素材来源:《狗狗旅馆》 $6 W3EOl
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寄人篱下的姐弟俩为不能继续养自己的爱犬而烦恼,机缘巧合之下他们发现了一栋被废弃的旅馆,并结识了宠物店工作的戴夫和海瑟,他们四个一起联手,偷偷打造狗狗的生活天堂,不想却有不速之客....... xne]Q(B>
Bruces: Could I have a word with you? All right. I've got to be honest. I'm at a critical point in my social development and those are two fine-looking, hot women you have behind you, and let's face it, you can't date them both. So, who do you have dibs alt="" width="583" border="0" src="http://news.iciba.com/uploads/090909/3088374_111429_1.jpg" /> `a-Bji?