《Don't Cry》 -XtDGNHF
Talk to me softly P_ x9:3
there is something in your eyes |cCrLa2*-
Don't hang your head in sorrow Aaq!i*y
And please don't cry x0_$,Tz@
I know how you feel inside I have }*I:0"WH
I have been there before 0 lsX~d'W
Something is changing inside you o72G oUfs
And don't you know \"@BZ.y
Don't you cry tonight 7ClN-/4
I still love you baby BiUbg6T.G
Don't you cry tonight @'{m-?*
Don't you cry tonight q}mQm'
There's a heaven above you baby U#W9]il$
And don't you cry tonight #Y;_W;#
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Give me a whisper @e_<OU
And give me a sigh =tE7XC3X_
Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye \d#|n u
Don't you take it so hard now jN43vHm\Y9
And please don't take it so bad 7Z+4F=2ff
I will still be thinking of you m.A_u7D@
And the times we had baby V.*0k~
And don't you cry tonight VUaYK
Don't you cry tonight }&OgI