我可以是你的海洋 I could be your sea of sand v
我可以是你温暖的渴望 I could be your warmth of desire pn p)- a*7
我可以是你希望的祷告 I could be your prayer of hope uWkn}P
我可以是你每一天的礼物 I could be your gift to everyday !-~sxa280r
我可以是你前往天堂的潮水 I could be your tide of heaven D$fWeG{f
我可以是你预知的未来 I could be a hint of what’s to come #By~gcN
我可以是最平凡的存在 I could be ordinary :zQNnq:|
我可以是最特别的 I could be the one dfMi]rs!<
我可以是你蓝眼睛的天使 I could be your blue eyed angel 6FFM-9*|[
我可以是你平静前的风暴 I could be your secret pleasure %fIYWu`X
我可以是你秘密的快乐 I could be your secret pleasure ` 1vDp.
我可以是你期待越来越好的愿望 I could be your well wishing well BV)) #D9
我可以是你生命的呼吸 I could be your breath of life vEc<|t
我可以是你欧洲的梦 I could be your European dream c+ukVn`r
我可以是最平凡的存在 I could be ordinary Y(;u)uN_
我可以是最特别的I could be the one ^ pNA_s!S
现在我可以在这样的黑暗中 Now I would lie here in the darkness M&}_3
现在我可以无时无刻在这里守候 Now I would lie here for all time f/670Acv
现在我可以静静地看着你 Now I would lie here watching over you UgTgva>?
轻轻的安慰你 Comfort you 9dwLkr
轻轻的唱歌给你 Sing to you .s%dP.P:i1
我可以是你制造麻烦的搭档 I could be your worry partner PM3fJhx
我可以是你的社交能手 I could be your socialite o]aMhSol
我可以是你绿眼睛的小怪物 I could be your green eyed monster jGEmf<q&u
我可以是你力量的光 I could be your force of light |F49<7XB[~
我可以是你的庙园 I could be your temple garden fS]Z`U"
我可以是你脆弱的小孩子I could be your tender hearted child /kV5~i<1S
我可以是最平凡的存在 I could be ordinary qZ%0p*P#_
我可以是最特别的 I could be the one yJ*g ;
现在我可以在这样的黑暗中 Now I would lie here in the darkness xm0(U0
现在我可以无时无刻在这里守候 Now I would lie here for all time ~Z}DN*S
现在我可以静静地看着你 Now I would lie here watching over you V?- ]ZkI
轻轻的安慰你 Comfort you num2HtU&%
轻轻的唱歌给你 Sing to you oC}2 Z{
这个旅行会改变吗 Will I ever change the journey B=HEi\55K
这些音符会消失吗 Will the hushed tones disappear A2''v3-h8
亲爱的 Oh little Rita 59H~qE1Md
让我挽着你 Let me hold you y]}N[l
亲爱的 Oh little Rita kC
让我来喜欢你 Let me love you Ki dbcZ