" Cold river, said: "Some children are very red." Lookout Mountain Gu saw his eyes a moment and said: "do not know , many other people who run our schools play here. "cold river to complete the power of today's practice, and Lookout Mountain, and talk with care. Mount Hope took care of a book, two oranges, throw a cold river, the two found a shade of a tree, sat down to rest. 9? |m ^
"Not Yes", Gu Wang Shan sudden hand pointed. Cold river down his fingers and saw seven or eight menacing came to the playground, they are nothing but hot day, wearing jacket. Wang Shan Gu frowning: "perhaps a guy." Jiang, cold one, D7v.Xq|
that makes sense, he said, frowning: "these guys is to scare people, should not really mess come." Gu Wang Shan said: "You do not know, and age of the small fry The most horrible, do not know the severity of many small things can be under the dead hand. "cold river can not help but laugh, Gu Wang Shan, but also the age of fifteen-year-old, this is, indeed'd look like old-fashioned. Near a group of people walked away from that half of the play two wherever he goes, OYOczb]
who also noted the court, have stopped watching them. Lead a man suddenly appeared behind the guy, pointing to a few people playing, and he, he, he,buy wow gold, he, these guys beat me.Jiang cold frown: "is just the guy to go, do not make great, right?" Voice hardly ever, come in groups jacket zipper has been opened, which is a short iron and steel, F3nPQw{;
actually led with a the machetes. Lookout Mountain Shua Gu stand up, anxious and said: "Today is worse." Playing on the playground who has been in the back, some people in the scattered away. Take the lead in the Big Brother loud clamor, QaOFl`i
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