大话西游(A Chinese Odyssey)精彩中英双语对白Ⅰ LlTD =tJ0
V DFgu
五年过去了,仍令我哑然失笑的经典对白。特此逐句整理了英文字幕(正版),如下。很想和大家一起回味!望喜欢。 ^C>kmo3J
Ⅰ &Vlno*
观音:孙悟空,你这个畜牲。你本来答应如来佛祖护送你师傅唐三藏去取西经,你居然跟牛魔王串通要吃你师傅。你知不知道你犯了弥天大罪? t@%w:*&
Monkey King, you bastard. You've promised Buddha to help the Longevity Monk to get scriptures in the west. But the King Bull and ^~4]"J};M
you decided to eat your master. Do you know you've made a real big mistake? z/7q#~J,
悟空:少罗嗦!你追了我三天三夜,因为你是女人我才不杀你,不要以为我怕了你了! ]c(FgYc
Bitch! You've followed me for 3 days. I didn't beat you up because you're a woman. Don't think that I'm afraid of you. +R'8$
唐僧:悟空,你怎么可以这样跟观音姐姐讲话呢? Wf~^,]9N
Monkey King, be polite to Goddess! w-|Rb~XT
悟空:哗!不要吵! _>gz&
Shut up. ]ch=@IV
)nN!% |J
唐僧:你又在吓我! GS;GJsAs
You scare me again. pc`P;Eui
观音:你不是怕我又为什么要打伤紫霞仙子抢她的月光宝盒呢,你不就是想躲开我吗? [$y(>]~.
(缺字幕) and stole her Pandora's Box. You just wanna escape. L%/RD2LD
L8 P0bNi
悟空:既然躲不了那老孙就跟你绝一死战!(悟空将月光宝盒随手一抛,正好砸在唐僧头上。) LuS@Kf8N+
Now, I can't escape, I will fight with you. &V38)83a
唐僧:又干什么?(俩人正要动手,突然……) SmXoNiM"y
What's up? z'L0YqXG/
唐僧:哎哎哎!大家不要生气,生气会犯了嗔戒的!悟空你也太调皮啦,我跟你说过叫你不要乱扔东西,乱扔东西这么做…你看我还没说完你又把棍子给扔掉了!月光宝盒是宝物,你把他扔掉会污染环境。唉,要是砸到小朋友那怎么办?就算没有砸到小朋友砸到那些花花草草也是不对的呀!(悟空一把抓住唐僧手中的月光宝盒) T3w%y`K
Don't be angry. You may violate the rule. Monkey King, you're so naughty! I've told you not to throw things! This is wrong to throw things. You've thrown away the stick. Pandora's Box is a treasure. You'll pollute the environment. You'll hurt kids. If there are no kids, it is bad to hurt plants. *C*J1JYp+
唐僧:干什么? y0%@^^-Ru
What's up? KzHN|8$o
悟空:放手! )*KMU?
Let go! j0l,1=^>l
唐僧:你想要啊?悟空,你要是想要的话你就说话嘛,你不说我怎么知道你想要呢,虽然你很有诚意地看着我,可是你还是要跟我说你想要的。你真的想要吗?那你就拿去吧!你不是真的想要吧?难道你真的想要吗?…… -P]O t>%S
You want? Speak up if you want! Why do you keep silent? Why are you looking at me? Although your eyes are full of sincerity, I'm very glad, you still have to speak up. Take it! Do you really like? Really? i/>k_mG$d
ing'' _
悟空:我Kao!(悟空一拳将唐僧打倒。) o "z()w~
Shit! u>>|ZPe
观音:啊?孙悟空…… 1*O|[W
Monkey King…… Tm%5:/<8
-` ]9o3E7H
悟空:大家看到啦?这个家伙没事就长篇大论婆婆妈妈叽叽歪歪,就好象整天有一只苍蝇,嗡……对不起,不是一只,是一堆苍蝇围着你,嗡…嗡…嗡…嗡…飞到你的耳朵里面,救命,救命啊!(悟空倒地翻滚,异常痛苦。) [$dVs16K
See, this guy keeps talking all the time, we don't know what he's talking about. He's just like a fly hanging around. Sorry, not a fly. It's a swarm of flies flying near your ears…… Flying into your brain. Help. Help! <\229
悟空:所以呢我就抓住苍蝇挤破它的肚皮把它的肠子扯出来再用它的肠子勒住他的脖子用力一拉,呵--!整条舌头都伸出来啦!我再手起刀落哗--!整个世界清净了。现在大家明白,为什么我要杀他! 4$-R|@,|_
So I catch that fly. Open its belly. Take out its intestine. Put its intestine around its own neck. Then I pull the intestine tightly. Everybody, the tongue comes out. I use a blade and cut! Wow! All the people keep silent. Now you know why…… Why I need to kill. J6 ~Sr
观音:哼!悟空,你诸多借口,你根本就不想去取西经! !j!w$
Monkey King, you have so many excuses. You don't want to get scriptures in the west. V^7.@BeT
悟空:说那么多干什么,打呀!我老孙有金刚不坏之身,十个观音我都不放在眼里。(俩人一番斗法,悟空被观音降服收入甘露瓶。) {"o9pIh{~
Shut up please! Beat! I've got a super body. You can't hurt me. I don't scare of any god. *@rA7zPFf
观音:今天我要替天行道! 1}VaBsEV
I'm gonna punish you. yP"2.9\erH
唐僧:哎哎!徒弟有错做师傅的也有责任,求姐姐放他一条生路吧! yi$CkG}
If a disciple has made a mistake, his master needs to take the responsibility. Goddess, please pardon him! &xGdKH
观音:我不消灭他没法儿向玉皇大帝交代! 80nE QT
I have to do so, I need to report to Heaven Emperor. :WB uU
唐僧:请姐姐跟玉皇大帝说一声,贫僧愿意一命赔一命!(合十坐地,将法杖向空中一抛) XYU5.
Goddess, please tell Heaven Emperor, I can sacrifice my life for him. V.B@@ ;
观音:Longevity Monk. k_pv6YrE
唐僧:喃呒阿弥陀佛!(法杖将唐僧砸死。) <H-Nft>O
Namonitabhaya…… kpgvAKyx
Ⅲ QE]'Dc%
(半夜二当家用迷魂香使春三十娘现出蜘蛛原形,众人合力追捕蜘蛛,却错把双脚倒立用手走路的至尊宝当作蜘蛛精来用火烧,使至尊宝下身着火,幸亏二当家用力将火踩灭。) ')xOL=w
至尊宝:是谁烧我? CCTU-Xz/
Who burned me? +\=g&G,
众人:(齐声)不是我!是他!(指二当家) h&4s%:_4
Not me! I have no idea. LL<xygd