有时要为每一篇文章统计其点击次数,如果每一次浏览都要更新一次库的话,那性能在访问量很大的情况下,服务器的压力就会很大了,比较好一点的方法就是先将要更新的数据缓存起来,然后每隔一段时间再利用数据库的批量处理,批量更新库。源码如下: =fyyqb4
CountBean.java s.jO<{
/* EA{U!b]cU
* CountData.java ~0-g%C?R
* 'qv;sB.
* Created on 2007年1月1日, 下午4:44 UU@fkk
* KhM.Tc
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under Q* O<@
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose PK rek
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. K3p@$3hQ
*/ yi!`V.
package com.tot.count; %c6E-4b
/** hRTMFgO
* <`g3(?
* @author Yr&Ka:
*/ 'dt\db5p
public class CountBean { qSiWnN8D
private String countType; \3PE+$
int countId; [>w%CY<Fd
/** Creates a new instance of CountData */ 7!2
public CountBean() {} PJ 9%/Nrh
public void setCountType(String countTypes){ W8aU"_
this.countType=countTypes; {0's~U+@
} #s+X+fe
public void setCountId(int countIds){ :%tuNJjj
this.countId=countIds; V_a)jJ
} %cW;}Y[?P
public String getCountType(){ d(L{!mm
return countType; ,86K
} ]h~o],:
public int getCountId(){ qa!RH]B3
return countId; HcJE0-"
} 7U:=~7GH
} W(&6
CountCache.java FDLd&4Ex
/* :)P<jX-G
* CountCache.java 5N1 K~".
* ,k*F`.[
* Created on 2007年1月1日, 下午5:01 D<nxr~pQ
* d=e{]MG(
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under If.n(t[M9
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose .s};F/(diD
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. /PC` 0/b
*/ 1VfSSO
package com.tot.count; 7c::Qf[|
import java.util.*; }aZrou3E
/** V.,bwPb{9
* aIu2>
* @author @}eNV~ROu
*/ 3A
public class CountCache { %N{sD[^
public static LinkedList list=new LinkedList(); KO-a; [/
/** Creates a new instance of CountCache */ },6*Y*?{
public CountCache() {} :QKb#4/8;
public static void add(CountBean cb){ T}2:.Hk:N
if(cb!=null){ Ed=}PrE
list.add(cb); v&2+'7]w
} 8_iHVc;<
} 2nx9#B*/T
} (9z|a,
dzxI QlP
CountControl.java cQ,9Rnfl,
/* (rMZ
* CountThread.java A\C'dZ <N
* j i##$xC
* Created on 2007年1月1日, 下午4:57 0UD"^zgY
* X2P``YFV{
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under NUu;tjt:
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose 6J;i,/ky
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. ZeTL$E[E}
*/ ]Wy.R6
package com.tot.count; i+RD]QL
import tot.db.DBUtils; jZ/+~{<
import java.sql.*; _3U|2(E
/** acP
* Y^5"qd|`
* @author \^m.dIPdO
*/ p5`ZyD]+
public class CountControl{ O=`o'%K<
private static long lastExecuteTime=0;//上次更新时间 8GW ut=D
private static long executeSep=60000;//定义更新间隔时间,单位毫秒 tnL."^%A2I
/** Creates a new instance of CountThread */ #4q1{)=
public CountControl() {} FpC~1Nau
public synchronized void executeUpdate(){ \6 LcV ik
Connection conn=null; ]
?9t -
PreparedStatement ps=null; *JS"(. '(
try{ 9C>ynH
conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); 9;pzzZ
conn.setAutoCommit(false); wXcMt>3
ps=conn.prepareStatement("update t_news set hits=hits+1 where id=?"); /KP_Vc:g2_
for(int i=0;i<CountCache.list.size();i++){ 1:YAn
CountBean cb=(CountBean)CountCache.list.getFirst(); NlMQHma
CountCache.list.removeFirst(); Pzptr%{
ps.setInt(1, cb.getCountId()); ,0.|P`|w
ps.executeUpdate();⑴ J5-rp|
//ps.addBatch();⑵ .f+9 A>
} aa!a&L|!
//int [] counts = ps.executeBatch();⑶ Es~DHX
conn.commit(); v0u\xX[H;
}catch(Exception e){ y\@SC\jk|
e.printStackTrace(); 4UazD_`'
} finally{ ny~W]1
try{ .&L^J&V
if(ps!=null) { UCn.t
ps.close(); -P*xyI
ps=null; jvWI_Fto
} :;<\5Oy
}catch(SQLException e){} FQQ@kP$.
DBUtils.closeConnection(conn); GA7u5D"0
} Q{8qm<0g
} -t%L#1k
public long getLast(){ G+fd.~aGE
return lastExecuteTime; y
} i@Vs4E[b
public void run(){ V!H(;Tuuo
long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
if ((now - lastExecuteTime) > executeSep) { o\:$V
//System.out.print("lastExecuteTime:"+lastExecuteTime); xdCs5ko
//System.out.print(" now:"+now+"\n"); E+:.IuXW$
// System.out.print(" sep="+(now - lastExecuteTime)+"\n"); tb:
lastExecuteTime=now; *WD;C0?z
executeUpdate(); Plb}dID"
} P~o@9RV-
else{ mQFa/7FX
//System.out.print("wait for "+(now - lastExecuteTime)+" seconds:"+"\n"); |z ]aa
} >QA/Mi~R
} xp~YIeSg
//注:如果你的数据库驱动支持批处理,那么可以将⑵,⑶标记的代码前的注释去掉,同时在代码⑴前加上注释 i+U@\:=
类写好了,下面是在JSP中如下调用。 _jiQL66pY
<% dEL3?-;'
CountBean cb=new CountBean(); <( cM*kV
cb.setCountId(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("cid"))); ^P]?3U\nj
CountCache.add(cb); /cM 5
out.print(CountCache.list.size()+"<br>"); _`slkwP.
CountControl c=new CountControl(); `D4oAx d9
c.run(); S!u6dz^[$X
out.print(CountCache.list.size()+"<br>"); o; 6fvn