"President Obama has been explaining his healthcare plan now to senior citizens. And yesterday, at a town hall meeting, he promised the crowd that he will not, quote, 'pull the plug on Grandma.' Then, there was an awkward moment when Grandpa stood up and booed." --Conan O'Brien BBDOjhik
"These are troubled times, and we need a hero, someone unencumbered by politics as usual. Someone who could kill a moose with one hand and skin a bear with the other. Someone without a job. ... Yes! Like a ship slowly appearing over the horizon to an island of castaways, Sarah Palin has arrived with fresh food, clothing and that little box she keeps next to her bed filled with crazy." --Jon Stewart, on Palin accusing Obama of trying to create "death panels" that will kill her baby 5"sF#Y&
人生总会有些麻烦的时候,我们需要一个英雄,一个和平常一样不会被政治妨碍的人。一个能用一只手杀死一只鹿用另一只手给熊剥皮的人。一个没有工作的人……对,就像一艘船缓缓的出现在地平线上,驶向一个难民的小岛,莎拉·佩林带来了新鲜事物、衣服和一个她放在床头的小盒子,里面装满了疯狂。——乔·爱图尔特评论莎拉·佩林指控奥巴马试图创造能杀死她的小孩的“死亡项目”。 ifkA3]
"It does seem to me a tad ironic that Sarah Palin is so against killing old people considering that she's the one who smothered the life out of the McCain campaign." --Bill Maher, on Palin's opposition to the so-called "death panels" she claims are part of the health care reform bill +RM3EvglDQ
"During his weekly radio address, President Obama said we've finally begun to put the brakes on this recession, which is good news. Unfortunately, the brakes were built by General Motors." --Jimmy Fallon (8{Z@
"According to a new report that just came out, NASA doesn't have enough money to track all the giant asteroids that could crash into Earth. NASA says we shouldn't worry though because they've given the job to Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck." –Conan O'Brien T'X Rl@
"Yesterday, GM announced a new car that will get 230 miles a gallon. Today, Nissan said their new car is going to get 367 miles a gallon. It's getting crazy -- Toyota just announced their new car will get 500 miles per gallon, plant rain forests, give birth to endangered pandas." --Conan O'Brien Sa Nx;xgi
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"President Obama says he will not support a healthcare plan where the government gets to decide whether to, quote, 'pull the plug on Grandma.' Apparently, Obama's plan calls for the much quicker pillow option." --Conan O'Brien {>:2Ff]O:
"This is a weird story. Someone recently tried to sell an Xbox that was autographed by Sarah Palin for $1.1 million. Yeah. Unfortunately, the Palin Xbox kept quitting in the middle of every game." --Conan O'Brien :p{iBDA
"Former President Clinton, of course, in the news a lot lately. Yesterday, former President Clinton gave a speech to a group from Haiti, and he urged them not to give up hope. Clinton said, 'Things can start to look bleak, and then, all of the sudden, you're on an airplane with two hot Asian chicks.'" --Conan O'Brien `4o;Lz~