观雅思评分标准,探高分写作之路(一) 21\?FQrz
最近在教写作7分班,感受到了同学的热情之余,也被一个奇怪的现象所困扰。那就是这些向往高分写作成绩的学生,无论是第一次考还是重读,更加关注1模板 2 高分词汇 3 能够一剑封喉的句式 4 预测。必须要承认,如果写作想考5分,上述的确是个重点,但是如果想考6.5以上的分数,我们首先要做的就是真正了解考官到底从哪几个方面评判我们的作文,说白了,就是要充分了解评分标准,唯有投其所好,方能百战不殆。 Y1 6pT
评分标准的第一项就是 TA(task achievement)/TR(task response). 官方7分写作的TA/TR所要达到的标准是:addresses all parts of the task/presents a clear position throughout the response/presents, extends and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to over-generalize and/or support ideas that may lack focus Y\{lQMCy
涵盖题目要求;文章立场清晰;提出、引申、并支持主要观点,但可能有过度概括,分支观点不够紧凑。说直白点,考官对这一点的考核主要集中在两个方面,第一点就是字数,大家一定要明白,字数明显不够(小作文低于130字,大作文低于230)一定会扣分,但是字数过多也会适得其反的,小作文字数过多,you will expose the lack of ability to outline, 如果大作文字数过多,考官会认为你在写论文。考官范文的字数,小作文一般在180左右,而大作文通常也不会超过300字。TA/TR考核的第二点,是重中之重,也是我最替想考高分的考生担心的,那就是是否跑题,不管语言有多美,这一关没有闯过去,7分就没戏,甚至6分都危险。下面就是我的一个学生的习作,他是我的一个粉丝,从全项班,单项班到点题班一直在跟着学,我目睹了他的努力,写作成绩也从5到了6,这次通过7分班的学习想实现6.5,但他最大的问题就是扣不住题。 Jry643K>:;
Topic: with the increasing use of mobile phones and computer, less people tend to write letters. some people even think the skill of writing letters will disappear completely, do you agree or disagree? 6
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正文: ZRCUM"R_
the time we are living in is defined as the information era on account of the massive prevalence and the highly intensive application of mobile phones and computers. to say our world wild instantly be paralyzed with even one minute’s absence of mobile phones and computers is not an exaggeration. undoubtedly, the advancement in this realm will make various contributions to human society. to illustrate, the basic infrastructure will be modified, which can better serve the purpose of providing convenience and easiness in daily life. in addition, the development of cutting-edging technologies, which plays a pivotal role in coming and growing phenomenon of communication, such, in turn, will carry out outcome of great efficiency and effectiveness in every field of the community. r A9Rz^;xa
客观地讲,他的语言质量以及句式结构的丰富性还是不错的,但明眼人一看就知道,跑题了。本题需要讨论通讯工具的使用的和写信之间的关系,但是一整段都在夸现代通讯工具的好处与便利,就不和写信的不便之处进行对比,结果就可想而知了。其实这是大部分同学的通病,比如这个题目, some people think the increasing private cars lead to the environment pollution, do you agree or disagree? 无论从单词难度和句式结构的难度上都不应该导致跑题的,但是很多同学都习惯地大谈特谈私家车增长的利与弊,结果导致了偏题。面对这个局面我们要分析导致跑题的原因同时找到有效地解决办法。首先令人纠结的原因就是题目中的关键词不认识,经常听到有学生问:“老师,我要是看不懂题怎么办?”办法是有的,雅思写作的考题80%都是旧题重现或者变型,因此考前把近3年的考题过一遍就可以解决这个问题,另外,我们的老师要主动总结出有一定难度的单词上课展示出来。其次,要做一些心理暗示训练,那也就是拿考过的题目,避开背景句,迅速画出观点句的关键词。比如,leisure industry is growing rapidly. Some people think the high technologies in entertainment result in less creativity, do you agree or disagree? 请问下面三个选项哪个是要论证的主题呢? A: 娱乐业发展的利与弊 B 高科技和创造力的关系 C 娱乐业中的高科技和创造力的关系。 很显然C是对的。这种训练对于防止跑题是很有效的 zKaEh