- 注册时间2007-01-07
- 最后登录2017-10-26
- 在线时间0小时
- 发帖1519
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 铜板4369
- 人品值1854
- 贡献值0
- 交易币0
- 好评度1517
- 信誉值0
- 金币0
- 发帖
- 1519
- 铜板
- 4369
- 人品值
- 1854
- 贡献值
- 0
- 交易币
- 0
- 好评度
- 1517
- 信誉值
- 0
- 金币
- 0
- 所在楼道
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My Little Radio-My Little Radio 0?4^.N n3 辑名称:My Little Radio V\7u 歌手姓名:My Little Radio bM3'm$34 唱片公司:N/A 2Nt]Nj` 发行日期:Feb 2, 2007 MT#[ -M\ 专辑流派:Pop Rock 7zkm K?9H.#( aid)q&AcQ G}hkr
 B8#f^}8 7_'k`J@_ 专辑介绍: DkMC!Q\ HIp {< M3 “It is what it is…” Simple words that are well suited for the way My Little Radio came together as a band. After years of playing music in and around the city of Boston, the members of MLR seemed to simply find each other by chance. Rx"VscB6z fS$Yl~-m? “…there was something inherently appealing about My Little Radio. The music – hard-rock grooves and riffs you’d expect from such a band playing power rock – served as nothing more than a backdrop for the star of the show… Kate O’Brien’s stage presence [and] sincerity mixed well with her booming-but-beautiful voice… My Little Radio is the type of band that wins these Battle O’ the Band Competitions in the movies, with all close-up shots on the adorably spunky singer.” – The Boston Herald.com (coverage of the 2007 WBCN Rumble)
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P@T $6%~ 曲目列表: /7HIL?r Y<$"]@w 01. Leave The Light On zZ"')+7q&% 02. All You Wanted wCEfR!i 03. Lost My Cool +VI0oo {Z 04. Beginning Of The End v_F?x! 05. Miss You {~p %\ 06. Waste Another Night ljR?* P 07. Walk Away P9HPr2 08. Centurion De La Noche w!Lb;4x ? 09. Drive Through Diary nOoh2jUM 10. Don't Go Home E=U^T/ ^~kFC/tQ
"@<g'T0 !Q/O[6 专辑打包下载地址:http://www.sharebig.com/d/sritrk ... tle%20Radio.rar.htm YwTtI ID% w\Eve: