws IOException S<Od`I { 4KnrQ-D oSavedFile = new RandomAccessFile(sName,"rw"); CEl9/"0s6 this.nPos = nPos; G/y;o3/[Z oSavedFile.seek(nPos); E;-*LT&{ } s^zX9IVnp 3 Xl!Z^W +V;@)-
public synchronized int write(byte[] b,int nStart,int nLen) }+dDGFk { *9)yN[w int n = -1; 6u[
B}%l try{ 07#e{ oSavedFile.write(b,nStart,nLen); ds
"N*\. n = nLen; 9D,/SZ-v } rJw
Ws catch(IOException e) U])$#/ v
{ vHM,_I{ e.printStackTrace (); r"bV{v } 4ztU) 1 \Jm^XXgS >}) W5Y+ return n; z 8y.@<6 } y41,T&ja (Y:?qy AZf$XHP2 } +XoY@|Djd Un^3%=; qi=v}bp& /* eYD -8* **SiteInfoBean.java 6O|
rI>D */ CA]u3bf~ package NetFox; 2kW*Z7@D GB8>R Y@2v/O,\ public class SiteInfoBean { ;Yu|LaI\<m ,ocAB;K "fOxS\er private String sSiteURL; //Site's URL 1^AG/w private String sFilePath; //Saved File's Path DM=`hyf(v private String sFileName; //Saved File's Name (Q[(] dfc private int nSplitter; //Count of Splited Downloading File A?4s+A@Eg ,}a'h4C &b9bb{y_$K public SiteInfoBean() x't@Mc {//nSplitter的缺省值为5 ?AYb@&% //default value of nSplitter is 5 B'8T+qvA this("","","",5); |DkK7gw } M&J$9X 'h3yxf}\ ?~=5x public SiteInfoBean(String sURL,String sPath,String sName,int nSpiltter) K_o[m!:jU { u5rHQA0% sSiteURL= sURL; YlJ_$Q[ sFilePath = sPath; Ngw/H)<c sFileName = sName;
?cKe~Q?3 this.nSplitter = nSpiltter; m,^UD{ X-j3=8wPM @@"abhT } J L!:`#\ 0;Z] vl/| `L7Cf&W\l8 public String getSSiteURL() |{9&!=/qf { -s&7zqW return sSiteURL; ^k5# {?I } fx*Q,}t O\q-Ai Tu&W7aoX5 public void setSSiteURL(String value) ufvjW] { !eA6Ejf sSiteURL = value; nXAGwU8a } bmI6OIWl bu,xIT ^ a+,zXJQYq public String getSFilePath()
PaZd^0'!Z { 5Mz6/&` return sFilePath; L17{W4 } 8T}Dn\f h)h%y)1 4MPR public void setSFilePath(String value) k\Z@B!VAq { Rgb&EnVW sFilePath = value; =i:,")W7= } {+jO/ZQu5 Q3rLCg,; }.N~jx0R public String getSFileName() c_Jcy { 1{.5X8y1x return sFileName; i#:M2&twE } <|1Kh ygv L|Bjw3K&D ",P?jgs^g5 public void setSFileName(String value) H?wf%0 { EqF>=5* sFileName = value; h.4FY< } `i)Pf WdBN >6Ody<JPHP =?[:Nj636 public int getNSplitter() (CrP6]= { BY>]6SrP return nSplitter; hUe\sv!x? } L3Ivm: vY);7 pMV ?vH public void setNSplitter(int nCount) *X8Pa;x { +c' n,O~3 nSplitter = nCount; !112u#V } I|.
< } Xh@;4n a^7QHYJ6 b]g#mQ /* ccwz:7r **Utility.java g4&f2D5 */ 6 jU?~ package NetFox; 8f>v[SQ" 9gac7(2`) He1~27+99 public class Utility { F0ylJ
/E hq?F81 ZwMd 22 public Utility() 3u/ GrsF { 2?kVbF D*t[5,~j 58t~? 2E } h(p cGE O:Wd
,3_ //线程睡眠 #@m6ag. public static void sleep(int nSecond) J+l#!gk$! { &Xh=bM'/%m try{ uTNy{RBD+ Thread.sleep(nSecond); uoTc c|Kc } KN'twPFq catch(Exception e) \0.!al0 { 't+'rG6x e.printStackTrace (); =Y*zF>#lP } 5h6-aQU[ } \?[ m%$A i4lB]k //日志 &n]]OPo public static void log(String sMsg) <.:mp1,8V { <vd}oiB@ System.err.println(sMsg); 85BB{T; } }c=YiH,o EpK7VW m O"Rq5 public static void log(int sMsg) sNZOm $ { R0e!b+MZ. System.err.println(sMsg); C:z7R" yj } IwR=@Ne8 } B$MHn? o.wXaS8 z`sW5K(A /* f('##pND@ **TestMethod.java BO0Y#fs */ ~^>g<YR[ package NetFox; (dP9`Na] 2XyC;RWJ% DI[ public class TestMethod { !eP0b~$/^J _ygdv\^Tet DTl&V|h$ public TestMethod() BirnCfj/2 { ///xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe .&.L@CRH try{ I5E+=.T*ar SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost/xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe","L:\\temp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); :=\`P //SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost:8080/down.zip","L:\\temp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); h<i.Z7F;tj SiteFileFetch fileFetch = new SiteFileFetch(bean); G0(A~Q" fileFetch.start(); uTrQ<|}# } Q}uh`?t catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} 0yxwsBLy Yu:($//w o(D6 } M $zt;7P| O@>{%u at(gem public static void main(String[] args) (I;lE*> { A_+*b
[P new TestMethod(); R)Dh; XA } o<rbC <
U } !L)yI#i4C 点击下载更多相关资料