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PHP 4.1.0 的 php.ini 的全文翻译

级别: 大掌柜
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 8aMmz!S  
; About this file ; .{8?eze[m  
; @ =XJ<  
; 关于这个文件 E&_q"jJRi  
; ?cvV~&$gc  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; r`OC5IoQ  
; ~c\iBk  
; This is the recommended, PHP 4-style version of the php.ini-dist file. It 3!*qB-d  
; sets some non standard settings, that make PHP more efficient, more secure, L8{4>,  
; and encourage cleaner coding. .Xcf *$.;s  
; FPC^-mD  
; 4))5l9kc.  
; 这个是推荐的,PHP 4 版本类型的 php.ini-dist 文件,他设置了一些非标准的设置,他们使得 *U}cj A:ZN  
; PHP更加有效,更加安全,鼓励整洁的编码。 W|I<hY\X  
; `z!6zo2d  
; !8@8  
; The price is that with these settings, PHP may be incompatible with some g)**)mz[  
; applications, and sometimes, more difficult to develop with. Using this ={k_ (8]  
; file is warmly recommended for production sites. As all of the changes from ,bRYqU?#0  
; the standard settings are thoroughly documented, you can go over each one, G)8H9EV  
; and decide whether you want to use it or not. ;4s7\9o  
; ny'wS  
; VEG p!~D  
; 这样做的代价是,某些应用程序可能在这样的配置下不兼容,在某些情况下,开发会更加困难。 7 ~9Lj  
; 使用这个文件是我门对建设站点的热心建议。每个标准设置的改变都有彻底的说明稳当,你可以 pl.x_E,HP  
; 处理没一个,决定是否使用他们。 PFSh_9. q  
; K2@],E?e%|  
; C(J+tbk  
; For general information about the php.ini file, please consult the php.ini-dist Evy_I+l  
; file, included in your PHP distribution. 'u84d=*l  
; "">{8  
; >V$ S\"  
; 关于 php.ini 的一般信息,请参考 php.ini-dist 文件,包括你的 PHP 的说明 o ?`LZd:{  
; j FH wu*  
; x T{s%wE  
; This file is different from the php.ini-dist file in the fact that it features Id<O/C  
; different values for several directives, in order to improve performance, while k"pN  
; possibly breaking compatibility with the standard out-of-the-box behavior of *a2-Vte  
; PHP 3. Please make sure you read what's different, and modify your scripts k+% c8w 9  
; accordingly, if you decide to use this file instead. FE4P EBXvu  
; G]k+0&X  
; 6Z>G%yK  
; 这个文件和 php.ini-dist 的区别在于它给予了一些指示不同的值,来提高性能,同时可能破坏了 `Re{j{~s  
; PHP 3 的标准的 out-of-the-box 特性。 *Me&> "N"  
; HU47 S  
; (p!w`MSv  
; - register_globals = Off [Security, Performance] y py  
; Global variables are no longer registered for input data (POST, GET, cookies, =}OcMM`f  
; environment and other server variables). Instead of using $foo, you must use `7$Sga6M  
; you can use $_REQUEST["foo"] (includes any variable that arrives through the h}n?4B~Gi  
; request, namely, POST, GET and cookie variables), or use one of the specific ["~T)d'  
; $_GET["foo"], $_POST["foo"], $_COOKIE["foo"] or $_FILES["foo"], depending 8}.V[,]6  
; on where the input originates. Also, you can look at the (/ e[n.T  
; import_request_variables() function. 4%"Df1 U  
; Note that register_globals is going to be depracated (i.e., turned off by + :;6kyM6X  
; default) in the next version of PHP, because it often leads to security bugs. kVY 0 E  
; Read http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php for further *Kmo1>^  
; information. tpj6AMO/`d  
; ;4Wz0suf  
; v"8i2+j  
; 全局变量不再注册输入的数据(POST,GET,cookies,环境变量和其他的服务器变量)。作为代替的是使用 \]Y=*+{  
; $foo, 你必须使用 $_REQUEST["foo"] ( 包括所有的通过请求传来的变量,也就是说,POST,GET,和 Qk?J4 B  
; cookies 变量)或者根据输入的来源使用指定的 $_GET["foo"],$_POST["foo"],$_COOKIE["foo"] n>L24rL  
; ,$_FILES["foo"] (访问他们).同时,你可以查看 import_request_variables()函数。 3ahbv%y  
; 5}|bDJ$%_  
; 注意,这个参数可能在下个版本去掉(默认为off),因为他经常引起安全 bugs.到 ]wHXrB8vx  
; http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php QqCwyK0  
; 查看详细内容 S '(K  
; 8o\KF(I  
; B.F~/PET  
; - display_errors = Off [Security] T;1aL4w"  
; With this directive set to off, errors that occur during the execution of f|NWn`#bY  
; scripts will no longer be displayed as a part of the script output, and thus, tBtmqxx  
; will no longer be exposed to remote users. With some errors, the error message _`d=0l*8  
; content may expose information about your script, web server, or database D`hg+64}  
; server that may be exploitable for hacking. Production sites should have this 8\BYm|%aa  
; directive set to off. _BPp=(|  
; #'fQx`LV  
; a?]~Sw"@  
; 设置这个指示为Off,在脚本执行期间发生错误时,不再将错误作为输出的一部分显示,这样就不会暴露给 [+(fN  
; 远端用户。对于某些错误,错误信息的内容可能暴露你的脚本,web服务器,数据库服务器的信息,可能被 c1}i|7/XSi  
; 黑客利用。最终产品占点需要设置这个指示为off. ~aL&,0  
; \o<&s{ 6L  
; ?O.'_YS  
; - log_errors = On [Security] 8umW>  
; This directive complements the above one. Any errors that occur during the "YoFUfaNg  
; execution of your script will be logged (typically, to your server's error log, #m6W7_  
; but can be configured in several ways). Along with setting display_errors to off, }_,={<g  
; this setup gives you the ability to fully understand what may have gone wrong, L5n/eg:Q  
; without exposing any sensitive information to remote users. ( yv)zg9  
; Ji e=/:&  
; *f k3IvAXu  
; 这个指示补充上面的。所有的发生在脚本运行期间的错误都会纪录在日志中(代表性的,记录在服务器的错误 5fuYva >Ik  
; 日志中,但是可以配置不同的方式)。随着 display_errors 设置为 off,这个设置给你全面了解到底什么 V1 {'d[E*  
; 发生错误的能力,而不会向远端用户暴露任何信息。 3dB{DuQ  
; -o B` v'  
; a(IZ2Zmr  
; - output_buffering = 4096 [Performance] m.&"D> \t  
; Set a 4KB output buffer. Enabling output buffering typically results in less 2bt).gGm  
; writes, and sometimes less packets sent on the wire, which can often lead to Ox^VU2K;&.  
; better performance. The gain this directive actually yields greatly depends _qU;`Q  
; on which Web server you're working with, and what kind of scripts you're using. ~ea&1+Z[3  
; GN=-dLN  
; \(`,z}Ht _  
; 设置 4KB 的输出缓冲区。打开输出缓冲可以减少写的次数,有时减少线路发送包的数量,这样能提高性能。 +1>\o|RF  
; 这个指示真正得到的益处很大程度的依赖于你的工作的 WEB 服务器,以及你使用的脚本。 3fq'<5 ^  
; EE,C@d!*k7  
; P%y$e0  
; - register_argc_argv = Off [Performance] 6T-iBJT  
; Disables registration of the somewhat redundant $argv and $argc global QB6. o6  
; variables. y;ymyy&  
; #|;;>YnZ   
; y2:Bv2}  
; 禁止注册某些多于的 $argv 和 $argc 全局变量 \$Aw[ 5&t  
; m4 :"c"  
; M6:$ 0(r  
; - magic_quotes_gpc = Off [Performance] CooOBk  
; Input data is no longer escaped with slashes so that it can be sent into uE^5o\To  
; SQL databases without further manipulation. Instead, you should use the oRQ( l I>  
; function addslashes() on each input element you wish to send to a database. m:5x"o7)ln  
; vg-'MG  
; _GsHT\  
; 输入数据不再被斜线转义,以便于无需更多的处理就可以发送到SQL数据库里面。作为代替,你可 tW=oAy  
; 以对每个要发送到数据库的输入元素使用 addslashes()函数。 KDu~,P]  
; *# ;  
; <59G  
; - variables_order = "GPCS" [Performance] ^#&PTq>  
; The environment variables are not hashed into the $HTTP_ENV_VARS[]. To access j38>5DM6L  
; environment variables, you can use getenv() instead. 7da~+(yhr  
; T~)zgu%q_  
; 环境变量不再进入 $HTTP_ENV_VARS[],你需要用 getenv()来访问环境变量。 +W#["%kw  
; NY\-p=3c7=  
; [WBU _  
; - error_reporting = E_ALL [Code Cleanliness, Security(?)] *ez7Q   
; By default, PHP surpresses errors of type E_NOTICE. These error messages Mq4>Mu  
; are emitted for non-critical errors, but that could be a symptom of a bigger YnW,6U['{g  
; problem. Most notably, this will cause error messages about the use :Nl.< 6+  
; of uninitialized variables to be displayed. ,N@N4<C]  
; BBHoD:l  
; by* v($  
; 默认的,PHP 给出 E_NOTICE 错误类型,这些错误信息不是核心错误,但是可能是个更大错误的隐患。 G ;  
; 大多数提醒是那些没有初始化变量引起的错误信息。 o{xA{ @<  
; FcmL 4^s.`  
; X,ok3c4X  
; - allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off [Code cleanliness]  "xp>Vj  
; It's not possible to decide to force a variable to be passed by reference P;[>TCs ]8  
; when calling a function. The PHP 4 style to do this is by making the AN4(]_ ]  
; function require the relevant argument by reference. LT6VZ,S  
; %)PQomn?  
; O^<\]_l  
; 在调用函数时,不可能决定强制传递变量的引用。PHP 4 里通过函数请求相关参数的引用来实现 3y]rhB  
; cPg$*,]  
; }`D-]/T8.  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^s6C']q *O  
; Language Options ; 7 ^n{BsN  
; -A)/CFIZ  
; z[*Y%o8-r  
; 语言配置 #}aBRKZ f6  
; ?v$1 Fc55  
; [A46WF>L  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HRW }Yl  
; Enable the PHP scripting language engine under Apache. :AM_C^j~ D  
; apd"p{  
; =(W l'iG   
; 允许在Apache下的PHP脚本语言引擎 5gH'CzU?  
; {14sI*b16  
; (m& ''yaH  
engine = On ZY-mUg  
; Allow the tags are recognized. .tt=\R  
; wZ\% !# }7  
; CpdQ]Ai[  
; 允许 标记 A^@,Ha  
; x(bM   
short_open_tag = On (5&l<u"K~  
; Allow ASP-style tags. d{~Qd|<rr  
; g%2twq_  
;  :IX_}|  
; 允许 ASP 类型的 标记  cvO;xR  
; .Af H>)E  
; #Q$`3rr  
asp_tags = Off | sZu1K  
g0"KC X  
; The number of significant digits displayed in floating point numbers. -KU@0G  
; Ps9YP B-  
; %LBT:Aw  
; 浮点数显示的有意义的数字(精度) VO+3@d:  
; ["XS|"DM  
; C^!ej"  
precision = 14 E K#ib  
^9xsbv B0  
; Enforce year 2000 compliance (will cause problems with non-compliant browsers) 8`;3`lZ  
; -[-Ry6G  
; &$hT27A>k  
; 强制遵从 2000 年(会在不遵从的浏览器上引起错误) u}BN)%`B  
; hP26Bb1  
; :j( D&?ao  
y2k_compliance = Off eKek~U&  
; Output buffering allows you to send header lines (including cookies) even s&~.";b  
; after you send body content, at the price of slowing PHP's output layer a ?*A"#0  
; bit. You can enable output buffering during runtime by calling the output O!.mc=Gx7  
; buffering functions. You can also enable output buffering for all files by ~AG."<}  
; setting this directive to On. If you wish to limit the size of the buffer u@$pOLI  
; to a certain size - you can use a maximum number of bytes instead of 'On', as )0xEI  
; a value for this directive (e.g., output_buffering=4096). TM?7F2  
; E?3$ *t  
; XIJ{qrDr  
; 输出缓冲允许你在主体内容发送后发送头信息行(包括 cookies),作为代价,会稍微减慢一点PHP P'q . _U  
; 输出层的速度。你可以在运行期间通过调用输出缓冲函数来打开输出缓冲。你也可以通过设置这个 8@'Q=".J  
; 指示来对虽有的文件打开输出缓冲。如果你想限制缓冲区大小为某个尺寸,你可以使用一个允许最大 *'h vYl/?>  
; 的字节数值代替 "On",作为这个指示的值。 @iD5X.c  
; 8et.A  
; TLiA>`r=  
output_buffering = 4096 B#9T6|2  
; You can redirect all of the output of your scripts to a function. For {;j@-=pV  
; example, if you set output_handler to "ob_gzhandler", output will be _=68iDXm  
; transparently compressed for browsers that support gzip or deflate encoding. 4E.K6=k|=a  
; Setting an output handler automatically turns on output buffering. Il,^/qvIY  
; C*fSPdg?  
; b6~MRfx`7  
; 你可以重新定向脚本所有输出到一个函数。例如,你可以设置 output_handler 为 "ob_gzhandler", |? l6S  
; 输出将会被明显的被压缩到支持 gzip 或 deflate 编码的浏览器。设置一个输出管理会自动打开 n*U+jc  
; 输出缓冲 +i.b&PF'H  
; >!|(n @  
; ?{M!syD<  
output_handler = 9dXtugp|  
; Transparent output compression using the zlib library Il9pL~u  
; Valid values for this option are 'off', 'on', or a specific buffer size O`W&`B(*k  
; to be used for compression (default is 4KB) j2"Y{6c  
; 1F_ 1bAh$  
; zPT!Fa`  
; 使用 zlib 库进行输出压缩,可以指定 off/on 或者用于压缩的缓冲大小 &.t|&8-  
; ;Z(~;D  
; p$A`qx<M_  
zlib.output_compression = Off 95CCje{o _  
; Implicit flush tells PHP to tell the output layer to flush itself a,U@ !}K  
; automatically after every output block. This is equivalent to calling the K;_.WzWD=  
; PHP function flush() after each and every call to print() or echo() and each H<6/i@ly  
; and every HTML block. Turning this option on has serious performance ,0R2k `m!  
; implications and is generally recommended for debugging purposes only. W!G2$e6  
; 34P5[j!h  
; !^*I?9P  
; 隐含的通知PHP的输出层在每个输出块后自己自动刷新。等同于在每个 print() 或者 echo() <r{ )*]#l  
; 和每个HTML块后面都调用 flush()函数。打开这个配置会引起严重的隐含执行,一般推荐在用于 Y8yRQ zu  
; 调试目的时使用。 !.ot&EbE  
; KU}HVM{  
; Kzd`|+?'`M  
implicit_flush = Off h7H#sL[^  
; Whether to enable the ability to force arguments to be passed by reference 4x JOPu  
; at function call time. This method is deprecated and is likely to be ,lly=OhKb  
; unsupported in future versions of PHP/Zend. The encouraged method of %wp#vO-$  
; specifying which arguments should be passed by reference is in the function #815h,nP+  
; declaration. You're encouraged to try and turn this option Off and make =7c1l77z  
; sure your scripts work properly with it in order to ensure they will work : *Nvy={c  
; with future versions of the language (you will receive a warning each time hA81(JWG  
; you use this feature, and the argument will be passed by value instead of by ToHCS/J59  
; reference). wGC)gW  
; kGZ_/"iuO  
; "jUr[X2J  
; 是否允许在函数调用期间有强制参数以引用的形式传递的能力。这个方法不赞成使用,在将来的 K$..#]\TM  
; PHP和Zend版本里面可能不支持。鼓励的方法是在函数声明时指定哪个参数通过引用传递。鼓励你 vZns,K#4H\  
; 尝试关闭这个参数,确认你的脚本能够正常运行,以便在以后版能里面正确运行(你会在每次使用 uUczD 8y  
; 这个特性时得到一个警告,并且参数以值来传递,代替引用) R.EA5X|_  
; &)p/cOiV  
; Y+#e| x  
allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off D~xU r )E  
* QF3l0&  
; G/Xa`4"_  
; Safe Mode 2\z"6  
; Pe !eID8  
; G'<J8;B* t  
; 安全模式 .bYDj&]P{  
; M_2[Wypw  
; ~OXC6z  
; PIuk]&L^  
safe_mode = Off >_biiW~x:  
; By default, Safe Mode does a UID compare check when .wD>0Ig  
; opening files. If you want to relax this to a GID compare, #(53YoV_8  
; then turn on safe_mode_gid. qG/a5i  
; t/bDDV"  
; ^#R-_I  
; 安全模式默认的在打开文件时进行 UID 比较检查,如果你想放宽他为GID比较,打开这个参数 n NI V(  
; Lj$yGdK<  
; @awaN  
safe_mode_gid = Off _|ucC$*  
; When safe_mode is on, UID/GID checks are bypassed when 0O>8DX  
; including files from this directory and its subdirectories. Xz=MM0o  
; (directory must also be in include_path or full path must b+NF: -fO  
; be used when including) v?yHj-  
; )T:{(v7 d`  
; OH28H),}  
; 在安全模式,当包含如下目录和子目录文件时,绕过 UID/GID检查(路径必须在 include_path下面 &DFe+y~PR  
; 或者在包含时使用完整路径 -P5VE0  
; S #X$QD  
; 'r%`(Z{~  
safe_mode_include_dir = daaEN(  
; When safe_mode is on, only executables located in the safe_mode_exec_dir <=V2~ asB  
; will be allowed to be executed via the exec family of functions. 2k[i7Rl \c  
; '!!w|k d  
; _1c'~;  
; 在安全模式下,只有给出目录下可以通过 exec 族函数执行 u!%]?MSc  
; *0y+=,"QU  
; ? kew[oZ  
safe_mode_exec_dir = 6-#f1D 6  
; open_basedir, if set, limits all file operations to the defined directory AjaG .fa]k  
; and below. This directive makes most sense if used in a per-directory ,LXuU8sB  
; or per-virtualhost web server configuration file. &tKs t,UR8  
; ]do0{I%\eq  
; SMQuJ_  
; 如果设置,则限制所有的文件操作都到下面给出的目录下。这个指示在每个目录,每个虚拟主机的web 56*}}B$?  
; 服务器配置文件里给出更多的认识。 >Ge&v'~_|  
; I<.3"F1}  
; ,{7wvXP  
;open_basedir = F]W'spF,  
YF @'t~_Z  
; Setting certain environment variables may be a potential security breach.  `-4c}T  
; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of prefixes. In Safe Mode, HB\y [:E  
; the user may only alter environment variables whose names begin with the !cLX1S  
; prefixes supplied here. By default, users will only be able to set A~-e?.  
; environment variables that begin with PHP_ (e.g. PHP_FOO=BAR). K$Y!d"D  
; g!7/iKj:  
; Note: If this directive is empty, PHP will let the user modify ANY DT(A~U<y  
; environment variable! v|jBRKU99  
; e(BF=gesgp  
; ?N#mD  
; 设置某些环境变量可能是隐藏的安全缺口。这个指示包含一个逗号分割的前缀指示。在安全模式下 @4h .?  
; 用户只能修改下面提供的为前缀的变量名字。默认,用户只能设置以 PHP_ 前缀开头的环境变量( ]}F_nc2L  
; 例如 PHP_FOO=BAR). Tn/ 3`j {  
; K 3?7Hndf2  
; 注意:如果这个设置为空,则 PHP 可以让用户修改任何环境变量。 ReP7c3D>p  
; Qg?^%O'  
; 3bpbk  
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_ DJrE[wI  
; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of environment variables that PBr-< J  
; the end user won't be able to change using putenv(). These variables will be #:{PAt  
; protected even if safe_mode_allowed_env_vars is set to allow to change them. %Md;=,a:6  
; Cdiu*#f  
; m$A|Sx&sG$  
; 这个指示包含用逗号分割的不允许最终用户通过 putenv()修改的环境变量的列表。这些变量即使 f6^H Q1SSt  
; 在 safe_mode_allowed_env_vars 设置允许改变他们的情况下也被保护。 Hw<t>z k  
; br<,?  
; ? YX2CJ6N  
safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH g!D?Yj4  
Bfaj4i ;_  
; This directive allows you to disable certain functions for security reasons. zp"sM z]  
; It receives a comma-delimited list of function names. This directive is kwK<?\D  
; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off. rO 6oVz#x  
; ;04doub  
; sxl29y^*  
; 这个指示用于在由于安全原因的情况下屏蔽某些函数。接受用逗号分割的函数名列表,这个指示不受 `#2}[D   
; Safe Mode 是否打开的影响。 ]gkI:scPA  
; h5x FP  
; pF#nj`L  
disable_functions = 3Zdkf]Gh  
; Colors for Syntax Highlighting mode. Anything that's acceptable in lW?}jzuo  
; would work. `>'E4z]-_  
; -GCGxC2u  
; >&e|ins^N  
; 语法加亮模式的颜色,任何 正常工作的都可以接受 W:b8m Xx  
; <;+&`R  
; MH`f!%c  
highlight.string = #CC0000 EdE,K1gD  
highlight.comment = #FF9900 >I8R[@  
highlight.keyword = #006600 ?^2(|t9KU  
highlight.bg = #FFFFFF n'1pNL:  
highlight.default = #0000CC xgL*O>l)  
highlight.html = #000000 @1gX>!  
sk$MJSE ~  
; yFshV\   
; Misc 1'R]An BV  
; P$N\o@  
; Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that it is installed on the server RXb+"/   
; (e.g. by adding its signature to the Web server header). It is no security %IW=[D6Tg  
; threat in any way, but it makes it possible to determine whether you use PHP &voyEvX/S  
; on your server or not. wvcG <sj  
; 7:R8QS9  
; zy8W8h(?  
; 是否让服务器暴露 PHP(例如在 web 服务器头增加标记)。他不会有安全威胁,但是可以让你 y!."FoQ  
; 检测一个服务器是否使用了 PHP. d5\w'@Di  
; c@~\ FUr  
; W7S`+Pq  
expose_php = On 7P?z{x':T  
w=s:e M@  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bwqla43gX  
; Resource Limits ; !GURn1vcAe  
; xYRN~nr  
; yK_$6EtNKj  
; 资源限制 Nqk*3Q"f  
; -k|r#^(G2  
; k!>MZ  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; g599Lc&  
; x}i:nLhL  
; \&`S~cV9  
; 每个脚本最大执行的秒数 H.hF`n  
; >>Z.]  
; PR|F-/o  
max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds fDNiU"  
; 9sFZs]uM  
; G}&B{Ir  
; 一个脚本最大消耗的内存 e]'ui<`  
; 6x^#|;e>lI  
; y-)|u:~h  
memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB) &{]zL  
^J< I Ia4  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WOrz7x  
; Error handling and logging ; )AEJ` xC  
; G?jKm_`L  
; PF2PMEBx!  
; 错误处理和记录 *R m>bLI  
; 75u/'0~5  
; mQhI"3! f  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 9i*t3W71]  
; error_reporting is a bit-field. Or each number up to get desired error fr#Y<=Jo  
; reporting level "G].hKgbk*  
; CH[U.LJQ-O  
; zt/b S/  
; 错误报告是一个位字段,每个数值代表错误报告的等级 ?'Y\5n/*$  
; Ly"u }e  
; eY)ugq>'  
; E_ALL - All errors and warnings _HW~sz|  
; epI&R)]   
; 所有的错误和警告 @e8b'w3  
; 5I`j'j  
; E_ERROR - fatal run-time errors 3} @3pVS  
; c>#T\AEkF  
; 致命的运行期错误 jNhiY  
; h.d-a/  
; E_WARNING - run-time warnings (non-fatal errors) y3 {'s>O6  
; r: ]t9y>$<  
; 运行期警告(非致命错误) VNBf2Va  
; %nk]zf..  
; E_PARSE - compile-time parse errors 1G$fU zS  
; ``$Dgj[  
; 编译期间解析错误 E #q gt9  
; 8[\F*H  
; E_NOTICE - run-time notices (these are warnings which often result Yj3j?.JJk  
; from a bug in your code, but it's possible that it was /'k4NXnW3  
; intentional (e.g., using an uninitialized variable and [-5%[ty9X  
; relying on the fact it's automatically initialized to an Sio^FOTD  
; empty string) 0tyoH3o/d  
; z SDRZ!  
; 运行期间注意,一般是由于代码的 bug 引起的警告,但是很可能是故意这样的。例如使用没有初始化 v._Q XcE  
; 的变量,依赖于他自动初始化为空的字符串。 \  {` `r  
; G_vWwH4XtL  
; E_CORE_ERROR - fatal errors that occur during PHP's initial startup Y"6 '  
; }K':tX?  
; 发生在 PHP 的初始启动阶段的致命错误 Q#w mS&$f  
; &YC Z L  
; E_CORE_WARNING - warnings (non-fatal errors) that occur during PHP's h_#x@p  
; initial startup r@b M3V_o  
;  mo+zq~,M  
; 发生在 PHP 的初始启动阶段的警告(非致命错误) v|fA)W w  
; ;,2i1m0"  
; E_COMPILE_ERROR - fatal compile-time errors v;m`d{(i2  
; o81RD#>E)  
; 致命的编译期间错误 fy]z<SPhVJ  
; Bn:" q N~  
; E_COMPILE_WARNING - compile-time warnings (non-fatal errors) J<hqF4z  
; ZeM~13[  
; 编译期间的警告(非致命的错误) [d 30mVM  
; Sggha~E2s  
; E_USER_ERROR - user-generated error message KZrg4TEVi  
; a,mG5bQ!  
; 用户引起的错误信息 r&  
; .TZ0F xW  
; E_USER_WARNING - user-generated warning message qaJ$0,]H+  
; O&BNhuW2  
; 用户引起的警告信息 " kp+1sG8  
; (=&z:-52V  
; E_USER_NOTICE - user-generated notice message  dpG l  
; >=Bl/0YH  
; 用户引起的提醒信息 lw+Y_;  
; ASGV3r (  
; {zzc/!|  
; Examples: SB~HHx09  
; )(bAi  
; - Show all errors, except for notices OM,Dy&Y  
; h0**[LDH  
; 显示所有错误,除了提醒 *rKj%Me  
; <"/b 5kc  
;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE QguRU|y  
; >A&D/k MO  
; - Show only errors @}9*rWJIE  
; 3DjlX*  
; 只显示错误 WxPu{N  
; *^[m?3"W  
;error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR ~dc o  
; 9;2{=,  
; - Show all errors except for notices hA=.${uIO  
; WO;2=[#O;  
; 显示所有的错误(译者注:英文可能有错误) lU?8<X  
; /Ne;Kdp  
error_reporting = E_ALL $ljzw@k  
; Print out errors (as a part of the output). For production web sites, 1fgO3N  
; you're strongly encouraged to turn this feature off, and use error logging i ZU 1w7Z  
; instead (see below). Keeping display_errors enabled on a production web site ,4W~CkLD  
; may reveal security information to end users, such as file paths on your Web ^*?mb)  
; server, your database schema or other information. ?,XrZRF  
; (:Y0^  
; X|&v]mJ  
; 输出错误(作为输出的一部分)。对于成品网站,强烈建议关闭这个特性,使用下面错误日志代替。 ,c]<Yu  
; 在成品网站打开这个特性可能对最终用户暴露安全信息。例如 WEB 服务器的文件路径,数据库计划 g \.O5H9Od  
; 或其他信息。 \d-H+t]  
; vw~=z6Ka  
; ~ eNKu  
display_errors = Off Q*jNJ^IW  
; Even when display_errors is on, errors that occur during PHP's startup y@XE! L  
; sequence are not displayed. It's strongly recommended to keep M{GT$Q  
; display_startup_errors off, except for when debugging. ]g] ]\hS  
; }BYs.$7  
; . E8Gj'yO  
; 即使 display_errors 参数设置位 on,发生在 PHP 的启动顺序期间的错误也不会显示。 DXF>#2E^+  
; 强烈建议保持 display_startup_errors 为 off,除非在调试阶段。 My6a.Kl  
; .gQYN2#zb  
; aU\R!Y$/"  
display_startup_errors = Off "udA-;!@&  
; Log errors into a log file (server-specific log, stderr, or error_log (below)) bU$f4J  
; As stated above, you're strongly advised to use error logging in place of e^=b#!}-5:  
; error displaying on production web sites. R) ep1X^  
; 6Pp3*O`/V  
; %2@O,uCo@  
; 把错误写到一个日志文件里面(服务器指定日志,标准错误,或者后面的错误日志)。 ?3#L?Cq  
; 根据上面的一致性,强烈建议使用错误日志代替web站点的错误显示。 }1kZF{KD<[  
; >mAi/TZC  
; ew+>?a'&L  
log_errors = On !8Y $}  
; Store the last error/warning message in $php_errormsg (boolean). Kcu*Z  
; F+<e9[  
; tkIpeL[d  
; 保存最后的错误/警告信息在 $php_errormsg(boolean)里面。 +b sc3  
; pQ,|l$^m  
; W?H-Ng3E  
track_errors = Off f7_V ]  
; Disable the inclusion of HTML tags in error messages. :pJK Z2B,  
; T)#e=WcP]  
; b3NEYn  
; 屏蔽掉错误信息里面内含的HTML标记 >PS`;S!(  
; 0n/+X[%Ti  
; ;$Pjl8\  
;html_errors = Off d~abWBgC`  
; String to output before an error message. Bo +Yu(|cL  
; Je*hyi7  
; }PUY~ u  
; 错误信息前输出的字符串 P. Kfoos  
; Oh=E!  
; *<ILSZ  
;error_prepend_string = "" 230ijq3Y G  
; String to output after an error message. +/>XOY|Ie  
; P>nz8NRq  
; o_C]O"  
; 错误信息后输出的字符串。  (z.4er}o  
; eWGaGRem  
; ET0^_yk  
;error_append_string = "" AfT;IG%Gt  
) :VF^"  
; Log errors to specified file. Y52TC@'  
; 5~FXy{ZIH  
; /B!Ik:c}  
; 错误写进指定的文件 ?s5/  
; .+A2\F.^  
; YH,u*.I^/  
;error_log = filename g1{2E<b 5  
; Log errors to syslog (Event Log on NT, not valid in Windows 95). nV/;yl4e{  
;error_log = syslog m;cgX#k5  
; Warn if the + operator is used with strings. yvCX is  
; \AOHZ r  
; \R[f< K%  
; 在对字符串用 + 操作符时给出警告 ,1 ^IFBJ  
; K3^2;j1F Q  
; :h8-y&;  
warn_plus_overloading = Off Gp0yRT.  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; }B`T%(11=  
; Data Handling ; 6<o2 0(?  
; 8}Cp(z2  
; CHckmCgf4  
; 数据处理 E_H.!pr  
; |t6:4']  
; SnVb D<  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2O(= 2X  
; ],F@.pg  
; Note - track_vars is ALWAYS enabled as of PHP 4.0.3 ,zOv-pH  
; S0WKEv@Hn  
; 注意,在 PHP 4.0.3 里面, track_vars 总是打开的。 avb'dx*q>  
; =sUrSVUeU  
c7@[RG !  
; The separator used in PHP generated URLs to separate arguments. =`g@6S  
; Default is "&". x"~gulcz  
; *?~&O.R"  
; ]--" K{  
; PHP在产生URLs时用于分割参数的分割符。默认是 "&" TFO4jjiC"  
; ! i8'gq'q  
; &?*H`5#?G  
;arg_separator.output = "&" i#I7ncX  
; List of separator(s) used by PHP to parse input URLs into variables. TG6E^3a P  
; Default is "&". Qe;R3D=T;  
; NOTE: Every character in this directive is considered as separator! .R _-$/ZP  
; ,.i)(Or  
; #{g6'9PMz  
; PHP用于把输入的 URLs 解析为变量的分割符列表,默认是 "&"; YhO-ecN  
; 注意:这个指示的每个字符都被认为是分割符 a{\<L/\  
; mJ'5!G  
; RYV:?=D7s  
;arg_separator.input = ";&" e=Q{CsP  
; This directive describes the order in which PHP registers GET, POST, Cookie, .zo>,*:t  
; Environment and Built-in variables (G, P, C, E & S respectively, often B *otqu z  
; referred to as EGPCS or GPC). Registration is done from left to right, newer _ykT(`.#  
; values override older values. do DpTwvh  
; fl+2 '~  
; Yu: !l>  
; 这个指示描述PHP注册 GET,POST,Cookes,环境变量和内部变量的顺序(分别对应于 G,P,C,E 和 S, s:*" b'  
; 经常为 EGPCS 或者 GPC).注册从左到右,新的值覆盖旧的值。 +jyWqld.K1  
; Lnc>O'<5P9  
; [!YSW'  
variables_order = "GPCS" SquuK1P=  
-d *je{c |  
; Whether or not to register the EGPCS variables as global variables. You may <xh";seL  
; want to turn this off if you don't want to clutter your scripts' global scope 78kT}kgW  
; with user data. This makes most sense when coupled with track_vars - in which >dfk2.6e  
; case you can access all of the GPC variables through the $HTTP_*_VARS[], #;hYJ Y  
; variables. V5rW_X:]8  
; Qsg([K  
; vt(cC) )  
; 是否注册 EGPCS 变量为全局变量。如果你不想和用户数据混淆脚本全局范围,你可能想关闭他。 Eb89B%L62G  
; 结合 track_vars 可以更加理性。它可以让你通过 $HTTP_*_VARS[] 访问所有的GPC变量。 k? !'OHmBL  
; )KKmV6>b  
; B`?5G\7L  
; You should do your best to write your scripts so that they do not require v4VP7h6uD)  
; register_globals to be on; Using form variables as globals can easily lead z K6'wL!!I  
; to possible security problems, if the code is not very well thought of. }TG=ZVi  
; =j~Xrytn  
; &6^QFqqW`-  
; 你可以尽力书写不需要 register_globals 打开时的脚本。如果代码没有非常好的考虑是 <nJ8%aY,  
; 使用来源于全局变量的表单数据很容易引起安全问题。 ]] 50c  
; '7UIzk|  
; XX'mM v  
register_globals = Off `J-&Y2_/k  
; This directive tells PHP whether to declare the argv&argc variables (that @(any ^QJ  
; would contain the GET information). If you don't use these variables, you dCO)"]  
; should turn it off for increased performance. li&&[=6A  
; )BmO[AiOM  
; p* tAwl  
; 这个指示通知 PHP 是否声明 argv 和 argc 变量(他们可能包含 GET 信息)。 6MmkEU z  
; 如果你不使用他们,你应该关闭他来提高性能。 5^Ps(8VbS  
; _e$T'*q  
; q]wP^;\Jl  
register_argc_argv = Off F1NYpCR  
; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept. ?U(`x6\:  
; ?btZdnQ))S  
; #_'| TT>p#  
; PHP接受的最大的 POST 数据尺寸 '<Jqp7$dL  
; 1(jDBP!8  
; c63yJqiW  
post_max_size = 8M !1xX)XD4y  
; This directive is deprecated. Use variables_order instead. %Mr^~7nN  
; M1J77LfS8  
; >.r> aH  
; 这个指示不赞成使用,使用 variables_order 代替 x"{WLZ   
; CQ:38l\`gd  
; _qsg2e}n  
gpc_order = "GPC" ':DLv{R  
%)sG 34  
; Magic quotes s'=w/os  
; r;8X6C  
; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data. /Gvd5  
; ;}4^WzmK^(  
; UBM :.*wN  
; 转换进入的 GET/POST/Cookie 数据 %>E M ^Z  
; [)t1"  
; y28 e=i  
magic_quotes_gpc = Off Rp_)LA  
; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc. ~'#,*kA:6  
; N_R(i3c6U!  
; lFbf9s:$B  
; 转换运行期间产生的数据,例如来自于 SQL, exec()等等 Jq_AR!} %  
; FwqaWEk  
; <L+y 6B  
magic_quotes_runtime = Off IRIYj(J  
; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \'). l 1eF&wNC  
; zaG1  
; Q8^g WBc  
; 使用 Sybase 样式的转换(对于 ' 使用 '' 代替 \') C!}t6  
; 6Ej.X)~'K  
; rVv4R/3+   
magic_quotes_sybase = Off maVfLVx-  
; Automatically add files before or after any PHP document. Jo4iWJpK  
; \7] SG  
; H1-eMDe  
; 在PHP文档前后自动加入的文件名字。 ;P9cjfSn  
; @=dwvl' W  
; 89\DS!\x9  
auto_prepend_file = ` *q>E  
auto_append_file = ~;yP{F8?  
; As of 4.0b4, PHP always outputs a character encoding by default in s_%KWkS  
; the Content-type: header. To disable sending of the charset, simply E@_]L<Z  
; set it to be empty. `]j:''K  
; ~ ^*;#[<  
; PHP's built-in default is text/html nj6|WJ  
; .^V9XN{'a  
; l#fwNM/F  
; 在 4.0b4, PHP 总是在 Content-type:头里面发送默认的字符编码。要禁止发送字符设置 J4#rOS  
; 简单的把他设置为空就可以。 Qz`v0"'w  
; PHP 内置的默认值是 text/html 6D/K=-   
; Q|(G -  
; m#`1.5%  
default_mimetype = "text/html" x@? YS  
;default_charset = "iso-8859-1"







级别: 大掌柜
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2006-07-02
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WNSEc%  
; Paths and Directories ; 5% w08  
; \S>GtlQbn  
; d$y?py  
; 路径和目录  {?Cm  
; 4P?@NJp  
; bJ]blnH  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HqXS-TG  
; UNIX: "/path1:/path2" _Zus4&'  
; M=4`^.Ocm  
; T!-ly7-`  
; UNIX: 使用 /path1:path2 样式 w[#*f?at~  
; 3x>Y  
; f1 `E-  
;include_path = ".:/php/includes" Z<#h$XUA  
; Lc0=5]D   
; Windows: "\path1;\path2" ;Qidf}:  
; [`' K.-?#  
; Window: 使用 \path1;\path2 样式 Tr, zV  
; 's$/-AV  
;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes" 2:&L|;  
; The root of the PHP pages, used only if nonempty. ppnl bL^*  
; lS?#(}a1)  
; `:W}yo<F  
; PHP 页面的根位置,仅在非空时使用 8Fv4\dr  
; gdS@NUM  
; XRi37|p  
doc_root = eg"A?S  
[X ]XH  
; The directory under which PHP opens the script using /~usernamem used only KxDfPd+j[  
; if nonempty. '?T<o  
; zA| )9Dq  
; 6 2t 9SY  
; 使用 /~username 打开 PHP 脚本时的目录,非空时使用。 !J[!i"e  
; 3\K;y>NK  
; e8{!Kjiz  
user_dir = oE)xL%*  
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside. '`j MNKn\  
; OV`li#H  
; J:G{  
; 本地可装载的扩展(模块)所在的目录 cyB2=,  
; BzTzIo5  
; @>`qfy?  
extension_dir = c:\php\extensions fYlqaO4[  
; Whether or not to enable the dl() function. The dl() function does NOT work S2EV[K8#  
; properly in multithreaded servers, such as IIS or Zeus, and is automatically b{;LbHq+G  
; disabled on them. $Km~x  
; x M{SFF  
; J7@Q;gcl:  
; 是否允许 dl()函数。dl()在多线程服务器上不能正确的工作,例如 IIS 或者 Zeus,此时自动屏蔽 %2'Y@AX`  
; Qe`Nb4xf  
; b^"mQ   
enable_dl = On qyjVB/ko  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; e^v\K[  
; File Uploads ; #JR$RH  
; `bWc<4T  
; @{ L|&Mk!  
; 文件上传 r|y\FL  
; n<ecVFft  
; E5\>mf ,;u  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; L;fz7?_j  
; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads. rdH^"(  
; ?(M]'ia{  
; DPfN*a-P(  
; 是否允许文件上传 ,nJCqX~ /G  
; $g\p)- aU  
; /sSM<r]5j  
file_uploads = On 9H2mA$2jnE  
; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not AR c  
; specified). %!R\-Vej  
; " s/ws  
; _~;K]  
; HTTP 上传时文件的临时目录(如果没有指定就使用系统默认的) -i]2 b  
; ? 8)k6:  
; uM9Gj@_  
;upload_tmp_dir = *r ('A  
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. rd,!-w5  
; Rb0{W]opt+  
; 1";s #Jq  
; 最大允许上传文件尺寸 <ka zV<"  
; xPJ @!ks9  
; L%Ms?`i,  
upload_max_filesize = 2M sTvw@o *  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'tt4"z2  
; Fopen wrappers ; zL3I!& z2  
; TRr%]qd{Hr  
; e@PY(#ru  
; 文件打开封装 [_*?~  
; l0E]#ra"  
; I0G[K~gb  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fsWPU]\)  
; Whether to allow the treatment of URLs (like http:// or ftp://) as files. ycf)*0k  
; 2B+qS'OT  
; T%E/k# )q  
; 是否允许把 URLs(象 http:// 或者 ftp://)以文件对待 9ZDbZc  
; [}5mi?v  
; E`|vu*l7  
allow_url_fopen = On J^zB 5W,)  
; Define the anonymous ftp password (your email address) z~/e\  
; .>2]m[53  
; 8&CQx*  
; 默认的 ftp 密码(你的邮箱地址) xEufbFAN?  
; b`;Cm)@X!)  
; GyfKSj;  
;from="john@doe.com" O"wo&5b_  
<Vh }d/  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; M3eFG@,  
; Dynamic Extensions ; bQdu=s[  
; Rpj{!Ia  
; N9~'\O$'7  
; 动态扩展 x#hSN|'"  
; [J55%N;#1  
; TV/EC#48  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BC#O.93`  
; (~fv;}}v  
; If you wish to have an extension loaded automatically, use the following ep{/m-h(!_  
; syntax: xRZ/[1f!  
;  hRqr  
; extension=modulename.extension H`jnChD:M'  
; B/Ltb^a  
; For example, on Windows: s0DT1s&  
; 'f8'|o)  
; extension=msql.dll c7nbHJi  
; LtV,djk  
; ... or under UNIX: "d2JNFIHb  
; ,lVQ-qw5  
; extension=msql.so FJB B@<>:  
; csV3mzP  
; Note that it should be the name of the module only; no directory information -8v:eyc  
; needs to go here. Specify the location of the extension with the {: =]J4]  
; extension_dir directive above. H;#C NB<e  
; /h@3R[k  
; 5yjG\ ~  
; 如果你想自动装载某些扩展,使用下面的语法 NHe[,nIV  
; U#{(*)qr  
; extension = modulename.extension WwUHHm<v  
; u1>WG?/`  
; 例如在 Windows 下面 |O;vWn'U2  
; ~.z82m  
; extension=msql.dll )"_&CYnd  
; 7c8`D;A-K  
; 在 UNIX 下面 y[GqV_~?Y  
; t+M'05-U2  
; extension = msql.so <`NtTG  
; @?gRWH;Pq  
; 注意,必须是模块的名字,不能有其他指示。扩展的位置在 extension_dir 那里指定 b"Jr_24t3v  
; QQD7NN>  
; &AVX03P  
AEUR` .  
;Windows Extensions yE;S6 O  
;Note that MySQL and ODBC support is now built in, so no dll is needed for it. :k2 J &@8  
; 0qm CIcg  
; h-U]?De5\  
; Windows 扩展 qKE+,g'  
; 注意,MySQL 和 ODBC 已经内置了,不需要 dll 了。 yh'*eli  
; -J0I2D  
; S|?P#.=GX  
;extension=php_bz2.dll g'2}Y5m$`  
;extension=php_ctype.dll @.,'A[D!K  
;extension=php_cpdf.dll +wZ|g6vMct  
;extension=php_curl.dll =&~ K;=:  
;extension=php_cybercash.dll n*caP9B  
;extension=php_db.dll V(Cxd.u   
;extension=php_dba.dll |hX\ep   
;extension=php_dbase.dll R7c42L\QA  
;extension=php_dbx.dll D`U,T& @  
;extension=php_domxml.dll qC q?`0&#  
;extension=php_dotnet.dll n*Hx"2XF  
;extension=php_exif.dll @VyF' ?}  
;extension=php_fbsql.dll QHd|cg  
;extension=php_fdf.dll =F_j})O5  
;extension=php_filepro.dll Ox@$ }  
;extension=php_gd.dll !E,|EdIr  
;extension=php_gettext.dll 7/K'nA  
;extension=php_hyperwave.dll +-rSO"nc  
;extension=php_iconv.dll IsjN xBM  
;extension=php_ifx.dll rl-#Ez  
;extension=php_iisfunc.dll cfy9wD  
;extension=php_imap.dll SJE!14|e  
;extension=php_ingres.dll iH>b"H >  
;extension=php_interbase.dll s~k62  
;extension=php_java.dll UG]x CkDS  
;extension=php_ldap.dll uE>m3Y(aP  
;extension=php_mbstring.dll TCi0]Y~a  
;extension=php_mcrypt.dll }%<cF i &  
;extension=php_mhash.dll -s ^cy+jd  
;extension=php_ming.dll NOf{Xx<#k  
;extension=php_mssql.dll ; 这个是 Microsoft SQL Server N:EljzvP}  
;extension=php_oci8.dll =6N=5JePB  
;extension=php_openssl.dll ReGT*+UN  
;extension=php_oracle.dll 3@* ~>H  
;extension=php_pdf.dll *z]P|_:&G  
;extension=php_pgsql.dll @6-3D/=  
;extension=php_printer.dll S_s;foT  
;extension=php_sablot.dll L!fIAd`  
;extension=php_shmop.dll X5= Ki $+  
;extension=php_snmp.dll [ C!m,4  
;extension=php_sockets.dll X?]Mzcu  
;extension=php_sybase_ct.dll "#pN  
;extension=php_xslt.dll iZ0(a   
;extension=php_yaz.dll :Ye~I;" 8  
;extension=php_zlib.dll &E@mCQ1  
nN>Uh T  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; {;o54zuKf  
; Module Settings ; qat'Vj,  
; n.,ZgLx["  
; .ts XQf  
; 模块设置 ^c"\%!w"O  
; Psm9hP :m  
; |T-Y tuy8  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; }S%}%1pG7  
[Syslog] Mb97S]878I  
; Ifq|MZ\  
; 系统日志 ;a[3RqmKW  
; 1y eD-M"w  
; Whether or not to define the various syslog variables (e.g. $LOG_PID, Djf~8q V!  
; $LOG_CRON, etc.). Turning it off is a good idea performance-wise. In "V,dH%&j  
; runtime, you can define these variables by calling define_syslog_variables(). @JOsG-VW~  
; ) }k"7"  
; ObataUxQT  
; 是否定以不同的系统日志变量(例如,$LOG_PID,$LOG_CRON,等等)。为性能考虑,关闭比较好 @?</8;%3W  
; 在运行期间,你可以通过调用 define_syslog_variables() 定以这些变量 2 ]r5e;  
; TLg 9`UA  
; GT3}'`f B  
define_syslog_variables = Off L l,nt  
6K >(n  
[mail function] ^plP1c:  
; R5 EC/@  
; 邮件函数 v4\ m9Pu4  
; Ey_mK\'  
; For Win32 only. WK.,q>#  
; buHUBn[3)  
; !H @nAz  
; Win32 可用 UaHN*@  
; W7 +Q&4Y  
; Z#K0a'  
SMTP = localhost Mi`t$hmP  
; For Win32 only. "eI">`!g  
; l_fERp#y  
; W61:$y}8  
; Win32 可用 (e3?--~b6  
; #QW% ;^  
; v^ 1x}  
sendmail_from = me@localhost.com {Hw$`wL  
=J )(=,  
; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: 'sendmail -t -i'). /!y3ZzL  
; Fd._D"  
; {[+Q\<  
; Unix 可用,可以指定参数。(默认是 sendmail -t -i ) sB01 QVx47  
; QFhQfn  
; e XmYw^n  
;sendmail_path = ^{g+HFTA@  
[Logging] ;=8@@9  
; &<C&(g{Z  
; 日志 m h|HEkM  
; _3gF~qr  
; These configuration directives are used by the example logging mechanism. p+{*w7?8"[  
; See examples/README.logging for more explanation. HGW;]8xl  
; {dV!sQD  
; >JN[5aus  
; 这些配置指示例子中的日志机制,查看 examples/README.logging 的详细说明 M5S<N_+Pe  
; ?QzN\f Y;  
; RY*s}f  
;logging.method = db ;fv/s]X86I  
;logging.directory = /path/to/log/directory =}W)%Hldr.  
[Java] 3[To"You  
; KYFkO~N  
; Java 支持 zrur-i$N+  
; n\YWWW[wf  
; ;] #Q!  
; 指向 php_java.jar 的位置 N37#V s  
; ~|e H8@o  
;java.class.path = .\php_java.jar 7JP.c@s  
; 55`cNZ  
; 指向 java 安装的目录 }@g#S@o  
; .PJ_1  
;java.home = c:\jdk ':,p6  
; DVRbTz3V  
; 指向虚拟机的目录 7me1 :}4  
; R<1[hH9"o  
;java.library = c:\jdk\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll /?:]f  
; h}P""  
; 指向 java 扩展所在的目录,比如 c:\php\extensions YZ+<+`Mz<  
; mg4: N  
;java.library.path = .\ `)eqTeW  
[SQL] 7o64|@'j  
; *AN2&>Y  
; SQL 设置 KRP)y{~o  
; uY=}w"Db  
sql.safe_mode = Off 7~ok*yGw  
[ODBC] M7n|Z{?(  
; 1)wzSEV@  
; ODBC 设置 oNr~8CA`  
; \~ h7  
c- ^\YSDMN  
; o@G <[X|ke  
; 默认的数据库,尚未实现 _zj}i1!E"  
; LP:C9 Ol\  
;odbc.default_db = Not yet implemented !/MHD  
; lO0 PZnW9  
; 默认的用户,尚未实现 fdTyY ;  
; t5pf4M7  
;odbc.default_user = Not yet implemented ~4+=C\r  
; w`J s "_\  
; 默认的密码,尚未实现 9:l>FoXS  
; QK%6Ncv  
;odbc.default_pw = Not yet implemented <CUe"WbE)  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. NEh5    
; u4[3JI>  
; 允许或者防止持久连接 i<nUp1r(  
; @[4Tdf  
odbc.allow_persistent = On )fz<n$3|$#  
CzZm C]5  
; Check that a connection is still valid before reuse. 38T2IN  
; c B9`U4<  
; 在连接重新使用前检查是否依然合法 YkLEK|d  
; O)!MWmr  
odbc.check_persistent = On Ym*Ed[S  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. M&iA^Wrs  
; T!N,1"r  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 代表不限制 nAJ<@a  
; <<P& MObqj  
odbc.max_persistent = -1 fu95-)M  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. OQON~&~  
; 85 tQHm6j  
; 最大的连接数(持久 + 非持久),-1 代表不限制 %maLo RJ  
; ;yO7!{_  
odbc.max_links = -1 +<P%v k  
; Handling of LONG fields. Returns number of bytes to variables. 0 means Dh|8$(Jt  
; passthru. EV 8}C=  
; D-BWgK  
; 处理超长的字段,返回可用的字节数量,0 代表 放弃(passthru) ^w XXx=Xf  
; )Aky:kM$  
odbc.defaultlrl = 4096 L{\au5-4  
; Handling of binary data. 0 means passthru, 1 return as is, 2 convert to char. fN TPW]  
; See the documentation on odbc_binmode and odbc_longreadlen for an explanation I2=?H <  
; of uodbc.defaultlrl and uodbc.defaultbinmode r9@Q="J_)  
; GJY7vS^#  
; 处理二进制数据。0 代表放弃(passthru),1 返回原始的,2 转化为字符。 AtN=G"c>_  
; wV;qc3  
odbc.defaultbinmode = 1 "[(I*  
[MySQL] )MZQ\8,)]  
; fr%}|7  
; Z\d7dbv  
; MySQL 配置 MhZT<6  
; Ncu\;K\N  
; 0 ej!!WP  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. Fss7xP'  
; u"\HBbBx  
; 是否允许持久连接 ;w,g|=RQ  
; f`?Y+nu}  
mysql.allow_persistent = On ]kuMzTH  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. o5\nqw^  
; $gN1&K  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 >g@;`l.Z#  
; \*s'S*~  
mysql.max_persistent = -1 H|H!VPof]  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. 40}8EP k)  
; s:UQ~p}"S  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 V Z[[zYe  
; uJ4RjLM`  
mysql.max_links = -1 $g55wGF  
n; 0bVVMV  
; Default port number for mysql_connect(). If unset, mysql_connect() will use 3 n/U4fn_  
; the $MYSQL_TCP_PORT or the mysql-tcp entry in /etc/services or the 2!/_Xh  
; compile-time value defined MYSQL_PORT (in that order). Win32 will only look at MYSQL_PORT. ;9pOtr  
; ~B%=g)w  
; mysql_connect()默认的端口号。如果没有设置,则使用 $MYSQL_TCP_PORT 或者 在 /etc/services VrA9}"1x~*  
; 里面的 mysql_tct 入口,或者运行期间给出的 MYSQL_PORT,Win32 只查看 MYSQL_PORT =!'gV:M  
; $Blo`'  
mysql.default_port = 3r?Bnf:  
; Default socket name for local MySQL connects. If empty, uses the built-in /YWoDHL  
; MySQL defaults. nl|}_~4U  
; m Kwhd} V  
; 默认的本地 MySQL 连接的 socket 名字,如果为空泽使用内置的 dQR2!yHEq  
; K4i#:7r'b  
mysql.default_socket = zlmb_akJ  
; Default host for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). /I3#WUc;![  
; MC!K7ji  
; 默认的连接主机(在安全模式下不使用) 4Wq{ch  
; `Njv#K} U  
mysql.default_host = !Jw   
Af:4 XSO6  
; Default user for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). y(B~)T~e@  
; W;coi4   
; 默认的用户名(在安全模式不使用) q79)nhC F  
; Z<Rz}8s  
mysql.default_user = xQC.ap  
; Default password for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). w8*+l0  
; Note that this is generally a *bad* idea to store passwords in this file. 1%|+yu1  
; *Any* user with PHP access can run 'echo cfg_get_var("mysql.default_password") ^{["]!f#  
; and reveal this password! And of course, any users with read access to this Ep0L51Q  
; file will be able to reveal the password as well. Z'PE^ ,  
; l tr =_  
; 默认的连接密码(在安全模式下不使用) KE+y'j#C3  
; 注意:在这里存储密码是一个非常不好的注意。任何可以访问 PHP 的用户可以通过 8@|_];9#.  
; echo cfg_get_var("mysql.default_password")来获得密码。当然,任何拥有这个文件读取 C:g2E[#  
; 权限的用户同样可以得到密码。 P$Y< g/s 4  
; c?Bi  
mysql.default_password = 1sZwW P  
[mSQL] Zr_{Z@IpU  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. m,v"N%k,  
; g6$X {  
; 是否允许持久连接 *plsZ*Q8  
; -c!{';Zn  
msql.allow_persistent = On 8w~I(2S:#  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. Zgo^M,g  
; zr?%k]A%UO  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 vbmSbZ"y  
; fR}|CP  
msql.max_persistent = -1 .e5GJAW~9  
; Maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent). -1 means no limit. 59 O;`y0  
; WEUr;f  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 d:O>--$_tw  
; ^q@.yL  
msql.max_links = -1 kssS,Ogf\_  
[PostgresSQL] $BG4M?Y  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. y@'8vOh`  
; {IJV(%E   
; 是否允许持久连接 3x9O<H}  
; V< 0gD?Kx  
pgsql.allow_persistent = On [a\:K2*'  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. )H#Hs<)Qy  
; Er Ji  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 ' eO 4h^  
; 1agyT  
pgsql.max_persistent = -1 r80w{[S$  
<O&L2E @~f  
; Maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent). -1 means no limit. M~;mamTP  
; ZebXcT ,41  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 9k ]$MR  
; ,IxAt&kN  
pgsql.max_links = -1 q"'^W<i  
[Sybase] gVsAz  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. 49~5U+x;  
; 7_d gQI3y  
; 是否允许持久连接 Gk*Mx6|N  
; vY<(3[pp  
sybase.allow_persistent = On CTbdY,=B  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. U^?/nRZ  
; M ZZ4  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 Z&@X4X"q  
; =- ~82%  
sybase.max_persistent = -1 g1JD8~a  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. bS<lB!  
;  $.(%7[  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 }]N7CWy  
; 7qV_QZ!.  
sybase.max_links = -1 QKYIBX  
y'xB? >|  
;sybase.interface_file = "/usr/sybase/interfaces" 7w_`<b6  
; Minimum error severity to display. ~K 8eRT  
; .JZoZ.FAb  
; 显示的最小错误 3_B .W  
; n`? j. s  
sybase.min_error_severity = 10 sAfSI<L_  
; Minimum message severity to display. Cq?l>  
; {f3)!Pei`J  
; 显示最小错误信息 m'XzZmI  
; Fd2Eq&:en$  
sybase.min_message_severity = 10 HlBw:D(z:^  
; Compatability mode with old versions of PHP 3.0. Z$kff-Y4  
; If on, this will cause PHP to automatically assign types to results according OqtQLqN  
; to their Sybase type, instead of treating them all as strings. This t=NPo+fm  
; compatability mode will probably not stay around forever, so try applying ~4'e)g.hG  
; whatever necessary changes to your code, and turn it off. >,Zjlkh3  
; C,hs!v6  
; 兼容于旧的 PHP 3.0 uJA8PfbD  
; 如果为 on, 则PHP 根据他们的 Sybase 类型自动给结果赋予类型,而不是全部当成字符串。 }k.-xaj  
; 这个兼容模式在将来不会保留,所以请修改你的代码,关闭这个参数 .%<oy"_  
sybase.compatability_mode = Off = \AI92  
[Sybase-CT] \eH~1@\S  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. rV)mcfw:Z  
; 2PE|4zG  
; 是否允许持久连接 'W3>lAPx!  
; _)O1v%]"4  
sybct.allow_persistent = On 9xyj,;P>  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. 9e^[5D=L  
; {*ATY+  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 ,>V|%tD'  
; e3"GC_*#  
sybct.max_persistent = -1 Yw"o_  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. QUVwO m  
; q6f+tdg=  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 d5fnJ*a>l  
; fAm^-uq[  
sybct.max_links = -1 !fZ\GOx  
; Minimum server message severity to display. =21$U[  
; |Nd!+zE$Z  
; 最小的服务器严重信息显示 qxf!]jm  
; 5'd$TC  
sybct.min_server_severity = 10 0=#:x()e  
cKdn3 2Y4  
; Minimum client message severity to display. rE;*MqYt&  
; yhJH3<  
; 最小的客户端严重信息显示 v{Al>v}}n  
; O $'# 8  
sybct.min_client_severity = 10 9cp-Rw<tI  
[bcmath] Xt^ldW  
; c [sydl  
; U BzX%:A  
; Z,)4(#b =  
; Number of decimal digits for all bcmath functions. !?Gt5$f  
; ?OW 4J0B'  
; bcmath 函数的十进制数字 \,ARYwd  
; i#Io;  
bcmath.scale = 0 m~'!  
[browscap] aY}:9qBice  
; )=;GQ*<8Zs  
; 用于判断客户信息 Wf/r@/ q  
; f_Ma~'3   
;browscap = extra/browscap.ini dKTyh:_{  
[Informix] Oq@+/UWX  
; f(:+JH<P~  
; u,AP$+Qk  
; B(7oHj.i2  
; Default host for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). "XfCLc1 T  
; y$|%K3  
; 默认的连接主机(安全模式下无效) yhv(KI  
; Q@?8-  
ifx.default_host = Ok2KTsVl  
; Default user for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). 0uV3J  
; ^ gMoW  
; 默认的连接用户(安全模式下无效) v/*}M&vo  
; h/5|3  
ifx.default_user = Z<L}ur  
; Default password for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). 4&X D  
; cWjb149@)  
; 默认的连接密码(安全模式下无效) p.6C.2q~s]  
; -} Zck1  
ifx.default_password = n75)%-  
$9+|_[ ]v.  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. FlGU1%]m  
; m:B9~ lbT+  
; 是否允许持久连接 (VD Y]Q)  
; SW5V:|/  
ifx.allow_persistent = On 3}aKok"k  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. ze2%#<  
; * N>n5B2  
; 最大持久连接数量 b .I_  
; eyW8?:  
ifx.max_persistent = -1 &H8wYs  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. F-AU'o *  
; scX'>\w&c  
; 最大连接数量 #lAC:>s3U  
; uN>JX/-  
ifx.max_links = -1 oCfO:7  
; If on, select statements return the contents of a text blob instead of its id. -Zq\x'  
; -yOwX2Wv5;  
; 如果为 on, 则选择语句返回 text blob 代替编号 b S-o86u  
; bGw56s'R5~  
ifx.textasvarchar = 0 `_aX>fw  
ICck 0S!  
; If on, select statements return the contents of a byte blob instead of its id. G0#<SJ,)  
; 6$CwH!42F  
; 如果为 on,则选择语句返回 byte blob 代替编号 Jq>rA  
; DW( /[jo\  
ifx.byteasvarchar = 0 F+o4f3N  
; Trailing blanks are stripped from fixed-length char columns. May help the M[  {O%!  
; life of Informix SE users. YI+ clh;%9  
ifx.charasvarchar = 0 F>Pr`T?>  
; If on, the contents of text and byte blobs are dumped to a file instead of _%g L  
; keeping them in memory. P:D;w2'Q  
ifx.blobinfile = 0 8\WV.+  
; NULL's are returned as empty strings, unless this is set to 1. In that case, Q g~cYwX  
; NULL's are returned as string 'NULL'. |RjAp.pm  
ifx.nullformat = 0 L0l'4RRm\  
[Session] c wNJ{S+  
; U#V&=~-  
; Session 部分 cWtuI(.  
; /!Ay12lKE}  
; Handler used to store/retrieve data. K|pg'VT"  
; [ Y+Ta,  
; 用于处理存储/取得数据 !3F3E8%  
; :@uIEvD?  
session.save_handler = files (1EtC{ m  
; Argument passed to save_handler. In the case of files, this is the path KH$|wv  
; where data files are stored. Note: Windows users have to change this IG+g7kDCY  
; variable in order to use PHP's session functions. QC,fyw\  
; x~Y{ {  
; 传递给 save_handleer 的参数,在 files 情况下,是数据存储的路径。 H;nEU@>"Z  
; 注意,Windows 用户需要修改这个变量来使用 PHP 的 session 功能 'C4cS[1  
; }y%c.  
; 我给出的路径是我安装 PHP的路径,你可以改成任何你硬盘存在的路径 l1bkhA b  
; K| dI'TnW  
session.save_path = c:\php l~]D|92  
; Whether to use cookies. p}oGhO&=  
; 3 ,zW6 -}  
; 是否使用 cookies Xh}S_/9}5  
; X=+|(A,BdY  
session.use_cookies = 1 rD+mI/_J`  
2HUw^ *3  
; Name of the session (used as cookie name). O8 OAXRt/Y  
;  TZ63=m  
; session 的名字(用于 cookes ) hK,a8%KnFA  
; [ *Dj7z t:  
session.name = PHPSESSID ~NZL~p  
e)= " Fq!  
; Initialize session on request startup. zuu<;^/R  
; 6P3h955c  
; 在请求开始时初始化 session X n8&&w"  
; t~7OtPF  
session.auto_start = 0 ;L,i">_%u[  
|Fz ^(US  
; Lifetime in seconds of cookie or, if 0, until browser is restarted. uu9IUqEq2  
; LSo*JO6  
; cookie 的存活秒数,如果为 0 , 则是直到浏览器重新启动 hq&|   
; N]eBmv$|  
session.cookie_lifetime = 0 j+fib} 8}  
; The path for which the cookie is valid. 6DU~6c=)  
; O wuc9  
; 正确的 cookie 路径 )Gavjj&uJ  
; ?JG^GD7D  
session.cookie_path = / %&_^I*  
; The domain for which the cookie is valid. IIT UM)  
; 41R6V>e@9J  
; 存放数值的 cookie的主机(主键) ?"*JV1 9  
; 9/! 1J  
session.cookie_domain = AT)b/ycC  
; Handler used to serialize data. php is the standard serializer of PHP. n\)1Bz  
; <}:` Y"  
; 序列化数据的句柄,标准句柄是 php  z3]W #  
; }tw+8YWkz  
session.serialize_handler = php V3# ms0  
e'>q( B  
; Percentual probability that the 'garbage collection' process is started 9Vqy<7i1  
; on every session initialization. >s 6ye  
; ^D5Jqh)  
; 打开每个session初始化时自动开始垃圾收集进程 pmUf*u-  
; YGC%j  
session.gc_probability = 1 0 zK{)HZ  
; After this number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage' and %59uR}\  
; cleaned up by the garbage collection process. Rw%% 9  
; h}! 9?:E  
; 当超过这个时间,存储的的数据会被认为是垃圾,被 gc 进程清除 x&*f5Y9hCi  
; =w}JAEE|(i  
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 g0bYO!gC r  
; Check HTTP Referer to invalidate externally stored URLs containing ids. _XT'h;m  
; $,2T~1tE  
; 检查包含 ids 的 HTTP 里无效的外部保存 URLs的内容 PcEE`.  
; FLs$  
session.referer_check = Gc"hU:m  
E(j# R"  
; How many bytes to read from the file. P woiX#vz  
; #gqh0 2 7  
; 从文件里读入的允许字节数 /zt M'  
; j{ YYG|  
session.entropy_length = 0 z4:<?K  
R2n 2mQ<  
; Specified here to create the session id. g\fj6  
; \7i_2|w  
; 指定在这里建立 session id ;<N:!$p  
; ?WHf%Ie2(  
session.entropy_file = #H w(w  
;session.entropy_length = 16 Qw:!Rw,x  
;session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom BaW4 s4u  
; Set to {nocache,private,public} to determine HTTP caching aspects. +:uz=~m o`  
; 'Zp{  
; 确定 HTTP 缓存外貌 {nocache,private,public} i ? ~-%  
; n'v\2(&uYN  
session.cache_limiter = nocache /$CTz xd1  
; Document expires after n minutes. cd1G.10  
; R8k4?_W?T  
; 超过 n 分钟文档到期 ~<f[7dBv  
; _0v+'&bz  
session.cache_expire = 180 sde>LZet/  
; use transient sid support if enabled by compiling with --enable-trans-sid. V-}}?c1 F  
; <M@-|K"Eb  
; 如果在编译时使用 --enable_trans-sid ,则使用短暂 sid 支持 ey=KAt  
; N"G aQ  
session.use_trans_sid = 1 !*}UP|8  
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry" >P SO]%mE  
[MSSQL] 3y6\0|{1  
; 8rH6L:]S  
; 这个就是 Microsoft Sql Server X)[tb]U/Wx  
; }a||@unr  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. M&j|5UH%.  
; &jHsFS  
; 是否允许持久连接 +Cw_qS"=  
; h<U?WtWT-p  
mssql.allow_persistent = On GYfOwV!zB  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. P[ WkW#  
; Gv &G2^  
; 最大持久连接数 w!7ApEH1  
; @|SeabN^-  
mssql.max_persistent = -1 t\K (zE  
h6 {vbYj  
; Maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent). -1 means no limit. Nv7-6C6<  
; }+9?)f{?@  
; 最大连接数 KOS0Du  
; H\R a*EO~j  
mssql.max_links = -1 8u+kA mI  
; Minimum error severity to display. ^ ~Eh+  
; . ,^WCyvq  
; 显示的最小错误严重 xmv %O&0^}  
; AU$~Ap*rsa  
mssql.min_error_severity = 10 [yXmnrxA  
; Minimum message severity to display. 1.cP3k l  
; )x|;%.8FX7  
; 最小的显示的严重信息 -`~qmRpqY  
; Cg): Q8  
mssql.min_message_severity = 10 Af;Pl|Zh[  
; Compatability mode with old versions of PHP 3.0. /l*v *tl  
; ^HSxE  
; 兼容老的 PHP 3.0 [s>3xWZ+a  
; fY!?rZ)$  
mssql.compatability_mode = Off HY)xT$/J  
<: v+<)K  
; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096. 8%7%[WC#  
; &:&89<C'  
; 允许值 , 默认值 ?bB>}:~j)  
; *p}mn#ru-  
;mssql.textlimit = 4096 =%X."i1A  
; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096. q H}8TC  
; R |c=I }@F  
; 允许值, 默认值 xm{]|~^JG  
; _RbfyyaN  
;mssql.textsize = 4096 =X4Fn^w"4O  
zuvPV{ X  
; Limits the number of records in each batch. 0 = all records in one batch. t1FtYXv`/  
; exb} y  
; 每个批次最大的纪录数, 0 = 所有纪录1个批次 86r"hy~  
; hC<ROD  
;mssql.batchsize = 0 V)^Xz8H_  
[Assertion] +`HMl;0m  
; Assert(expr); active by default. OIrm9D #  
;assert.active = On RV~fml9c  
; Issue a PHP warning for each failed assertion. rwF$aR>9  
;assert.warning = On TEC^|U`G  
; Don't bail out by default. }iUK`e  
;assert.bail = Off Bu{Kjv  
PJ.\ )oP  
; User-function to be called if an assertion fails. D\Ak-$kJ^  
;assert.callback = 0 \;{ ]YX  
 Z1 D  
; Eval the expression with current error_reporting(). Set to true if you want {[H_Vl@  
; error_reporting(0) around the eval(). C*Vm}|)  
;assert.quiet_eval = 0 )eyzHB,H  
[Ingres II] Fz7t84g(  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. Q|(}rIWOQA  
ingres.allow_persistent = On *7!MG  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. ^Oz~T|)  
ingres.max_persistent = -1 *g(d}C!  
; Maximum number of links, including persistents. -1 means no limit. >. |({;n9  
ingres.max_links = -1 ?:;;0kSk  
`n PdZ.  
; Default database (format: [node_id::]dbname[/srv_class]). H/D=$)3op  
ingres.default_database = F!vrvlD`s  
j 6qtR$l|  
; Default user. 7V"?o  
ingres.default_user = W'./p"2g  
; Default password. 7Nq< o5  
ingres.default_password = Vebv!  
[Verisign Payflow Pro] ?H=YJK$k  
; Default Payflow Pro server. sVFO&|L  
pfpro.defaulthost = "test-payflow.verisign.com" P#O" {+`  
; Default port to connect to. K.  ;ev  
pfpro.defaultport = 443 t#NPbLZ  
; Default timeout in seconds. =3bk=vy  
pfpro.defaulttimeout = 30 <XeDJ8 '  
; Default proxy IP address (if required). HWjJ.;k}a  
;pfpro.proxyaddress = ^z *0  
; Default proxy port. S@qPf0dL<  
;pfpro.proxyport = K"!rj.Da  
; Default proxy logon. b<a3Ue%  
;pfpro.proxylogon = mA(kq   
; Default proxy password. Id=20og  
;pfpro.proxypassword = iJTG +gx  
[Sockets] L=<xTbY  
; Use the system read() function instead of the php_read() wrapper. Thggas,  
; /uw@o9`~2-  
; 使用系统的 read() 函数代替 php_read() 封装 j7P49{  
; ~^F]t$rz  
sockets.use_system_read = On |O8e;v72g^  
[com] #}~tTL  
; 9wL2NC31Q  
; COM 设置 7ZUN;mr  
; SgU@`Pb  
; path to a file containing GUIDs, IIDs or filenames of files with TypeLibs 534pX7dg  
; 8{4'G$6  
; 指向包含 GUIDs,IIDs 或者 拥有 TypeLibs 文件的文件名的文件路径 !@z9n\Yj  
; fk}Raej g  
;com.typelib_file = &GH [$(  
; allow Distributed-COM calls IogLkhWX  
; C >OeULD  
; 允许分布式 COM 调用 Hca(2 ]T-  
; !{ &r|6  
;com.allow_dcom = true x.1= QF{!  
=]@Bc 7@  
; autoregister constants of a components typlib on com_load() Zr}>>aIJ]k  
; amsl>wc!  
; 在 com_load()时自动注册 typlib 组件的常量 11PL1zzH  
; Vz mlKVE  
;com.autoregister_typelib = true ]y OM  
; register constants casesensitive u$w.'lK  
; @5Z|e  
; 注册常量区分大小写 {V[xBL <  
; |]kiH^Ap  
;com.autoregister_casesensitive = false W 8<QgpV*  
; show warnings on duplicate constat registrations ir^d7CV,   
; 'bfxQ76@sa  
; 重复注册常量则给出警告 m0G"Aj  
; XU'(^Y8Imz  
;com.autoregister_verbose = true DS8HSSD  
2?,l r2  
[Printer] dwn|1%D  
;printer.default_printer = "" 8i6iynR  
c<1$ zQY!  
[mbstring] u/tJ])~@  
;mbstring.internal_encoding = EUC-JP >D=X Tgqqq  
;mbstring.http_input = auto T#&1q]P1F  
;mbstring.http_output = SJIS frbd{o  
;mbstring.detect_order = auto S(=@2A+;  
;mbstring.substitute_character = none; c:${qY:!  
[FrontBase] ,I iKe_B  
;fbsql.allow_persistant = On B~o3Z  
;fbsql.autocommit = On ^ iu)vED  
;fbsql.default_database = 8z93ETv7`  
;fbsql.default_database_password = -dMH>e0  
;fbsql.default_host = CQ!D{o=  
;fbsql.default_password = nu^@}|UG  
;fbsql.default_user = "_SYSTEM" 5]{rim  
;fbsql.generate_warnings = Off ?3DL .U{  
;fbsql.max_connections = 128 :/->m6C`0  
;fbsql.max_links = 128 .UxkTads  
;fbsql.max_persistent = -1 H8HH) ^  
;fbsql.max_results = 128 e\z,^  
;fbsql.mbatchSize = 1000 0Y`+L6&UX  
; Local Variables: `c:r`Oi?  
; tab-width: 4 ZZi 9<g1  
; End: 6X ]I`e  
下载这个文件 php.ini z{.&sr>+v  
D*L@I@ [  
[PHP] nR%w5oe  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; K*~xy bA  
; About this file ; 8\il~IFyi  
; :MDFTw~|  
; 关于这个文件 d/NjY[`5+  
; 4gZR!J  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; E2hML  
; V^(W)\  
; This is the recommended, PHP 4-style version of the php.ini-dist file. It 5P*jGOg.  
; sets some non standard settings, that make PHP more efficient, more secure, 319 4]  
; and encourage cleaner coding. QP%AJ[3ea%  
; .9DhD=8aIO  
; , -])[u  
; 这个是推荐的,PHP 4 版本类型的 php.ini-dist 文件,他设置了一些非标准的设置,他们使得 OfLj 4H 6Q  
; PHP更加有效,更加安全,鼓励整洁的编码。 6T"5,Q</h  
; FkaQVT  
;  uvDOTRf  
; The price is that with these settings, PHP may be incompatible with some *o=Z~U9z  
; applications, and sometimes, more difficult to develop with. Using this x>i =  
; file is warmly recommended for production sites. As all of the changes from 8U#14U5rS  
; the standard settings are thoroughly documented, you can go over each one, ddYb=L+_b  
; and decide whether you want to use it or not. B <Jxj  
; RCkmxO;b&  
; __z/X"H  
; 这样做的代价是,某些应用程序可能在这样的配置下不兼容,在某些情况下,开发会更加困难。 Y}vV.q  
; 使用这个文件是我门对建设站点的热心建议。每个标准设置的改变都有彻底的说明稳当,你可以 `34+~;;Jh  
; 处理没一个,决定是否使用他们。 af'ncZ@U  
; ]_>38f7h  
; >U:-U"rA?  
; For general information about the php.ini file, please consult the php.ini-dist ; {m;CKHI  
; file, included in your PHP distribution. h\C1:0x{  
; MO]zf3f!  
; e{: -N  
; 关于 php.ini 的一般信息,请参考 php.ini-dist 文件,包括你的 PHP 的说明 |r*y63\T  
; ~H ctXe'x  
; 8pmWw?  
; This file is different from the php.ini-dist file in the fact that it features H1 ev W  
; different values for several directives, in order to improve performance, while _Wp, z`  
; possibly breaking compatibility with the standard out-of-the-box behavior of E]Cm#B  
; PHP 3. Please make sure you read what's different, and modify your scripts  X56.Y.  
; accordingly, if you decide to use this file instead. *{fZA;<R  
; }Ej^"T:H_;  
; @ /e{-Q  
; 这个文件和 php.ini-dist 的区别在于它给予了一些指示不同的值,来提高性能,同时可能破坏了 8v)Z/R-  
; PHP 3 的标准的 out-of-the-box 特性。 kaZcYuT.9  
; b^Do[o}5  
; DUf . F  
; - register_globals = Off [Security, Performance] %z1hXh#+  
; Global variables are no longer registered for input data (POST, GET, cookies, |$T?P*pI.  
; environment and other server variables). Instead of using $foo, you must use f]+. i-c=  
; you can use $_REQUEST["foo"] (includes any variable that arrives through the LNgFk%EH  
; request, namely, POST, GET and cookie variables), or use one of the specific +SFo2Wdr43  
; $_GET["foo"], $_POST["foo"], $_COOKIE["foo"] or $_FILES["foo"], depending *@ \LS!N  
; on where the input originates. Also, you can look at the Swv =gu  
; import_request_variables() function. o hPXwp?]  
; Note that register_globals is going to be depracated (i.e., turned off by Y Odwd}M  
; default) in the next version of PHP, because it often leads to security bugs. 5N>L|J2  
; Read http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php for further 5t-(MY  
; information. &I(3/u  
; $a')i<m^g  
; yX\~ {%  
; 全局变量不再注册输入的数据(POST,GET,cookies,环境变量和其他的服务器变量)。作为代替的是使用 N8wA">u  
; $foo, 你必须使用 $_REQUEST["foo"] ( 包括所有的通过请求传来的变量,也就是说,POST,GET,和 uCFpH5>  
; cookies 变量)或者根据输入的来源使用指定的 $_GET["foo"],$_POST["foo"],$_COOKIE["foo"] 'kCr1t  
; ,$_FILES["foo"] (访问他们).同时,你可以查看 import_request_variables()函数。 *xKY>E+  
; f <DqA/$  
; 注意,这个参数可能在下个版本去掉(默认为off),因为他经常引起安全 bugs.到 :JxuaM8  
; http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php \p izVt  
; 查看详细内容 b<g9L4s  
; U,9=&"e b  
; Jpe\  
; - display_errors = Off [Security] ECOzquvM  
; With this directive set to off, errors that occur during the execution of v~O2y>8Z  
; scripts will no longer be displayed as a part of the script output, and thus, oFJx8XU  
; will no longer be exposed to remote users. With some errors, the error message ! "^//2N+,  
; content may expose information about your script, web server, or database +_fxV|}P  
; server that may be exploitable for hacking. Production sites should have this kEdAt5/U{  
; directive set to off. 62OZj%CXN  
; LZpqv~av  
; u_)'}  
; 设置这个指示为Off,在脚本执行期间发生错误时,不再将错误作为输出的一部分显示,这样就不会暴露给 k8sjW!2  
; 远端用户。对于某些错误,错误信息的内容可能暴露你的脚本,web服务器,数据库服务器的信息,可能被 'k$j^ |r>  
; 黑客利用。最终产品占点需要设置这个指示为off. [{-;cpM \  
; K30{Fcb< h  
; 5 .b U2C  
; - log_errors = On [Security] ^paM{'J\\)  
; This directive complements the above one. Any errors that occur during the /9u12R*<  
; execution of your script will be logged (typically, to your server's error log, \g;-q9g;O  
; but can be configured in several ways). Along with setting display_errors to off, [M.!7+$o  
; this setup gives you the ability to fully understand what may have gone wrong, _%aJ/Y0Cy  
; without exposing any sensitive information to remote users. Pu]Pp`SP  
; n ^C"v6X  
; _E[)_yH'-  
; 这个指示补充上面的。所有的发生在脚本运行期间的错误都会纪录在日志中(代表性的,记录在服务器的错误 z`@|v~i0`  
; 日志中,但是可以配置不同的方式)。随着 display_errors 设置为 off,这个设置给你全面了解到底什么 SxRa?5  
; 发生错误的能力,而不会向远端用户暴露任何信息。 >]8H@. \  
; :'gX//b):  
; ytGcigw(P  
; - output_buffering = 4096 [Performance] %,5_]bGvb  
; Set a 4KB output buffer. Enabling output buffering typically results in less xCiq;FFR  
; writes, and sometimes less packets sent on the wire, which can often lead to [lAZ)6E~=  
; better performance. The gain this directive actually yields greatly depends pj'[ H  
; on which Web server you're working with, and what kind of scripts you're using v+`gQXJ"G  
7pz #%Hf  
设置 4KB 的输出缓冲区。打开输出缓冲可以减少写的次数,有时减少线路发送包的数量,这样能提高性能。 sZPA(N?  
; 这个指示真正得到的益处很大程度的依赖于你的工作的 WEB 服务器,以及你使用的脚本。
级别: 大掌柜
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2006-07-02
; - register_argc_argv = Off [Performance] a{7'qmN1  
; Disables registration of the somewhat redundant $argv and $argc global q*4=sf,>  
; variables. 1$ C\ `  
; \B~}s}  
; ?T <2Cl'C  
; 禁止注册某些多于的 $argv 和 $argc 全局变量 u IGeSd5B  
; dBMr%6tz  
; r5g:#mF"  
; - magic_quotes_gpc = Off [Performance] J PK( S~  
; Input data is no longer escaped with slashes so that it can be sent into N3g\X  
; SQL databases without further manipulation. Instead, you should use the 5ki<1{aVtZ  
; function addslashes() on each input element you wish to send to a database. KI{B<S3*Z  
; h#rziZ(  
; +&h<:/ V  
; 输入数据不再被斜线转义,以便于无需更多的处理就可以发送到SQL数据库里面。作为代替,你可 u3ns-e  
; 以对每个要发送到数据库的输入元素使用 addslashes()函数。 o79EDPX  
; Gg=Y}S7:  
; fTg^~XmJ  
; - variables_order = "GPCS" [Performance] (7_}UT@w-  
; The environment variables are not hashed into the $HTTP_ENV_VARS[]. To access ijR,%qg  
; environment variables, you can use getenv() instead. 7awh__@  
; [b6P }DW  
; 环境变量不再进入 $HTTP_ENV_VARS[],你需要用 getenv()来访问环境变量。 WvJidz?5  
; ij+)U`  
; TY6Q ;BTU  
; - error_reporting = E_ALL [Code Cleanliness, Security(?)] ?m>!P@ M  
; By default, PHP surpresses errors of type E_NOTICE. These error messages [=q&5'FY0  
; are emitted for non-critical errors, but that could be a symptom of a bigger ^J-\s_)"  
; problem. Most notably, this will cause error messages about the use %qqX-SF0C  
; of uninitialized variables to be displayed. .~t.B!rVSB  
; qz<>9n@o  
; OkaN VTB  
; 默认的,PHP 给出 E_NOTICE 错误类型,这些错误信息不是核心错误,但是可能是个更大错误的隐患。 Gm2q`ki  
; 大多数提醒是那些没有初始化变量引起的错误信息。 w[X/|O  
; qmx4hs8sh  
; s/0S]P]}f  
; - allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off [Code cleanliness] DYFfq  
; It's not possible to decide to force a variable to be passed by reference 7dbGUbT  
; when calling a function. The PHP 4 style to do this is by making the E\Et,l#|LY  
; function require the relevant argument by reference. (6#, $Ze   
; YZyV   
; )eaEc9o>  
; 在调用函数时,不可能决定强制传递变量的引用。PHP 4 里通过函数请求相关参数的引用来实现 :sL?jGk\  
; 4V9S~^v|  
; 5:sk&0:@U  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lOuO~`,J  
; Language Options ; E +!A0!1  
; A, ;V|jv9  
; M4`. [P4  
; 语言配置 + #V.6i  
; nA?Ks!9T  
; EYD24  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; r(VznKSx  
; Enable the PHP scripting language engine under Apache. ;bhD:$NB X  
; zIT)Hs5  
; ;*}tbh3;.  
; 允许在Apache下的PHP脚本语言引擎 |s$w i>7l  
; Z_.xglq{  
; L.tW]43K  
engine = On fS#I?!*}  
6( 0ME$  
; Allow the tags are recognized. j|Hyv{sM  
; $4ZjNN@  
; e"O c  
; 允许 标记 Z]\VOA>  
; !xxdC  
; ]oIP;J:&  
short_open_tag = On aoP=7d|K/  
; Allow ASP-style tags. <tx`#,  
; *'ffMnSZ  
; wX Kg^%t\  
; 允许 ASP 类型的 标记 k ^(RSu<  
; d$T856  
; B9h'}460H  
asp_tags = Off 2{;~Bg d  
; The number of significant digits displayed in floating point numbers. %;MM+xVVX  
; |Jpi|'  
; SW WeN#Q  
; 浮点数显示的有意义的数字(精度) w1J%%//(h  
; <A`zK  
; Mj5&vs~n;  
precision = 14 [wv;CUmgc  
; Enforce year 2000 compliance (will cause problems with non-compliant browsers) )N'rYS' 9  
; sRK oM  
; e[l#r>NT  
; 强制遵从 2000 年(会在不遵从的浏览器上引起错误) (R|Ftjs .  
; >o,l/# z  
; 1 ` ={* *  
y2k_compliance = Off VteMsL/H  
; Output buffering allows you to send header lines (including cookies) even N,ysv/zq7  
; after you send body content, at the price of slowing PHP's output layer a -4!S?rHwd+  
; bit. You can enable output buffering during runtime by calling the output GMW,+  
; buffering functions. You can also enable output buffering for all files by /|#";QsPN  
; setting this directive to On. If you wish to limit the size of the buffer 6TkV+\  
; to a certain size - you can use a maximum number of bytes instead of 'On', as `m+o^!SGe  
; a value for this directive (e.g., output_buffering=4096). cl1>S3  
; bTepTWv  
;  O3~7  
; 输出缓冲允许你在主体内容发送后发送头信息行(包括 cookies),作为代价,会稍微减慢一点PHP @T@lHc  
; 输出层的速度。你可以在运行期间通过调用输出缓冲函数来打开输出缓冲。你也可以通过设置这个 q:ah%x[  
; 指示来对虽有的文件打开输出缓冲。如果你想限制缓冲区大小为某个尺寸,你可以使用一个允许最大 s)9d\{  
; 的字节数值代替 "On",作为这个指示的值。 O~DdMW  
; 6O\a\z  
; h"ZR`?h  
output_buffering = 4096 L)yc_ d5  
; You can redirect all of the output of your scripts to a function. For h}&1 7M  
; example, if you set output_handler to "ob_gzhandler", output will be bSgdVP-  
; transparently compressed for browsers that support gzip or deflate encoding. $*q^7ME  
; Setting an output handler automatically turns on output buffering. S\<nCkE^  
; !>,XK!)  
; N4rDe]JnPR  
; 你可以重新定向脚本所有输出到一个函数。例如,你可以设置 output_handler 为 "ob_gzhandler", ~.&PQE$DF  
; 输出将会被明显的被压缩到支持 gzip 或 deflate 编码的浏览器。设置一个输出管理会自动打开 b;jr;I  
; 输出缓冲 hy wy(b3  
; )PCh;P0C  
; }=$>w@mJ  
output_handler = WlW7b.2.  
; Transparent output compression using the zlib library NnTAKd8  
; Valid values for this option are 'off', 'on', or a specific buffer size R?5v //[  
; to be used for compression (default is 4KB) `/RcE.5n\@  
; Gc*p%2c  
; x.kIzI5  
; 使用 zlib 库进行输出压缩,可以指定 off/on 或者用于压缩的缓冲大小 PQvpJFpb~h  
; SbK6o:[  
; =QS%D*.|D  
zlib.output_compression = Off oc PM zq-  
; Implicit flush tells PHP to tell the output layer to flush itself S pIdw0  
; automatically after every output block. This is equivalent to calling the iTc q=  
; PHP function flush() after each and every call to print() or echo() and each [Ufx=BPx3  
; and every HTML block. Turning this option on has serious performance }UX0 eI4  
; implications and is generally recommended for debugging purposes only. |f{(MMlj  
; T%O2=h\} E  
; fV o7wp  
; 隐含的通知PHP的输出层在每个输出块后自己自动刷新。等同于在每个 print() 或者 echo() bvF-F$n%F  
; 和每个HTML块后面都调用 flush()函数。打开这个配置会引起严重的隐含执行,一般推荐在用于 ;Q\MH t*  
; 调试目的时使用。 6Ij'z9nJw  
; AR3v,eOs  
; w42=tN+ B  
implicit_flush = Off I4(z'C  
EZJ[+ -Q;  
; Whether to enable the ability to force arguments to be passed by reference O)%s_/UX  
; at function call time. This method is deprecated and is likely to be =O?? W8u  
; unsupported in future versions of PHP/Zend. The encouraged method of X|4_}b> x  
; specifying which arguments should be passed by reference is in the function ~%?LFR'  
; declaration. You're encouraged to try and turn this option Off and make 'Rq2x-72}  
; sure your scripts work properly with it in order to ensure they will work m5 l,Lxj  
; with future versions of the language (you will receive a warning each time WY$c^av<  
; you use this feature, and the argument will be passed by value instead of by v ocWV/  
; reference). i{biQ|,.sL  
; 9CPr/q9'  
; ]=vRjw  
; 是否允许在函数调用期间有强制参数以引用的形式传递的能力。这个方法不赞成使用,在将来的 =58:e7(df  
; PHP和Zend版本里面可能不支持。鼓励的方法是在函数声明时指定哪个参数通过引用传递。鼓励你 6rBP,\m  
; 尝试关闭这个参数,确认你的脚本能够正常运行,以便在以后版能里面正确运行(你会在每次使用 1<F6{?,z  
; 这个特性时得到一个警告,并且参数以值来传递,代替引用) ypLt6(1j%  
; ZW%;"5uVm)  
; |"aop|  
allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off Ef\&3TcQ  
L]wk Ba  
; K;lxPM]  
; Safe Mode w=kW~gg  
; t~M0_TnXlP  
; Ctx{rf_~  
; 安全模式 ukc<yc].+?  
; IN?6~O p  
; ~nRbb;M  
; i;fU],aK!  
safe_mode = Off nO `R++  
; By default, Safe Mode does a UID compare check when :0'vzM  
; opening files. If you want to relax this to a GID compare, l5FKw;=K}:  
; then turn on safe_mode_gid. IiM=Z=2  
; 3XcFBFE  
; &~V6g(9  
; 安全模式默认的在打开文件时进行 UID 比较检查,如果你想放宽他为GID比较,打开这个参数 MuF{STE>->  
; o?/fObV@(  
; bkS-[rW  
safe_mode_gid = Off e/R$Sfj]  
qCy SL lp0  
; When safe_mode is on, UID/GID checks are bypassed when D_M73s!U  
; including files from this directory and its subdirectories. Kb~i9x&  
; (directory must also be in include_path or full path must #k|f%!-Vo  
; be used when including) irF+(&q]jh  
; FZ5 Ad&".@  
; ~n;U5hcB  
; 在安全模式,当包含如下目录和子目录文件时,绕过 UID/GID检查(路径必须在 include_path下面 j7yUya&  
; 或者在包含时使用完整路径  Y3g<%6  
; TEQs9-Uy  
; ?fX`z(Z  
safe_mode_include_dir = qnJs,"sn  
; When safe_mode is on, only executables located in the safe_mode_exec_dir kE854Ej  
; will be allowed to be executed via the exec family of functions. 6vf<lmN  
; (05a 9  
; gB])@O%/  
; 在安全模式下,只有给出目录下可以通过 exec 族函数执行 qo7jrY5G  
; 6r)B|~,OA  
; yX%NFXD  
safe_mode_exec_dir = Oid;s!-S6  
O #5`mo  
; open_basedir, if set, limits all file operations to the defined directory r#NR3_@9  
; and below. This directive makes most sense if used in a per-directory sI`oz|$  
; or per-virtualhost web server configuration file. j>A=Wa7  
; Le2rc *T  
; 7`HKa@  
; 如果设置,则限制所有的文件操作都到下面给出的目录下。这个指示在每个目录,每个虚拟主机的web o?5;l`.L}  
; 服务器配置文件里给出更多的认识。 g 9AA)Ykp  
; B4{F)Zb  
; & Tkl-{I  
;open_basedir = u-R;rf5%k  
; Setting certain environment variables may be a potential security breach. I]Ws   
; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of prefixes. In Safe Mode, (l}nwyh5  
; the user may only alter environment variables whose names begin with the qPn!.m$/  
; prefixes supplied here. By default, users will only be able to set _-z;  
; environment variables that begin with PHP_ (e.g. PHP_FOO=BAR). o'=i$Eb  
; nZ4@g@e2  
; Note: If this directive is empty, PHP will let the user modify ANY O'S9y  
; environment variable! LF ;gdF%@  
; Nt~G  {m  
; >6:UWvV1  
; 设置某些环境变量可能是隐藏的安全缺口。这个指示包含一个逗号分割的前缀指示。在安全模式下 H=6-@+ !o  
; 用户只能修改下面提供的为前缀的变量名字。默认,用户只能设置以 PHP_ 前缀开头的环境变量( jH[{V[<# X  
; 例如 PHP_FOO=BAR). Ygc.0VKMR  
; (r/))I9^  
; 注意:如果这个设置为空,则 PHP 可以让用户修改任何环境变量。 x,Z:12H0  
; zO((FQ  
; ZJV;&[$[  
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_ +\RviF[+  
; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of environment variables that t;W'<.m_  
; the end user won't be able to change using putenv(). These variables will be Cf.(/5X  
; protected even if safe_mode_allowed_env_vars is set to allow to change them. 3u oIYY  
; :?:R5_Nd=  
; -SF50.[  
; 这个指示包含用逗号分割的不允许最终用户通过 putenv()修改的环境变量的列表。这些变量即使 Qn \=P*j  
; 在 safe_mode_allowed_env_vars 设置允许改变他们的情况下也被保护。 :oytJhxU  
; =xr2-K)e  
; m6o o-muAr  
safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH ;-VXp80J  
H(DI /"N  
; This directive allows you to disable certain functions for security reasons. gH/(4h  
; It receives a comma-delimited list of function names. This directive is <*z9:jz Q  
; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off. a 1~@m[  
; b$Q#Fv&P  
; __i))2  
; 这个指示用于在由于安全原因的情况下屏蔽某些函数。接受用逗号分割的函数名列表,这个指示不受 oT- Y  
; Safe Mode 是否打开的影响。 J:l%  
; IYe,VL  
; scyv]5Hm!  
disable_functions = ! _?#f|  
; Colors for Syntax Highlighting mode. Anything that's acceptable in R]NCD*~  
; would work. KP CZiu7  
; %Vhj<gN  
; Thuwme  
; 语法加亮模式的颜色,任何 正常工作的都可以接受 9j<7KSj  
; RpzW-  
; 6A-nhvDP  
highlight.string = #CC0000 QxiAC>%K  
highlight.comment = #FF9900 t]+h.  
highlight.keyword = #006600 vlPViHF.  
highlight.bg = #FFFFFF UxvT|~"  
highlight.default = #0000CC =W"9a\m  
highlight.html = #000000 +GT"n$)+  
; :U6Q==B$_  
; Misc 8>'vzc/* >  
; 7*@BCu6  
; Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that it is installed on the server i.''\  
; (e.g. by adding its signature to the Web server header). It is no security F+9(*|x%  
; threat in any way, but it makes it possible to determine whether you use PHP j5m]zh5\J=  
; on your server or not. Dj{=Y`Tw  
; 'e8O \FOf  
; u(g9-O  
; 是否让服务器暴露 PHP(例如在 web 服务器头增加标记)。他不会有安全威胁,但是可以让你 EO"G(v  
; 检测一个服务器是否使用了 PHP. ( #rhD}  
; U?j[ 8z  
; c Sktm&SP  
expose_php = On 5 &s<&h  
*_eY +\j  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ha~} NO  
; Resource Limits ; R@2*Lgxz~  
; P=.T|l1  
; ^TAf+C^Ry  
; 资源限制 3e1^r_YI  
; T *rz#O  
; /H*n(d  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; j UB`=d|  
; Xd'B0kQaT  
; t^7}j4lk  
; 每个脚本最大执行的秒数 j~O"=?7!O  
; 0(+dXzcwM  
; 9C: V i  
max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds j!K{1s[.y  
EB8<!c ?  
; ~Z5Wwp]a  
; *P+8^t#Vp  
; 一个脚本最大消耗的内存 te&p1F  
; 3H`ES_JL  
; .|GnTC q  
memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB) uk)D2.eS,  
rXVR X#Lh  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ee'wsL  
; Error handling and logging ; iM"L%6*I^  
; W=2#Q2)  
; v+ "9&  
; 错误处理和记录 +uMK_ds~  
; Q`BB@E  
; >C -N0H  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; R?}<Cj I  
S{zl <>+  
; error_reporting is a bit-field. Or each number up to get desired error xDIl  
; reporting level #z9@x}p5g  
; 1V ; ,ZGI*  
; +kT o$_Wkz  
; 错误报告是一个位字段,每个数值代表错误报告的等级 7QHrb'c  
; o.])5i_HV  
; 2Y%E.){  
; E_ALL - All errors and warnings J pKCux  
; 3.@ir"vy  
; 所有的错误和警告 j\2q2_f  
; 9Nu:{_YoP  
; E_ERROR - fatal run-time errors >RXDuCVi  
; 'V} 4_3#q  
; 致命的运行期错误 9tIE+RD  
; j_}f6d/h  
; E_WARNING - run-time warnings (non-fatal errors) 7?2<W-n  
; #A^(1  
; 运行期警告(非致命错误) 1qhSN#s{_  
; q[%SF=~<k{  
; E_PARSE - compile-time parse errors $i$Z+-W4'  
; U9h@1:  
; 编译期间解析错误 Sxc p [g;  
; m =%yZ2F;  
; E_NOTICE - run-time notices (these are warnings which often result =5#sB*  
; from a bug in your code, but it's possible that it was 94L>%{59  
; intentional (e.g., using an uninitialized variable and mxl"Y&l2<  
; relying on the fact it's automatically initialized to an n4 J*04K  
; empty string) G/&Wc2k  
; 6Wc.iomx8  
; 运行期间注意,一般是由于代码的 bug 引起的警告,但是很可能是故意这样的。例如使用没有初始化 90!67Ap`x  
; 的变量,依赖于他自动初始化为空的字符串。 -{eI6#z|\A  
; lNB<_SO  
; E_CORE_ERROR - fatal errors that occur during PHP's initial startup .<.#g +  
; 7DIFJJE'  
; 发生在 PHP 的初始启动阶段的致命错误 Mgg m~|9)  
; ^qV6 khg  
; E_CORE_WARNING - warnings (non-fatal errors) that occur during PHP's n4/Jx*  
; initial startup S0tPnwco[~  
;  B q7Qbj  
; 发生在 PHP 的初始启动阶段的警告(非致命错误) g UA_&_  
; [u7i)fn5?  
; E_COMPILE_ERROR - fatal compile-time errors W.TdhJW9  
; Kl w9  
; 致命的编译期间错误 -PskUl'  
; Cm#[$T@C  
; E_COMPILE_WARNING - compile-time warnings (non-fatal errors) rIJd(=  
; 1IWP~G  
; 编译期间的警告(非致命的错误) =yLJGNK[  
; Ypw:Vp  
; E_USER_ERROR - user-generated error message jC L 1Bj  
; <xr\1VjA  
; 用户引起的错误信息 N m@UM*D  
; /t_AiM,(  
; E_USER_WARNING - user-generated warning message xRm~a-rp  
; B^"1V{M  
; 用户引起的警告信息 z460a[Wl  
; Mtq^6`JJ'  
; E_USER_NOTICE - user-generated notice message 2Z*^)ZQB  
; a VIh|v  
; 用户引起的提醒信息 6>F]Z)]}  
; '%[r9 w  
; EGK7)O'W  
; Examples:  Yk yB  
; fi';Mb3B3  
; - Show all errors, except for notices 48n7<M;I  
; N6%M+R/Q  
; 显示所有错误,除了提醒 0-Vx!(  
; !Bn,f2  
;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE y/!jC]!+c  
; #>O>=#Q  
; - Show only errors GA2kg7  
; YY 8vhnw  
; 只显示错误 OsNJ;B  
; %lSjC%Z'd  
;error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR f}VIkx]X"  
; rjL4t^rT  
; - Show all errors except for notices |M(0CYO  
; 0v'!(&m  
; 显示所有的错误(译者注:英文可能有错误) wZKEUJpQ  
; YH'j"|{  
error_reporting = E_ALL aX|LEZ;D>  
; Print out errors (as a part of the output). For production web sites, YB"=eld  
; you're strongly encouraged to turn this feature off, and use error logging \Qei}5P,  
; instead (see below). Keeping display_errors enabled on a production web site z-?WU  
; may reveal security information to end users, such as file paths on your Web c_FnJ_++f  
; server, your database schema or other information. ljJR7<  
; 7aJ:kumDZ  
; UGK,+FN  
; 输出错误(作为输出的一部分)。对于成品网站,强烈建议关闭这个特性,使用下面错误日志代替。 oE'Flc.  
; 在成品网站打开这个特性可能对最终用户暴露安全信息。例如 WEB 服务器的文件路径,数据库计划 =x} p>#o,J  
; 或其他信息。 Q i\"b  
; 8d8GYTl b)  
; KN"<f:u  
display_errors = Off ZMmf!cKY:'  
; Even when display_errors is on, errors that occur during PHP's startup 6G]hs gro  
; sequence are not displayed. It's strongly recommended to keep c^`(5}39v  
; display_startup_errors off, except for when debugging. w4j,t  
; NLF6O9  
;  g\=e86  
; 即使 display_errors 参数设置位 on,发生在 PHP 的启动顺序期间的错误也不会显示。 PR~9*#"v..  
; 强烈建议保持 display_startup_errors 为 off,除非在调试阶段。 s)j3+@:#  
; n_@cjO  
; }g_\?z3gt  
display_startup_errors = Off i=X B0-  
; Log errors into a log file (server-specific log, stderr, or error_log (below)) s!WI:E7  
; As stated above, you're strongly advised to use error logging in place of |!"qz$8fB  
; error displaying on production web sites. <F-W fR  
; C,nU.0  
; W,ik ;P\  
; 把错误写到一个日志文件里面(服务器指定日志,标准错误,或者后面的错误日志)。 9\KMU@Ne  
; 根据上面的一致性,强烈建议使用错误日志代替web站点的错误显示。 U$^$7g 3  
; (bON[6OGm  
; DI7g-h8`  
log_errors = On ]j57Gk%z  
; Store the last error/warning message in $php_errormsg (boolean). ?$Ii_.  
; f/{*v4!  
; A,]%*kg2  
; 保存最后的错误/警告信息在 $php_errormsg(boolean)里面。 Rg~F[j$N  
; <K  GYwLk  
; 9y(491"o  
track_errors = Off 7V-'><)gI  
; Disable the inclusion of HTML tags in error messages. dI) 9@UL  
; d0D*S?#8,C  
; ":V,&o9n  
; 屏蔽掉错误信息里面内含的HTML标记 \2VYDBi?|  
; ysFp`  
; [WW ~SOJe  
;html_errors = Off E 9v<VoNP`  
; String to output before an error message. ayh= @7*  
; c@/K}  
; g<PglRr"  
; 错误信息前输出的字符串 3jDAj!_ea  
; y]b &3&  
; )l[bu6bM  
;error_prepend_string = "" g0>Q* x  
; String to output after an error message. H?tX^HO:q  
; .+$ox-EK8  
; H/N4t Wk"  
; 错误信息后输出的字符串。 a/dq+  
; se&Q\!&M  
; )Rr0f 8  
;error_append_string = "" }-H)jN^  
; Log errors to specified file. k`h#.B J  
; ^!sIEL  
; .vWwYG  
; 错误写进指定的文件 YK%rTbB(  
;  95l)w  
; gt)wk93d>  
;error_log = filename WWG+0jQ9  
; Log errors to syslog (Event Log on NT, not valid in Windows 95). 9N V.<&~  
;error_log = syslog p d(W(-`8!  
; Warn if the + operator is used with strings. R(on[g_1  
; ,f^ ICM  
; 2+cpNk$  
; 在对字符串用 + 操作符时给出警告 a<CACWsN.T  
; 5`p>BJ+n  
; f_'8l2jK1i  
warn_plus_overloading = Off <#~n5W{l  
Ri;_ 8v[H|  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Aqo90(jffx  
; Data Handling ; r>cN,C  
; &l?AC%a5  
; a6!|#rt  
; 数据处理 s"B2Whe  
; /_</m?&.U&  
; I'0{Q`}  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; l;i /$Yu7  
; -mw`f)?Ev  
; Note - track_vars is ALWAYS enabled as of PHP 4.0.3 p((a(Q/  
; -_ <z_IL\%  
; 注意,在 PHP 4.0.3 里面, track_vars 总是打开的。 qylI/,y{  
; ip!-~HNwJ  
y~^-I5!_ u  
; The separator used in PHP generated URLs to separate arguments. $rm/{i_7  
; Default is "&". D|$Fw5!^k6  
; y_r(06"z1  
; (!%9#  
; PHP在产生URLs时用于分割参数的分割符。默认是 "&" 9PdD=9HH  
; ziC%Q8  
; CaR-Yk   
;arg_separator.output = "&" IPf>9#L  
OJ r~iUr  
; List of separator(s) used by PHP to parse input URLs into variables. Go(Td++HS  
; Default is "&". i>e?$H,/  
; NOTE: Every character in this directive is considered as separator! ZQ{-6VCjl  
; u6SQq-)d  
; 9qUkw&}H  
; PHP用于把输入的 URLs 解析为变量的分割符列表,默认是 "&"; v1z d[jqk  
; 注意:这个指示的每个字符都被认为是分割符 ^09-SUl^  
; Q2[; H!"  
; yt<h!k$ _P  
;arg_separator.input = ";&" 9;NXzO27  
; This directive describes the order in which PHP registers GET, POST, Cookie, ($-m}UF\/  
; Environment and Built-in variables (G, P, C, E & S respectively, often 2P ^x'I  
; referred to as EGPCS or GPC). Registration is done from left to right, newer f$ 7C 5  
; values override older values. qHn X)  
; <iB5&  
; ?[7KN8$  
; 这个指示描述PHP注册 GET,POST,Cookes,环境变量和内部变量的顺序(分别对应于 G,P,C,E 和 S, MUSsanCA  
; 经常为 EGPCS 或者 GPC).注册从左到右,新的值覆盖旧的值。 Q89fXi0Ivb  
; Z)md]Twt  
; \/ ipYc  
variables_order = "GPCS" /xj`'8  
Xy r'rm5+b  
; Whether or not to register the EGPCS variables as global variables. You may (AZAQ xt  
; want to turn this off if you don't want to clutter your scripts' global scope glLoYRTi  
; with user data. This makes most sense when coupled with track_vars - in which %77uc9}  
; case you can access all of the GPC variables through the $HTTP_*_VARS[], p>B-Ubu  
; variables. <Xw\:5 F<7  
; 6V*,nocL_+  
; ,Oe:SZJ>  
; 是否注册 EGPCS 变量为全局变量。如果你不想和用户数据混淆脚本全局范围,你可能想关闭他。 -iL:D<!Cb_  
; 结合 track_vars 可以更加理性。它可以让你通过 $HTTP_*_VARS[] 访问所有的GPC变量。 zd/kr  
; me@)kQ8M  
; DTG-R>y^  
; You should do your best to write your scripts so that they do not require Jj?HOtaM  
; register_globals to be on; Using form variables as globals can easily lead O]' 2<;  
; to possible security problems, if the code is not very well thought of. RL3*fRlb  
; %SuELm  
; xpc{#/Nk  
; 你可以尽力书写不需要 register_globals 打开时的脚本。如果代码没有非常好的考虑是 'q?Y5@s  
; 使用来源于全局变量的表单数据很容易引起安全问题。 voQJ!h1  
; `aTw!QBfG  
; PQp/ &D4K  
register_globals = Off 0TZB}c#qT  
; This directive tells PHP whether to declare the argv&argc variables (that QiK-|hFj  
; would contain the GET information). If you don't use these variables, you F?[1 m2  
; sh

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