“九”句英语闯天下 +B^(,qKMN
之耍赖九句 ^`b&fbv
游戏时耍赖︰ Ki#({~
That doesn't count. @\-i3EhR
那不算! jDI )iW`P
We weren't playing for real. X r7pFw
我们不是玩真的。 hw[ jVx
欠钱时耍赖︰ >7@kwj-f)
Money has been really tight lately... f:$LVpXS-
最近手头有点紧…… qyXx`'e
I've had so many other expenses... qk}(E#.>F\
我有太多其它的费用要付…… Be"Swz(n
犯错时耍赖︰ *69yB
It's not my fault. +<p?i]3CHe
那不是我的错。 om 3$=
He / She made me do it. +uR|0Jo8X
他(她)要我做的。 vIBVp
交通违规时耍赖︰ )
I didn't see the sign. 7%rSo^t,L
我没有看到标胖尽? M6n9>aW4
规避责任时耍赖︰ =GO/r;4
It's not my turn to... )9_jr(s
这次不是轮到我…… JQVu&S
I didn't know anything about it... Eyw)f>
我对此事一无所知…… a
之恭贺新禧九句 (nP 6Xq
祝新年新气象: nnBgTtsC]
As the new year begins, let us also start anew. X]'Hz@$N
一元复始,万象更新。 CbK&.a
祝新年财运佳: ]:* 8
Happy New Year and hope you strike it rich! TmS;ybsG
恭喜发财 '&L ;y
May wealth and riches be drawn your way./May you walk the path of prosperity. f'/@h Na3
招财进宝 :SxOQ(n
May a river of gold flow into your pockets. 3#>;h
财源广进 [BS3y`c
祝新年好运到: m35Blg34
May you succeed at whatever you try./May all your wishes come true. wK8/`{B9
心想事成 3[Pa~]yS
Hope everything goes your way. z-G|EAON"/
万事如意 U_a)g
May the New Year bring you good fortune. D
迎春接福 <}pwFl8C)
祝福禄双全: fgFBOpG%Gq
I wish you good fortune and every success. ]2n&DJu
大吉大利 e_J_rx
May you always get more than you wish for. l*[ .
年年有余 9%\<x
4 !lbwqo
之神秘九句 &]~z-0`$!
Guess what! )Q 8T`Tly
你猜怎么着! sr\l z}JW
I know something you don't know! (_ov_3
我知道一些你不知道的事情! ~CRr)(M
Ask me what just happened. i|>K
你猜刚刚发生什么事。 /'1UfjW>
Have I got news for you! 1Giy|;2/
我有事要告诉你呢! bo&!oY#
支支吾吾吞吞吐吐︰ *[*#cMZ
You'll never guess... 8k'UEf`'(
你绝对猜不到…… iV#JJ-OBq
You won't believe... E0=-6j
你不会相信…… `>RJ*_aKEI
The weirdest thing just happened... ,=lMtW
最怪异的事情发生了…… bG+p
面有难色难以启齿︰ i;^
I don't know how to tell you this... 8?W!U*0aS
我不知如何对你启齿…… )8oI
There's something that's been eating at me for a long time... oaI7j=Gp
有件事情在我心里藏了很久…… k%QhF]
之抓狂九句 w5jH#ja
I've had enough of your... _,b%t1v
我受够了你的…… 'DF3|A],
Who do you think you are? xkl'Y *
你以为你是谁啊? 1W-t})!a
How dare you! ld94ek
你好大的胆子! VS^%PM#:/
你是我今生的累赘: g'Ft5fQ"o/
You worthless piece of.... mKZ?H$E%%
你这没用的东西…… IDzP<u8v
You infuriate me. mBc;^8I?23
你气死我了。 3P/T`)V
You're really full of it! H's67E/>*
你满口胡言! 7&NRE"?G
忍无可忍破口大骂︰ mT@UQCG
Shut your face! 133lIX+(k
住口! MLmc]nL=
Get out of my face! }K;@$B6,@
给我闪一边去! ,e>C)wq;
Stuff it! 8,Yc1
闭嘴! [x!T<jJ
之称赞九句 i[d-n/)
每天都该对自己跟别人说的话 s;}';#
You are great. u 8U>R=M
一般的用法: bEbO){Fe
You're great/errific. ]G&?e9OA
你好棒/好厉害。 n5UcivyX
I admire you. ekI1j%fO
我佩服你。 _w+sx5
You're really cool. Q(AOKp,F
你真酷。 tK{`?NS
You're amazing. CJjma=XH
你真了不起。 H|F>BjXn5
You're awesome. z^~uq:
你真了不起。 2|EHNy!
完成一项任务后的说法: ,0<|&D
You did a great job. }K"=sE
你做得很好。 Podm 3b
You really impress me. }'kk}2ej`
你令我印象深刻。 p`{<q
You're an outstanding individual. o [ar.+[
你真是杰出人材。 )^%,\l-!
You are a great asset to our company. e[915Q _
你是本公司的重要资产(台柱)。 9jaYmY]~
之道谢九句 CNbrXN
说谢谢 除了Thank you.之外…… 九句最常用的道谢语 ^ 9;s
一般的说法: K*
Thanks. X,O&X
谢谢。 j(nPWEyJM
I really appreciate it. 5?9}^s4
我很感谢。 b)@D*plS&
比较热情的说法: \jq1F9,
You're one in a million. .RJvu$U2j
你真是大好人。 seAkOIc
You're the greatest. @!%<JZEz3
你最棒了。 B+zq!+ HJ
要归功于对方的时候: \iowAo$
Thanks to you (we made it on time.) 9Od
Kh\F (
都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。 2U~oWg2P
I couldn't have done it without you. !S(jT?'w
若是没有你,我不可能做到。 :Oq!.uO
比较正式的说法: +/Y)s5@<
I'm truly grateful for your help. webT
我非常感激你的帮助。 #"i}wS
Your help was greatly appreciated. J|6aa
你的帮助备受感激。 VJ_E]}H
I'd like to express my gratitude. =N7N=xY
我要表达我的谢忱。 dqF--)Nb
之撒娇九句 %HYC-TF#
我欠你: C:4h
Just this once. I'll never ask again. 9SAyU%mS:
就这么一次。我不会再这样要求了。 )%,bog(x
I'll make it up to you. +hXph
我会报答你的。 CUxSmN2[
I'll give you a massage if you... m"U\;Mw?
如果你……我就帮你按摩。 !xe<@$
你欠我: |&RdOjw$u
You never...for me. a |z{Bb
你都不帮我……。 qQpR gzw
If you loved me, you would... >xP $A{
如果你爱我,你就会……。 9^
咱俩搏感情: .' .|s?s
(kids) I'll be your best friend if you... :kFWUs=
(小孩用)如果你……我就跟你好。 gvy%`SSW
(adults) I'd love you forever if you OSkZW
(XXXXX用)如果你……我就永远爱你。 4|++0=#D$
鸡皮疙瘩掉满地: NaVZ)
Pretty please with sugar on top! /6 P()Upe
拜托你最好了! ;AG5WPI
Oh, come on! d(v )SS
哎唷,拜托啦! p(Qm\g<
Don't be so mean. &NGlkn
不要这么凶嘛。 n$b/@hp$z
之道歉九句 dnNc,l&g
小小出锤说抱歉 :道歉九句 $,h*xb.
序曲:小小出锤说抱歉 IL>Gi`Y&
Sorry, I'm (really/so/terribly) sorry. IOIGLtB
对不起。我感到(实在∕很∕非常)抱歉。 `7N[rs9|S
Apologize./Please accept my apology. <[a9"G7
我道歉。∕请接受我的道歉。 <cepRjDn
I feel really bad about... *y N,e.t
我对(某件事)感到非常抱歉。 \>I&UFfH)4
间奏曲:争取同情说抱歉 *AxKV5[H
I didn't mean it. q"]-CGAa
.我不是故意的。 6Ajiz_~U
It's all my fault. %A W
全是我的错。 Q) FL|
How could I be so thoughtless? 0V`/oaW;
我怎么会那么粗心大意呢? /{qr~7k,oQ
How can I make it up to you? y'E)iI*
我要怎样才能补偿你? U'lrdc"Q
终曲:请求原谅说抱歉 dks0
I'll never forgive myself. -JUv'fk
我永远不能原谅自己。 0BVMLRB
Will you ever forgive me? Txw,B2e)>