Baby Bat eTemRNz
蝙蝠宝宝 h`X)sC+
Either a young goth or a new-comer to the scene, previously derogatory. zD:"O4ZM^^
指年轻哥特或新哥特,原带有贬义。 Fxdu)F,~u
Batcaver x1</%y5ev
蝙蝠洞人 =_- 56t9h/y
Originally a frequenter of the early goth nightclub the Batcave, now referring to older goths who are fans of the music played there.原指经常出入于早期哥特俱乐部Batcave的人,现在用来指代喜爱该场所演出的过乐队的音乐的老哥特。 6z=h0,Y}
Cybergoth A}pmr
赛博哥特 zgRZgVj
Goth interested in cyberculture.[2]
喜爱赛博文化的哥特。 ;=
Corporate goth *F0O*n*7W
公司哥特 q&OF?z7H
Goth with a day job, often melding corporate wear (or office wear) with gothic style.白天上班的哥特,常将正式着装(或办公室着装)与歌特时尚结合。 u+%Ca,6
Doom Cookie/ Gloom Cookie L)W1bW}
厄运甜饼/忧郁甜饼 =_- /|V!2dQs"
A derogatory term for a person in the goth scene who is seen as other-than-genuine. (Doom referring to males and Gloom referring to Females.)带有贬义,指哥特圈中被认为不真诚的,不纯的哥特(厄运甜饼指男性,后者指女性。) ]Ir{9EE
ZDuP|" ^
Elder goth (T:OZmEO.
老哥特 XG FjqZr`
A goth who has been part of the subculture since it originally came about, or a goth over the age of 40.指从哥特文化发源之初就参与其中的或是年龄超过40岁的歌特。 oU`8\n](
Gothdom ? 3
Goth society. C4wJSQl_I
哥特社交界 IZ+kw.6e
Gothing Up BK`NPC$a
Getting dressed in goth attire, often before visiting a club. Agt6G\n
指着哥特盛装,通常是在去俱乐部之前的举动 &J(+XJM%
Gothics [mwJ* GJ-
Goth style trousers, or more loosely the entire attire.[citation needed] 81Ixs
哥特式的裤子,或是泛指全部哥特服饰。 ^'>kZ^w0
Graver qNb|6/DG
A cybergoth who goes to raves. In terms of fashion, cybergoths have rave influences in their attire. 参加锐舞party的赛博哥特。 在时尚方面,赛博哥特的着装受到锐舞的影响。 8w1TX [b
Romantigoth pa4,W!t
A goth who dresses in Victorian-style attire, taking interest in intellectual pastimes (reading and writing poetry etc.). Similar to New Romantic. [P~6O>a5p
着维多利亚式服装的哥特,与过去的知识分子的兴趣相同(阅读写诗之类)。与新浪漫主义相似。 qYo"-D*
Mallgoth商场哥特 ZS&>%G
A derogatory term for young, self-identifying goths who are not regarded as well-informed members of the subculture. Suggests both that the teen in question hangs out in malls and that they buy their quasi-gothic clothing at mall shops such as Hot Topic. While a mallgoth incorporates many elements of Gothic Fashion in their apparel, the term inherently suggests derision from at least some full, adult members of the subculture, particularly due to the deviations between the mallgoth's look and accepted goth attire. ETU.v*HT]
指年轻的,自认为是的、不那么见多识广的哥特,带贬义。mallgoth这个词指那些游荡在购物中心,买那些“看起来哥特”的衣服的人,比如在hottopic买东西的。虽然mallgoth将许多哥特元素融入了他们的外表但是那些老歌特喜欢用这个词来称呼他们。 {p3VHd#
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Mansonite {6H%4n
A young person who is mainly influenced by Marilyn Manson and calls themself "goth"; used as a derogatory term. Formerly often synonymous with "Mallgoth." #=@H-ZuD7
指主要从manson处得到影响并自称“哥特”的人;带贬义。以前同mall goth意思相同。 rHe*/nN%*
The Neph YDh6XD<Z
The Fields of the Nephilim }xhat,9
指乐队Fields of the Nephilim 5'iJN$7
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NINny vwy10PlqL
Pronounced ninny, a derogatory term for fans of the band Nine Inch Nails ("NIN") who worship Trent Reznor.The term is used as an insult, and in regular non-goth usage, the word "ninny" means idiot. x1H?e8
读作“ninny”带有贬义,指代崇拜Trent Reznor的九寸钉乐队(NIN)乐迷。该词被认为带有侮辱性质,通常非哥特所用,“ninny”意为白痴。 MtE18m"z
Plastic Goth R}~p1=D
Not a real full time Goth, adopting only the fashionable side of the subculture or practising it only at weekends. (EZ34,k'S
不是“全职”哥特,只是将哥特时尚的一面融入自己的装扮或只在周末做哥特的人。 ?naPti1GX
Spot the Goth 5vxKkk&i4l
定位哥特 !%w#h0(b
Looking for other goths, most often in areas where they are unlikely to be, or on the way to goth venues.[16] e<_yr>9g"
寻找其他哥特,特别是在他们通常不大会出现的场所,或是在去哥特聚点的路上。 \Xy]z
Spooky Kids #$\cRLPg
(呵呵,the nightmare before christmas里面绑架圣诞老人那三个小孩也叫这个) ;=rM Ii
From the original name for Marilyn Manson's band. Originally a term for Manson fans, it has come to be a derogatory term for mallcore and Marilyn Manson fans, similar to the term Mansonite. HbQvu@
manson的乐队最早的名字。原指manson的歌迷(其实有个raper也叫spooky他的fans也叫这个=-)现在成了一个指代manson歌迷和只爱购物打扮的人的贬义词,与Mansonite相近。 #Bo/1G=
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Ubergoth @3D8TPH
The pinnacle of goth style, or a goth who is always perfectly dressed. The goth that will "dress to the nines to go out and buy the milk".[18] e[`E-br^
指哥特风格的顶点,或一位永远完美着装的哥特。那种“买牛奶也要彻底打扮一番的”哥特。 @\~qXz{6J