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Sugarland - Love On The Inside (2008)乡村 6"+8M 3M l
专辑名称:Love On The Inside `36N
歌手姓名:Sugarland k2.G%]j
唱片公司:Mercury Nashville {@45?L('
发行日期:July 22, 2008 =zOeb/
专辑流派:Country JjQVzkE
专辑语言:英语 xDUaHE1co
文件大小: 102MB T/NjNEd#
音乐格式:mp3 LXNQb6!
压缩比特率:192k }PZ=`w*O
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简介: 8%-%AWF]
Sugarland 2008.7月将要发行的新专辑的封面 lJ&y&N<O
Sugarland由来自亚特兰大的三位唱作歌手组成,他们都具有相当高水平的独唱经验。 主唱Jennifer Nettles had previously fronted Soul Miner\'s Daughter, 她对乡村歌曲具有执着的追求,她虔诚的嗓音使她成为乐队的主唱;作曲家Kristen Hall已经独立发行过两张个人专辑;Kristian Bush则是知名二重唱乐队Billy Pilgrim(另一位成员是Andrew Hyra)的成员之一,也已经发行过两张专辑 L+t[&1cW
纯正的乡村旋律搭配深刻描绘生活的洗炼歌词,Sugarland的音乐作品正如其团名一般的丰饶甜美、悦耳动人. N+J>7_k
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2006年11月,Sugarland在Mercury Nashville公司的第二张专辑《Enjoy The Ride》出炉。 : u-.T.zZl
不可否认,Sugarland乐队两年前发行的《Twice the Speed of Life》是张非常成功的处女作,这张专辑到目前为止在全美的销量已经达到了多白金。而在Sugarland主唱詹尼弗·奈特尔斯(Jennifer Nettles)与Bon Jovi乐队主唱Jon Bon Jovi合作的单曲《Who Says You Can't Go Home》成为Billboard乡村单曲榜冠军之后,Sugarland在美国的人气更旺了,但随之而来的压力明显也更大了。虽然在这此之前,Sugarland的创始人,主要创作人之一克里斯坦·霍尔(Kristen Hall)选择了离开,但这并没有影响到Jennifer Nettles与克里斯坦·布什(Kristen Bush)两人的继续发展。在这张《Enjoy The Ride》中,女主唱Jennifer Nettles与Kristen Bush几乎合作创作了专辑中的所有歌曲,而Kristen Bush还首次身兼专辑制作人。除了乐队阵容上的变化以外,Sugarland这张专辑最大的亮点就是他们邀请到了曾与蒂姆·麦格劳(Tim McGraw)和菲斯·希尔(Faith Hill)夫妇合作的著名乡村音乐制作人拜伦·加利摩尔(Byron Gallimore)。在Byron Gallimore这位颇有经验的舵手的指引之下,Sugarland不仅没有因为人员的变动而失去方向,反而表现出了难得的成熟。和两年前的《Twice the Speed of Life》一样,这张《Enjoy The Ride》也是乐观而积极的。虽然像Sugarland这种走流行路线的乡村乐队得不到评论界过高的评价,但表现稳定的Sugarland身上的商业价值还是应当被肯定的。...浏览更多 3S;N(A4
Sugarland is an American country music duo composed of singer-songwriters Jennifer Nettles (lead vocals) and Kristian Bush (background vocals, mandolin, acoustic guitar). Sugarland was founded in 2003 by Bush and Nettles, along with original member Kristen Hall (background vocals, guitar), who left in 2005 for a solo career. Prior to the inception of Sugarland, all three members had been members of various folk rock groups. Bush, additionally, was once one-half of the duo Billy Pilgrim, which recorded for Atlantic Records in the 1990s. ^j=bObaX
When Sugarland releases their third album Love On The Inside July 22 it'll be all about the fans. Lead members Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush wanted to deliver more than the average album to their loyal supporters. Together they created a Deluxe Fan Edition that will include 17 tracks (12 regular and 5 bonus) in special packaging with an expanded CD booklet, as well as access to download exclusive music video and "behind the scenes making of the album" footage. :,^>d3k
专辑曲目: Egf^H>,.M
1. All I Want To Do 0+j}};
2. It Happens fGTOIi@#
3. We Run HY*\ k#
4. Joey V7@
5. Love bE4HDq34
6. Genevieve AerFgQiS
7. Already Gone 7wi%j!
8. Keep You Q;wB{vr$
9. Take Me As I Am 'F7VM?HBfg
10. What I'd Give %t[K36,p
11. Steve Earle )$_,?*fq:
12. Very Last Country Song )*D'csGc
13. Fall Into Me +v-LL*fa
14. Operation: Working Vacation M _ (2sq
15. Wishing o%qkq K1
16. Life In A Northern Town (Live) Ia7D F'
17. Come On Get Higher (Live) c{4R*|^
下载地址 ,ux+Qz5(
DownLoad: ]7vf#1i<
http://www.fs2you.com/files/7c569fc0-563d-11dd-bbe3-0014221b798a/ hy!6g n
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5. Love o_rtH|ntX5
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1. All I Want To Do j|(:I: ]
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