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PHP 4.1.0 的 php.ini 的全文翻译

级别: 大掌柜
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 6IF|3@yD  
; About this file ; Rc7.M"wzjX  
; gO{W#%  
; 关于这个文件 vXPuyR<J  
; anZIB  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Y<ElJ>A2I  
; {dZ8;Fy4  
; This is the recommended, PHP 4-style version of the php.ini-dist file. It GHrBK&  
; sets some non standard settings, that make PHP more efficient, more secure, 'o8\`\'H!  
; and encourage cleaner coding. u-/3(dKt  
; xXa#J)'  
; cd"wNH-  
; 这个是推荐的,PHP 4 版本类型的 php.ini-dist 文件,他设置了一些非标准的设置,他们使得 s@M  
; PHP更加有效,更加安全,鼓励整洁的编码。 }@4| 7  
; & 3I7]Wm  
; w2<*$~C]  
; The price is that with these settings, PHP may be incompatible with some XkoWL  
; applications, and sometimes, more difficult to develop with. Using this hd=j56P5P  
; file is warmly recommended for production sites. As all of the changes from <d<RK@2-  
; the standard settings are thoroughly documented, you can go over each one, }-@I#9  
; and decide whether you want to use it or not. - coy@S=.'  
; M7pvxChA  
; EreAn  
; 这样做的代价是,某些应用程序可能在这样的配置下不兼容,在某些情况下,开发会更加困难。 v7$9QVze  
; 使用这个文件是我门对建设站点的热心建议。每个标准设置的改变都有彻底的说明稳当,你可以 <lX:eR1  
; 处理没一个,决定是否使用他们。 0kz7 >v  
; Q~CpP9%  
; .hnF]_QQ  
; For general information about the php.ini file, please consult the php.ini-dist k%a?SU<f  
; file, included in your PHP distribution. ].c@Gm_(  
; <W9) Bq4  
; 6 cr^<]v!  
; 关于 php.ini 的一般信息,请参考 php.ini-dist 文件,包括你的 PHP 的说明 0 wYiu  
; 1o)=GV1  
; z+2u-jG  
; This file is different from the php.ini-dist file in the fact that it features [@s=J)H  
; different values for several directives, in order to improve performance, while J4&XPr9  
; possibly breaking compatibility with the standard out-of-the-box behavior of |3W3+Rn!  
; PHP 3. Please make sure you read what's different, and modify your scripts $/y%[ .  
; accordingly, if you decide to use this file instead. fzOMX z  
; %L.rcbg:<c  
; 'NRN_c9  
; 这个文件和 php.ini-dist 的区别在于它给予了一些指示不同的值,来提高性能,同时可能破坏了 )uu wwz  
; PHP 3 的标准的 out-of-the-box 特性。 EsNk<Ra  
; ]qF<Zw7  
; ]s}aC9I  
; - register_globals = Off [Security, Performance] y>&VtN{E  
; Global variables are no longer registered for input data (POST, GET, cookies, *%]+sU  
; environment and other server variables). Instead of using $foo, you must use s:G [Em1  
; you can use $_REQUEST["foo"] (includes any variable that arrives through the S@;&U1@h  
; request, namely, POST, GET and cookie variables), or use one of the specific .w=:+msL{(  
; $_GET["foo"], $_POST["foo"], $_COOKIE["foo"] or $_FILES["foo"], depending {!>E9Px  
; on where the input originates. Also, you can look at the |' !7F9GP  
; import_request_variables() function. fa/P%9db  
; Note that register_globals is going to be depracated (i.e., turned off by U5 -zB)V  
; default) in the next version of PHP, because it often leads to security bugs. SIJ# ?0,  
; Read http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php for further /6A:J]Q_  
; information. j `w;z: G  
; >zN" z)  
; 6Eij>{v  
; 全局变量不再注册输入的数据(POST,GET,cookies,环境变量和其他的服务器变量)。作为代替的是使用 .)?2)Fl  
; $foo, 你必须使用 $_REQUEST["foo"] ( 包括所有的通过请求传来的变量,也就是说,POST,GET,和 /"g[Ay  
; cookies 变量)或者根据输入的来源使用指定的 $_GET["foo"],$_POST["foo"],$_COOKIE["foo"] D;K&  
; ,$_FILES["foo"] (访问他们).同时,你可以查看 import_request_variables()函数。 !e9N3Ga  
; LJ:mJ#  
; 注意,这个参数可能在下个版本去掉(默认为off),因为他经常引起安全 bugs.到 I>(;bNgN E  
; http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php 3/ yt*cr  
; 查看详细内容 Gl d H SCy  
; :$+D 2*(  
; ~k"eE V p  
; - display_errors = Off [Security] #%9oQ6nO  
; With this directive set to off, errors that occur during the execution of :4Id7Ce  
; scripts will no longer be displayed as a part of the script output, and thus,  rytGr9S  
; will no longer be exposed to remote users. With some errors, the error message Mt]=v}z  
; content may expose information about your script, web server, or database M^!C?(Hx^x  
; server that may be exploitable for hacking. Production sites should have this A?^A*e  
; directive set to off. ?*(r1grHl  
; "Yc^Nc  
; vCYSm  0  
; 设置这个指示为Off,在脚本执行期间发生错误时,不再将错误作为输出的一部分显示,这样就不会暴露给 Xq} n^W  
; 远端用户。对于某些错误,错误信息的内容可能暴露你的脚本,web服务器,数据库服务器的信息,可能被 nEeQL~:  
; 黑客利用。最终产品占点需要设置这个指示为off.  3J'Bm"  
; YMd&To0s  
; Ncs4<"{$  
; - log_errors = On [Security] ;HD 4~3   
; This directive complements the above one. Any errors that occur during the *B)Jv9  
; execution of your script will be logged (typically, to your server's error log, H-nFsJ(R!c  
; but can be configured in several ways). Along with setting display_errors to off, `!5tH?bX  
; this setup gives you the ability to fully understand what may have gone wrong, _#y(w%  
; without exposing any sensitive information to remote users. dM>j<JC=  
; Dohl,d  
; JI{OGr  
; 这个指示补充上面的。所有的发生在脚本运行期间的错误都会纪录在日志中(代表性的,记录在服务器的错误 &Sa_%:*D(  
; 日志中,但是可以配置不同的方式)。随着 display_errors 设置为 off,这个设置给你全面了解到底什么 +8?R+0P  
; 发生错误的能力,而不会向远端用户暴露任何信息。 y^0HCp{  
; D]LFX/hlH  
; @ ~0G$  
; - output_buffering = 4096 [Performance] J,(U<%n  
; Set a 4KB output buffer. Enabling output buffering typically results in less =DQdPA\K  
; writes, and sometimes less packets sent on the wire, which can often lead to QI :/,w  
; better performance. The gain this directive actually yields greatly depends TV$\v@\ =  
; on which Web server you're working with, and what kind of scripts you're using. M+;!]tbc3  
; ImT+8p a  
; \_-kOS  
; 设置 4KB 的输出缓冲区。打开输出缓冲可以减少写的次数,有时减少线路发送包的数量,这样能提高性能。 '>S8t/  
; 这个指示真正得到的益处很大程度的依赖于你的工作的 WEB 服务器,以及你使用的脚本。 P^uP$D  
; )edU <1P  
; 7><* 9iOW  
; - register_argc_argv = Off [Performance] d=.n|rS4 W  
; Disables registration of the somewhat redundant $argv and $argc global 2s]]!{Z#  
; variables. D!OG307P  
; K"t:B  
; nEa'e5 lg  
; 禁止注册某些多于的 $argv 和 $argc 全局变量 q:D0$YY0  
; %i]uW\~U  
; NXV~[  
; - magic_quotes_gpc = Off [Performance] sEgeS9a{  
; Input data is no longer escaped with slashes so that it can be sent into }. Na{]<gh  
; SQL databases without further manipulation. Instead, you should use the ] _]6&PZXk  
; function addslashes() on each input element you wish to send to a database. dmTW]P2  
; Fc{6*wtO  
; b 'Nvx9=W  
; 输入数据不再被斜线转义,以便于无需更多的处理就可以发送到SQL数据库里面。作为代替,你可 sWpRX2{5,  
; 以对每个要发送到数据库的输入元素使用 addslashes()函数。 JE8p5WaR  
; L3h xe]mr  
; h9)]N&07b  
; - variables_order = "GPCS" [Performance] \8@[bpI@g  
; The environment variables are not hashed into the $HTTP_ENV_VARS[]. To access S:B- nI  
; environment variables, you can use getenv() instead. STF}~`b:3  
; y1jGf83  
; 环境变量不再进入 $HTTP_ENV_VARS[],你需要用 getenv()来访问环境变量。 D/%b@Ls2ze  
; }IalgQ(i  
; >sl1 cC  
; - error_reporting = E_ALL [Code Cleanliness, Security(?)] +oKpA\mz  
; By default, PHP surpresses errors of type E_NOTICE. These error messages +%cr?g  
; are emitted for non-critical errors, but that could be a symptom of a bigger zLIa! -C  
; problem. Most notably, this will cause error messages about the use XQg%*Rw+t  
; of uninitialized variables to be displayed. 6jy n,GU  
; *{p& Fy55  
; QWQ6j#`  
; 默认的,PHP 给出 E_NOTICE 错误类型,这些错误信息不是核心错误,但是可能是个更大错误的隐患。 %q\P'cK  
; 大多数提醒是那些没有初始化变量引起的错误信息。 { P\8g8  
; /{#_Um0.  
; q0KXuMK  
; - allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off [Code cleanliness] %>*0.)wG  
; It's not possible to decide to force a variable to be passed by reference 1{fwr1b  
; when calling a function. The PHP 4 style to do this is by making the ur"e F  
; function require the relevant argument by reference. =~2 Uv>YG  
; \ ]e w@C  
; 7.1E mJ  
; 在调用函数时,不可能决定强制传递变量的引用。PHP 4 里通过函数请求相关参数的引用来实现 rsIPI69qJ.  
; BNKo6:wy  
; YC,.Y{oY{  
!6 fpMo  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &.bR1wX  
; Language Options ; r7BH{>-  
; d}B_ll#j-  
; dmMr8-w  
; 语言配置 g(}8n bTA  
; ug3lMN4UX  
; z%gtV'  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lIc9, |FL  
sN` o_q{Q  
; Enable the PHP scripting language engine under Apache. Appz1q  
; :8!3*C-=  
; ]GPz>k  
; 允许在Apache下的PHP脚本语言引擎 Ru\Lr=9  
; O.8m%ZjD  
; ALieUf  
engine = On X\)KVn`  
R~c vml  
; Allow the tags are recognized. = (h;L$  
; <|.! Px86  
; lNeF>zz  
; 允许 标记 ?RAR  
; t }C ^E  
; F?AfB[PM  
short_open_tag = On @X><lz  
; Allow ASP-style tags. bh6wI%8H  
; YhK/pt43C  
; fU7:3"|s8  
; 允许 ASP 类型的 标记 bc}OmPE  
; w*kFtNBfU  
; W$&Ets8zo  
asp_tags = Off ew ,edU  
; The number of significant digits displayed in floating point numbers. )7mJ+d[  
; NJ!#0[@C  
; XFAt\g  
; 浮点数显示的有意义的数字(精度) h#;K9#x6  
; 5kZ yiC*  
; /4BXF4ksi,  
precision = 14 ^G<M+RF2J  
; Enforce year 2000 compliance (will cause problems with non-compliant browsers) \-id[zKb  
; T mE4p  
; &b8D'XQu  
; 强制遵从 2000 年(会在不遵从的浏览器上引起错误) +-137!x\q  
; )%c)-c  
; =W^L8!BE'  
y2k_compliance = Off 2 ~'quA  
; Output buffering allows you to send header lines (including cookies) even 3`q`W9  
; after you send body content, at the price of slowing PHP's output layer a <xNM@!'\h  
; bit. You can enable output buffering during runtime by calling the output FeRuZww._J  
; buffering functions. You can also enable output buffering for all files by G\AQql(f4  
; setting this directive to On. If you wish to limit the size of the buffer Qt39H@c|z~  
; to a certain size - you can use a maximum number of bytes instead of 'On', as `t2! M\)  
; a value for this directive (e.g., output_buffering=4096). \./2Qc,  
; oABPGyv  
; ^yZEpQN_  
; 输出缓冲允许你在主体内容发送后发送头信息行(包括 cookies),作为代价,会稍微减慢一点PHP =Bx~'RYl1d  
; 输出层的速度。你可以在运行期间通过调用输出缓冲函数来打开输出缓冲。你也可以通过设置这个 #<3\}*/  
; 指示来对虽有的文件打开输出缓冲。如果你想限制缓冲区大小为某个尺寸,你可以使用一个允许最大 s``L?9  
; 的字节数值代替 "On",作为这个指示的值。 je% 12DM  
; !d_A?q'hN  
; t9{EO#o' k  
output_buffering = 4096 \Y p oJ!-  
; You can redirect all of the output of your scripts to a function. For J6P Tkm}^  
; example, if you set output_handler to "ob_gzhandler", output will be HPB1d!^  
; transparently compressed for browsers that support gzip or deflate encoding. \)WjkhG<w#  
; Setting an output handler automatically turns on output buffering. $Yc9><i  
; w:v:znQrW  
; H0 t1& :  
; 你可以重新定向脚本所有输出到一个函数。例如,你可以设置 output_handler 为 "ob_gzhandler", ;wZ.p"T9^  
; 输出将会被明显的被压缩到支持 gzip 或 deflate 编码的浏览器。设置一个输出管理会自动打开 Yd'ke,Je  
; 输出缓冲 3\ed4D  
; :f:C*mYvu  
; }X-ggO,  
output_handler = Cv33?l-8%_  
; Transparent output compression using the zlib library RqR  X  
; Valid values for this option are 'off', 'on', or a specific buffer size + >j_[O5Y  
; to be used for compression (default is 4KB) 6W Zp&pO  
; )1le-SC  
; Ns(F%zkm  
; 使用 zlib 库进行输出压缩,可以指定 off/on 或者用于压缩的缓冲大小 $-73}[UA 4  
; J%'|IwA  
; d|3[MnU[a  
zlib.output_compression = Off R}FN6cH  
90a= 39kI  
; Implicit flush tells PHP to tell the output layer to flush itself h1$,  
; automatically after every output block. This is equivalent to calling the ?~"RCZ[;.f  
; PHP function flush() after each and every call to print() or echo() and each u56cT/J1  
; and every HTML block. Turning this option on has serious performance TD<.:ul]  
; implications and is generally recommended for debugging purposes only. <#sK~G  
; I~,*Rgv/Z  
; zKo,B/Ke4  
; 隐含的通知PHP的输出层在每个输出块后自己自动刷新。等同于在每个 print() 或者 echo() q-'zZ#  
; 和每个HTML块后面都调用 flush()函数。打开这个配置会引起严重的隐含执行,一般推荐在用于 K\#+;\V  
; 调试目的时使用。 6v-h!1p{u  
; UWz<~Vy  
; 09r.0Ks  
implicit_flush = Off ~~&M&Fe  
; Whether to enable the ability to force arguments to be passed by reference yfj<P/aA+  
; at function call time. This method is deprecated and is likely to be czafBO6  
; unsupported in future versions of PHP/Zend. The encouraged method of Lq:Z='Kc  
; specifying which arguments should be passed by reference is in the function Re`= B  
; declaration. You're encouraged to try and turn this option Off and make w;XXjT  
; sure your scripts work properly with it in order to ensure they will work  5bk5EE`  
; with future versions of the language (you will receive a warning each time O3S_P]{*ny  
; you use this feature, and the argument will be passed by value instead of by WK-WA$7\  
; reference). (sY?"(~j?T  
; m6s32??m  
; JHcC}+H[  
; 是否允许在函数调用期间有强制参数以引用的形式传递的能力。这个方法不赞成使用,在将来的 b1-JnEc  
; PHP和Zend版本里面可能不支持。鼓励的方法是在函数声明时指定哪个参数通过引用传递。鼓励你 1Ypru<.)W  
; 尝试关闭这个参数,确认你的脚本能够正常运行,以便在以后版能里面正确运行(你会在每次使用 E=7~\7TE  
; 这个特性时得到一个警告,并且参数以值来传递,代替引用) I%|W O*x  
; CZ|R-ky6p  
; p\Jz<dkN1  
allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off mDtD7FzJ  
R ~#\gMs  
;  e tY9Pq  
; Safe Mode ^$VOC>>9  
; Gt'%:9r  
; dAR):ZKq?  
; 安全模式 +PjH2  
; K*>lq|i u  
; _rOKif?5  
; {/N4/gu  
safe_mode = Off _&P![o)x  
; By default, Safe Mode does a UID compare check when G0^NkH,k  
; opening files. If you want to relax this to a GID compare, ~nw]q<7r  
; then turn on safe_mode_gid. !ce:S!P  
; n>{ >3?  
; +v/_R{ M  
; 安全模式默认的在打开文件时进行 UID 比较检查,如果你想放宽他为GID比较,打开这个参数 ]oj 2  
; {2A/@$?  
; U\P ;,o  
safe_mode_gid = Off sJ,:[  
d n3sh<  
; When safe_mode is on, UID/GID checks are bypassed when !h4L_D0  
; including files from this directory and its subdirectories. zxY  
; (directory must also be in include_path or full path must jU/0a=h9  
; be used when including) Zj%l (OVq  
; &jr'vS[b  
; __OD^?qa  
; 在安全模式,当包含如下目录和子目录文件时,绕过 UID/GID检查(路径必须在 include_path下面 1t6VS 3  
; 或者在包含时使用完整路径 pPUKx =d  
; /2 ')u|  
; |}t[- a  
safe_mode_include_dir = Srg `Tt]  
; When safe_mode is on, only executables located in the safe_mode_exec_dir @#xh)"}  
; will be allowed to be executed via the exec family of functions. 1*,f  
; >8\EdN59{  
; dX?8@uzu  
; 在安全模式下,只有给出目录下可以通过 exec 族函数执行 1 :<f[l  
; Ou>L|#=!  
; # **vIwX-Q  
safe_mode_exec_dir = 0 fX  
; open_basedir, if set, limits all file operations to the defined directory zo4 IY`3  
; and below. This directive makes most sense if used in a per-directory Ey4%N`H-^  
; or per-virtualhost web server configuration file. Ksr.'  
; 0rP`BK|  
; UsP1bh4  
; 如果设置,则限制所有的文件操作都到下面给出的目录下。这个指示在每个目录,每个虚拟主机的web Wz',>&a  
; 服务器配置文件里给出更多的认识。 >,wm-4&E  
; n$&xVaF|  
; D-J G0.@  
;open_basedir = ~`~mnlN  
<?zn k8|  
; Setting certain environment variables may be a potential security breach. c0h:Vqk-  
; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of prefixes. In Safe Mode, w a7)  
; the user may only alter environment variables whose names begin with the .93B@u  
; prefixes supplied here. By default, users will only be able to set U51C /A  
; environment variables that begin with PHP_ (e.g. PHP_FOO=BAR). /i.3v45t"  
; H=,0p  
; Note: If this directive is empty, PHP will let the user modify ANY X] cI ?  
; environment variable! ruiAEC<Ej  
; ?( rJ  
; C{^U^>bU  
; 设置某些环境变量可能是隐藏的安全缺口。这个指示包含一个逗号分割的前缀指示。在安全模式下 QU{|S.\  
; 用户只能修改下面提供的为前缀的变量名字。默认,用户只能设置以 PHP_ 前缀开头的环境变量( &iYy  
; 例如 PHP_FOO=BAR). VjsQy>5m  
; ^FJ .C|l(  
; 注意:如果这个设置为空,则 PHP 可以让用户修改任何环境变量。 |:Q`9;  
; XpS].P9  
; )4u6{-|A  
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_ RHe'L36W  
; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of environment variables that ixJ%wnz  
; the end user won't be able to change using putenv(). These variables will be {\u=m>2U|  
; protected even if safe_mode_allowed_env_vars is set to allow to change them. Y;n;7M<F  
; O{@m,uY  
; ] A.:8;  
; 这个指示包含用逗号分割的不允许最终用户通过 putenv()修改的环境变量的列表。这些变量即使 ;]/>n:[ E  
; 在 safe_mode_allowed_env_vars 设置允许改变他们的情况下也被保护。 EdgcdSb7  
; $w%n\t>B  
; &"G4yM  
safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH fjGY p  
; This directive allows you to disable certain functions for security reasons. }fzv9$]$  
; It receives a comma-delimited list of function names. This directive is G3r9@ 2OC  
; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off. =XbOY[  
; r92C^h0  
; y<#?z 8P  
; 这个指示用于在由于安全原因的情况下屏蔽某些函数。接受用逗号分割的函数名列表,这个指示不受 9'tOF  
; Safe Mode 是否打开的影响。 >U?U ;i  
; 2pu8')'P  
; Dj0`#~  
disable_functions = Qqju6}+  
; Colors for Syntax Highlighting mode. Anything that's acceptable in 7NG^I6WP-  
; would work.  B6| g2Tt  
; cU`sA_f  
; YS7R8|  
; 语法加亮模式的颜色,任何 正常工作的都可以接受 F?>rWP   
; HZ>8@AVa\  
; '8O(J7J  
highlight.string = #CC0000 )+!~xL  
highlight.comment = #FF9900 gtizgUS7  
highlight.keyword = #006600 Tno[LP,  
highlight.bg = #FFFFFF e<Pbsj  
highlight.default = #0000CC P8Nzz(JF  
highlight.html = #000000 -&3WN!egq  
; y:\ ^[y IQ  
; Misc Ws_R S%  
; s*blZdP  
; Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that it is installed on the server [5KzawV  
; (e.g. by adding its signature to the Web server header). It is no security N001c)*7Q  
; threat in any way, but it makes it possible to determine whether you use PHP ~Z ,bd$  
; on your server or not. qT U(]O1  
; lz=DP:/&  
; }PdHR00^  
; 是否让服务器暴露 PHP(例如在 web 服务器头增加标记)。他不会有安全威胁,但是可以让你 GoVB1)  
; 检测一个服务器是否使用了 PHP. g\Gx oR  
; h"b;e2  
; JjH#,@'.  
expose_php = On E="FE.%A  
1r %~Rm  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \M@9#bd  
; Resource Limits ; 8(GH.)I+0  
; hJ)>BeH0  
; LdSBNg#3  
; 资源限制 ZjlFr(  
; 5P?7xRA  
; Y5J}*`[Mr  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; m -{t%[Y  
; z0XH`H|~  
; urJ>dw?FI  
; 每个脚本最大执行的秒数 dr25;L? B  
; Afpj*o  
; zvvF 9  
max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds ]Bp db'  
; t#kPEiD  
; VxlK:*t`  
; 一个脚本最大消耗的内存 :'\4%D=w  
; KJ7[DN'(  
; 'Gn-8r+  
memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB) =44hI86  
OokBi 02b  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 6usy0g D  
; Error handling and logging ; AnB]f~Yjl  
; U#o5(mK  
; [dszz7/L  
; 错误处理和记录 5<%]6cx}  
; iSm5k:7  
; cfb8kNn~+  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 6mawcK:7  
; error_reporting is a bit-field. Or each number up to get desired error MNy)= d&<P  
; reporting level .JR"|;M}  
; (kECV8)2  
; qr5ME/)z  
; 错误报告是一个位字段,每个数值代表错误报告的等级 os\"(*dix  
; Ol;}+?[Q  
; $6~ \xe=  
; E_ALL - All errors and warnings "IOu$?  
; Ri,8rf0u  
; 所有的错误和警告 In-W,   
; *`}4]OGv.  
; E_ERROR - fatal run-time errors D,aJ`PK~  
; 9!XW):  
; 致命的运行期错误 mY+.(N7m  
; <K8$00lm  
; E_WARNING - run-time warnings (non-fatal errors) !P Cw-&  
; Jm%hb ,  
; 运行期警告(非致命错误) o=!3=2@dh  
; X%+FM]  
; E_PARSE - compile-time parse errors #}^ kMD >  
; 'o2V}L'nG  
; 编译期间解析错误 e`1,jt'  
; 97H2hYw9l  
; E_NOTICE - run-time notices (these are warnings which often result By3/vb)M5  
; from a bug in your code, but it's possible that it was !}sYPz]7!  
; intentional (e.g., using an uninitialized variable and +vxU~WIV&  
; relying on the fact it's automatically initialized to an O/gBBTB  
; empty string) (n&Hjz,Fv  
; l}>gG[q!  
; 运行期间注意,一般是由于代码的 bug 引起的警告,但是很可能是故意这样的。例如使用没有初始化 %ZV a{Nc  
; 的变量,依赖于他自动初始化为空的字符串。 N=) E$h  
; ~jd:3ip+!  
; E_CORE_ERROR - fatal errors that occur during PHP's initial startup .Gq)@{o>  
; U=<E,tM  
; 发生在 PHP 的初始启动阶段的致命错误 PVAs# ~  
; %eoO3"//  
; E_CORE_WARNING - warnings (non-fatal errors) that occur during PHP's aX=  
; initial startup _7SOl.5ZE  
; jWb;Xk4  
; 发生在 PHP 的初始启动阶段的警告(非致命错误) 0T!_;IQ  
; xACAtJ'gc  
; E_COMPILE_ERROR - fatal compile-time errors ^>?gFvWB%  
; thk33ss:  
; 致命的编译期间错误 aHKv*-z-  
; F+vgkqs@9  
; E_COMPILE_WARNING - compile-time warnings (non-fatal errors) DUg  
; XUU l*5^  
; 编译期间的警告(非致命的错误) I;`)1   
; P,Fs7  
; E_USER_ERROR - user-generated error message iMnp `:*  
; qyMR0ai-  
; 用户引起的错误信息 48]1"h%*qB  
; /H+j6*}r  
; E_USER_WARNING - user-generated warning message "}PaMR]  
; 4/S% eZB  
; 用户引起的警告信息 wU_e/+0h  
; EfY|S3Av  
; E_USER_NOTICE - user-generated notice message #$(F&>pj  
; Q4 Mp[  
; 用户引起的提醒信息 X}`|"NIk.  
; e7/ b@  
; CuPZ0  
; Examples: lz X0B&:  
; p=6Q0r|'  
; - Show all errors, except for notices QK -_~9V  
; 4os7tx  
; 显示所有错误,除了提醒 a4FvQH#j  
; Ch607 i=  
;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE 1R)4[oYN\<  
; EzK,SN#  
; - Show only errors \R45#. P6X  
; DPn]de:e  
; 只显示错误 xZt]s3?  
; )sG`sET]`f  
;error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR Z^9;sb,x  
; NKd!i09`  
; - Show all errors except for notices I,D24W4l  
; q#Az\B:  
; 显示所有的错误(译者注:英文可能有错误) aG QC  
; M(o?I}  
error_reporting = E_ALL F*hOa|7/  
; Print out errors (as a part of the output). For production web sites, >=c<6#:s<9  
; you're strongly encouraged to turn this feature off, and use error logging $6 \v1  
; instead (see below). Keeping display_errors enabled on a production web site tF SO"  
; may reveal security information to end users, such as file paths on your Web 7{j9vl6  
; server, your database schema or other information. 2SEfEkk  
; qsXK4`  
; 'mj0+c$  
; 输出错误(作为输出的一部分)。对于成品网站,强烈建议关闭这个特性,使用下面错误日志代替。 dK,j|  
; 在成品网站打开这个特性可能对最终用户暴露安全信息。例如 WEB 服务器的文件路径,数据库计划 Qjh5m5e  
; 或其他信息。 yWsV !Ub  
; r6&f I"Yg  
; hZ-No  
display_errors = Off jx a?  
tsR\c O~/  
; Even when display_errors is on, errors that occur during PHP's startup HMJx[ yD  
; sequence are not displayed. It's strongly recommended to keep j[Uul#  
; display_startup_errors off, except for when debugging. 0 } uEM_a  
; Epsc2TuH7  
; fb[f >1|  
; 即使 display_errors 参数设置位 on,发生在 PHP 的启动顺序期间的错误也不会显示。 c.m8~@O5+  
; 强烈建议保持 display_startup_errors 为 off,除非在调试阶段。 k$?zh$  
; %qL0=ad  
; fdGls`H  
display_startup_errors = Off @ae;&  
; Log errors into a log file (server-specific log, stderr, or error_log (below)) x9R_KLN:;  
; As stated above, you're strongly advised to use error logging in place of gJ cf~@s  
; error displaying on production web sites.  UN[rW0*  
; 5an#,vCn{  
; =< j8)2  
; 把错误写到一个日志文件里面(服务器指定日志,标准错误,或者后面的错误日志)。 F)g.CDQ!c  
; 根据上面的一致性,强烈建议使用错误日志代替web站点的错误显示。 k !Nl#.j  
; Fp..Sjh 6  
; _x_om#~n  
log_errors = On udM<jY]5p  
; Store the last error/warning message in $php_errormsg (boolean). L}lOA,EF  
; |k3ZdM  
; :$ j6  
; 保存最后的错误/警告信息在 $php_errormsg(boolean)里面。 znv2:  
; 5xL%HX[S  
; &P Wz4hZ  
track_errors = Off y)o!F^  
; Disable the inclusion of HTML tags in error messages. 0<75G6wd  
; !fUrDOM0E  
; /M(FuV  
; 屏蔽掉错误信息里面内含的HTML标记 *&{M ,  
; lx,^Y 647  
;  *e{d^  
;html_errors = Off _!6~o>  
VXlTA>a }  
; String to output before an error message. )]~'zOE_  
; n.P$7%G`2  
; 'p,QI>  
; 错误信息前输出的字符串 >:%YAR`  
; MB;< F  
; Z'p7I}-qr  
;error_prepend_string = "" hyv*+FV;  
; String to output after an error message. S*~v9+  
; QWG?^T fi  
; $$`E@\5P  
; 错误信息后输出的字符串。 !^BXai/  
; -_BS!T%r  
; E&r*[;$  
;error_append_string = "" Ld6j;ZJ';  
; Log errors to specified file. 8 St`,Tq)  
; }2 zJ8A9-  
; 6N[XWyS  
; 错误写进指定的文件 H~x,\|l#  
; }<`Mn34@  
; L/9f"%kZ  
;error_log = filename Jx[Z[RO2  
 4KF 1vw  
; Log errors to syslog (Event Log on NT, not valid in Windows 95). (:W=8G,p  
;error_log = syslog %toxZ}OP  
v{9< ATi  
; Warn if the + operator is used with strings. ^50#R< Ny  
; d[;=X.fZ2  
; :{<( )gfk  
; 在对字符串用 + 操作符时给出警告 0]3%BgZ(a8  
; vy\;#X!  
; c!"&E\F  
warn_plus_overloading = Off "2:]9j  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; v WKUV|  
; Data Handling ; :FOMRrf7.  
; ;i|V++$_  
; p\5DW'  
; 数据处理 o<2H~2/  
; _ h\wH;  
; * Zb-YA  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; KrN#>do&<  
; ^Z]1Z  
; Note - track_vars is ALWAYS enabled as of PHP 4.0.3 |KFRC)g  
; FaO=<jYi  
; 注意,在 PHP 4.0.3 里面, track_vars 总是打开的。 Fa78yY+6  
; :{NvBxc[  
; The separator used in PHP generated URLs to separate arguments. HH/ bBM!  
; Default is "&". zTb!$8D"g  
; ++ !BSQ e  
; @Q~Oc_z  
; PHP在产生URLs时用于分割参数的分割符。默认是 "&" M;*f(JY$  
; 8*y hx  
; Et{4*+A  
;arg_separator.output = "&" .} <$2.  
; List of separator(s) used by PHP to parse input URLs into variables. !uoU 8Ki9  
; Default is "&". xKIzEN &  
; NOTE: Every character in this directive is considered as separator! =y.!Ny5A  
; m }I@:s2  
; V~p/P  
; PHP用于把输入的 URLs 解析为变量的分割符列表,默认是 "&"; I_xvg >i  
; 注意:这个指示的每个字符都被认为是分割符 tM3eB= .*  
; @MMk=/WDw  
; Yg@k +  
;arg_separator.input = ";&" pX3Q@3,$  
S(xlN 7=  
; This directive describes the order in which PHP registers GET, POST, Cookie, :db:|=#T  
; Environment and Built-in variables (G, P, C, E & S respectively, often h ,;f6  
; referred to as EGPCS or GPC). Registration is done from left to right, newer `0a=A#]1o  
; values override older values. MU2ufKq4)  
; @C7if lo6  
; 9&e=s<6dO  
; 这个指示描述PHP注册 GET,POST,Cookes,环境变量和内部变量的顺序(分别对应于 G,P,C,E 和 S, --*Jv"/0  
; 经常为 EGPCS 或者 GPC).注册从左到右,新的值覆盖旧的值。 Eshc"U  
; \d~sU,L;]  
; .9X,)^D  
variables_order = "GPCS" =@w,D.5h  
; Whether or not to register the EGPCS variables as global variables. You may U_!Wg|  
; want to turn this off if you don't want to clutter your scripts' global scope >D20f<w(H  
; with user data. This makes most sense when coupled with track_vars - in which =?fxPT[1K  
; case you can access all of the GPC variables through the $HTTP_*_VARS[], $*EK v'g[n  
; variables. 8!87p?Mz  
; QR4!r@*=  
; #P[d?pY  
; 是否注册 EGPCS 变量为全局变量。如果你不想和用户数据混淆脚本全局范围,你可能想关闭他。 6;rJIk@Fx=  
; 结合 track_vars 可以更加理性。它可以让你通过 $HTTP_*_VARS[] 访问所有的GPC变量。 NYopt?Xg  
; ;OjxEXaq  
; nl v8HC  
; You should do your best to write your scripts so that they do not require :H/CiN  
; register_globals to be on; Using form variables as globals can easily lead rGjP|v@3^  
; to possible security problems, if the code is not very well thought of. dUAZDoLi  
; t[>y=89  
; bvVEV  
; 你可以尽力书写不需要 register_globals 打开时的脚本。如果代码没有非常好的考虑是 !brXQj8D7  
; 使用来源于全局变量的表单数据很容易引起安全问题。 QoagyL  
; $$my,:nH  
; %"#%/>U4  
register_globals = Off 5LJUD>f9 Z  
; This directive tells PHP whether to declare the argv&argc variables (that &OpGcbf1  
; would contain the GET information). If you don't use these variables, you 6|# +  
; should turn it off for increased performance. ~M@'=Q*~  
; !nX}\lw  
; $:|z{p  
; 这个指示通知 PHP 是否声明 argv 和 argc 变量(他们可能包含 GET 信息)。 ]xJ5}/  
; 如果你不使用他们,你应该关闭他来提高性能。 3aMfZa<=  
; gWlv;oq  
; QL_~E;U  
register_argc_argv = Off i:8g3|JfMe  
; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept. wD(1Sr5n  
; ARcPHV<(2  
; \SA"DT  
; PHP接受的最大的 POST 数据尺寸 P(H,_7 4  
; 6O|B'?]Pf  
; : z=C   
post_max_size = 8M w QV4[  
; This directive is deprecated. Use variables_order instead. {z":hmt  
; (wxdT6RVm\  
; Y8*k18~  
; 这个指示不赞成使用,使用 variables_order 代替 N*d )<8_  
; g[Tl#X7F  
; +f#o ij  
gpc_order = "GPC" EN OaC  
; Magic quotes o;.6Y `-fJ  
; }zA kUt  
; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data. jt({@;sU[<  
; v=-8} S  
; /qf2LO'+  
; 转换进入的 GET/POST/Cookie 数据 wI\ n%#  
; p([g/Q  
; ^]iIvIp  
magic_quotes_gpc = Off e1*<9&S  
; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc. desrKnY  
; N$Pi4  
;  C~C}b  
; 转换运行期间产生的数据,例如来自于 SQL, exec()等等 IU f1N+-z  
; wi{qN___  
; A6?+$ Hr  
magic_quotes_runtime = Off g>])O  
; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \'). u9 LP=g  
; _RzwE$+9  
; )v1y P  
; 使用 Sybase 样式的转换(对于 ' 使用 '' 代替 \') f:/[  
; }3G`f> s  
; ]h]|PdN  
magic_quotes_sybase = Off bnso+cA  
; Automatically add files before or after any PHP document. DK!QGATh  
; (A\X+S(  
; cba  
; 在PHP文档前后自动加入的文件名字。 O$'BJKj-4  
; ~Ibq,9i  
; gBF2.{"^  
auto_prepend_file = _$wXHONt  
auto_append_file = B@v\tpR  
; As of 4.0b4, PHP always outputs a character encoding by default in HnDz4eD  
; the Content-type: header. To disable sending of the charset, simply xY3 KKje  
; set it to be empty. 3J^"$qfSn  
; 3^ct;gz  
; PHP's built-in default is text/html r8o9C  
; v[3QI7E3  
; `y1ne x-0  
; 在 4.0b4, PHP 总是在 Content-type:头里面发送默认的字符编码。要禁止发送字符设置 pN-l82]'  
; 简单的把他设置为空就可以。 3ID 1>  
; PHP 内置的默认值是 text/html  >mk}  
; <ptskbu  
; |4=Du-e  
default_mimetype = "text/html" sj"zgE)  
;default_charset = "iso-8859-1"







级别: 大掌柜
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2006-07-02
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^|+;~3<J  
; Paths and Directories ; 6%8,OOS  
; ^XbN&'^,HL  
; __Tg1A  
; 路径和目录 99]&Xj  
; +:#x!i;W8[  
; =4H"&Eu{  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ySXQn#}-,  
'nR'o /!  
; UNIX: "/path1:/path2" ? 016  
; D$W09ng-  
; nTd[-3o  
; UNIX: 使用 /path1:path2 样式 {WYHT6Z  
; n\x@~ SzrX  
; yo=0Ov  
;include_path = ".:/php/includes" CPj8`kl  
; p~!UE/V  
; Windows: "\path1;\path2" Sph:OX8  
; &!=[.1H<  
; Window: 使用 \path1;\path2 样式 Y8$,So>~  
; xD|CQo}:  
;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes" ,^#{k!uaC{  
]= EYju@  
; The root of the PHP pages, used only if nonempty. iXJ3B&x  
; &qO#EEqG]  
; JJ=%\j  
; PHP 页面的根位置,仅在非空时使用 UOwEA9q%  
; u#&ZD|  
; ivb?B,Lz0  
doc_root = " F3M  m  
; The directory under which PHP opens the script using /~usernamem used only =8!FY"c*  
; if nonempty. 2U Q&n`A  
; -ghmLMS%t  
; B{^ojV;]m  
; 使用 /~username 打开 PHP 脚本时的目录,非空时使用。 `uN}mC!r]  
; =OUms@xcE  
; m\];.Da  
user_dir = dhAkD-Lh  
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside. 9BA*e-[  
; 1m5 =Nu  
; sPod)w?e  
; 本地可装载的扩展(模块)所在的目录 u#c3T'E  
; i4XE26B;e  
; ;*Z.|?3 MM  
extension_dir = c:\php\extensions mTsl"A>  
; Whether or not to enable the dl() function. The dl() function does NOT work i7UE9Nyl*  
; properly in multithreaded servers, such as IIS or Zeus, and is automatically M'"@l $[QM  
; disabled on them. !pMp n%r<]  
; "yo~;[  
; 6S2u%-]  
; 是否允许 dl()函数。dl()在多线程服务器上不能正确的工作,例如 IIS 或者 Zeus,此时自动屏蔽 R;{y]1u  
; 9AGf4tuy  
; Y4 <  
enable_dl = On ,8vqzI  
yL#bZ9W }  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #w *]`5 T  
; File Uploads ; c@]_V  
; uoIvFcb^  
; +F9)+wT~;q  
; 文件上传 -S7y1 )7  
; =mq02C~y  
; Cqy)+x_OQ,  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; n.a55uy  
; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads. <1L?Xhoc6  
; yHka7D  
; 5dPPm%U{  
; 是否允许文件上传 z'(][SB  
; YjT7_|`(]  
; Pl>S1  
file_uploads = On xD#r5  
; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not \"X<\3z2  
; specified). '|9fDzW"]  
; te 0a6  
; k!^Au8Up?  
; HTTP 上传时文件的临时目录(如果没有指定就使用系统默认的) _Kw<4 $0<p  
; 6;:s N8M+1  
; |K H&,  
;upload_tmp_dir = wTL&m+xr  
%p R: .u|  
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. _"Bh 3 7  
; Q|O! cEW/  
; y7s:Buyc  
; 最大允许上传文件尺寸 ^D{!!)O  
; &6yh4-(7  
; 3V,$FS]  
upload_max_filesize = 2M !@r1B`]j+"  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; iEtnwSt  
; Fopen wrappers ; EEU)eltI  
; P{'T9U|O-  
; I1IuvH6  
; 文件打开封装 m~LB0u$ac  
; Q1?0R<jOU  
; Y\Z.E ;  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; rfl-(_3  
; Whether to allow the treatment of URLs (like http:// or ftp://) as files. 7({"dW  
; ?D6?W6@  
; h=fzX .dt  
; 是否允许把 URLs(象 http:// 或者 ftp://)以文件对待 OMi_')J  
; aQMUC6cPM@  
; Jvk!a~e  
allow_url_fopen = On ] BJ]  
XtJ _po  
; Define the anonymous ftp password (your email address) kb27$4mm  
; KqM!7  
; GkhaB(btk'  
; 默认的 ftp 密码(你的邮箱地址) |6M:JI8  
; y@5{.jsr_  
; &.> 2@  
;from="john@doe.com" gJkk0wok C  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3C+!Y#F  
; Dynamic Extensions ; tSP)'N<  
; hzT,0<nw  
; Gk!06   
; 动态扩展 0gR!W3dh  
; XZ8#8Di8  
; #6'x-Z_  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 8f\sG:$  
; xnBU)#<]S  
; If you wish to have an extension loaded automatically, use the following 6AM-^S@  
; syntax: :y>$N(.8f  
; [VD)DO5  
; extension=modulename.extension zNZ"PYh<u  
; 7j9X<8 *  
; For example, on Windows: aBBTcN%'  
; TVkC pO,H  
; extension=msql.dll zA~aiX  
; -<Wv7FNpD  
; ... or under UNIX: u%o2BLx  
; lg9`Z>?  
; extension=msql.so =i`#0i2(  
; a2'si}'3  
; Note that it should be the name of the module only; no directory information *!~jHy8F  
; needs to go here. Specify the location of the extension with the ~ AU!Gm.  
; extension_dir directive above. ]*M VVzF  
; *0*1.>Vg  
; <~rf;2LZ  
; 如果你想自动装载某些扩展,使用下面的语法 p$qpC$F  
; UBgheu  
; extension = modulename.extension dbmty|d  
; 1ymq7F(2  
; 例如在 Windows 下面 w9Eb\An  
; 4v=NmO }  
; extension=msql.dll _o'3v=5T  
; =;) M+"  
; 在 UNIX 下面 D^G5$h i  
; Y$@?Y/rhR  
; extension = msql.so _&U5 u  
; g[#4`Q<.  
; 注意,必须是模块的名字,不能有其他指示。扩展的位置在 extension_dir 那里指定 RPXkf71iM  
; rA">< pH  
; @CxXkR  
]0 g$3  
3 ;N+5*-  
;Windows Extensions /+11`B09  
;Note that MySQL and ODBC support is now built in, so no dll is needed for it. AP2BND9  
; _#kjiJj *  
; |t1ij'N  
; Windows 扩展 ?HsQ417.H  
; 注意,MySQL 和 ODBC 已经内置了,不需要 dll 了。 viLK\>>  
; cNd;qO0$  
;  Uu<Tn#nb  
;extension=php_bz2.dll o#X=1us  
;extension=php_ctype.dll $69ef[b  
;extension=php_cpdf.dll pE^jUxk6  
;extension=php_curl.dll kW 7 $  
;extension=php_cybercash.dll ;&A%"8o  
;extension=php_db.dll 3RW3<n  
;extension=php_dba.dll :epjJ1mW  
;extension=php_dbase.dll zRz7*o&l  
;extension=php_dbx.dll F1q a`j^'  
;extension=php_domxml.dll 0zL7$Q#c  
;extension=php_dotnet.dll jOE~?{8m  
;extension=php_exif.dll UTThl2=+  
;extension=php_fbsql.dll ;)SWUXa;{  
;extension=php_fdf.dll dV:vM9+x  
;extension=php_filepro.dll K<3$>/|  
;extension=php_gd.dll B <CK~ybY  
;extension=php_gettext.dll ]Zj6W9]m  
;extension=php_hyperwave.dll nVK`H@5fw  
;extension=php_iconv.dll bSKe@4C  
;extension=php_ifx.dll Bl >)GX\l  
;extension=php_iisfunc.dll ,^>WC G  
;extension=php_imap.dll Yw\7`  
;extension=php_ingres.dll bM9:h  
;extension=php_interbase.dll Hf ]w  
;extension=php_java.dll (I) e-1  
;extension=php_ldap.dll V&j |St[  
;extension=php_mbstring.dll S>'S4MJE`  
;extension=php_mcrypt.dll gLH#UwfJ  
;extension=php_mhash.dll 1l~(J:DT  
;extension=php_ming.dll (ohza<X;6  
;extension=php_mssql.dll ; 这个是 Microsoft SQL Server pFUW7jE  
;extension=php_oci8.dll //ZYN2lT4  
;extension=php_openssl.dll 4Y=sTXbFt  
;extension=php_oracle.dll 6z(eW]p  
;extension=php_pdf.dll 3=SN;cn  
;extension=php_pgsql.dll "]"!"#aMv  
;extension=php_printer.dll d- wbZ)BR  
;extension=php_sablot.dll ZgXn8O[a  
;extension=php_shmop.dll }`SXUM_sD`  
;extension=php_snmp.dll @ZD/y %e  
;extension=php_sockets.dll z@_ 9.n]  
;extension=php_sybase_ct.dll _;M46o%h  
;extension=php_xslt.dll AIx,c1G]K  
;extension=php_yaz.dll 5T,In+~Kd  
;extension=php_zlib.dll HifU65"8  
S!/N lSr<  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 77:s=)   
; Module Settings ; nhUL{ER  
; SiM1Go}#  
; Tt0:rQ.  
; 模块设置 CUS^j  
; xEA%UFB.!G  
; \mBH6GS  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sb9In_* 0  
I>]t% YKj  
[Syslog] HfF4BQxm  
; kRyt|ryWh  
; 系统日志 `F#<qZSR  
; L 1fK  
; Whether or not to define the various syslog variables (e.g. $LOG_PID, 2WA =U]  
; $LOG_CRON, etc.). Turning it off is a good idea performance-wise. In &|:T+LVv$+  
; runtime, you can define these variables by calling define_syslog_variables(). E rf$WPA  
; m-~eCFc  
; (,J`!Y hS  
; 是否定以不同的系统日志变量(例如,$LOG_PID,$LOG_CRON,等等)。为性能考虑,关闭比较好 Vs)%*1><  
; 在运行期间,你可以通过调用 define_syslog_variables() 定以这些变量 S[J=d%(  
; Qoj}]jve  
; `mI% Se  
define_syslog_variables = Off +Rtz`V1d  
[mail function] +!(W>4F  
; G]Jchg <  
; 邮件函数 wGqQR)a  
; >gt_C'  
; For Win32 only. $ljgFmR_  
; U#B,Q6~  
; DIk\=[{2q  
; Win32 可用 KAR XC,z  
; doCWJ   
; LNp%]*h  
SMTP = localhost E0nR Vg  
; For Win32 only. [_3Rhp:  
; [\hk_(}  
; qM`XF32A$  
; Win32 可用 n 0X_m@  
; x 5u.D^  
; + *YGsM`E9  
sendmail_from = me@localhost.com 3^LSK7.:  
; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: 'sendmail -t -i'). 1MtvnPY  
; !;SpQ28  
; eQk ~YA]K  
; Unix 可用,可以指定参数。(默认是 sendmail -t -i ) ub "(,k P  
; 7]_lSYwrb  
; O<R6^0B42  
;sendmail_path = qAH@)}  
LE_1H >  
[Logging] 8s4y7%,|  
; lN,8(n?g  
; 日志 q8:Z.<%8  
; :E|HP#iwu  
; These configuration directives are used by the example logging mechanism. \?,'i/c-  
; See examples/README.logging for more explanation. 2`#jw)dM;}  
; _tR%7%3*  
; ZQvpkO7}M  
; 这些配置指示例子中的日志机制,查看 examples/README.logging 的详细说明 8wz4KG3SK  
; '3>kDH+  
; =&*:)  
;logging.method = db 29"eu#-Qj  
;logging.directory = /path/to/log/directory QZBXI3%#s  
[Java] :&= TE2  
; d7A08l{  
; Java 支持 EXDtVa Ot  
; "(}xIsy  
; 9l+`O0.@  
; 指向 php_java.jar 的位置 \ ?[#>L4  
; d\`A ^  
;java.class.path = .\php_java.jar ^4Ra$<  
 :GC <U|p  
; <^,w,A  
; 指向 java 安装的目录 ?lv{;4BC  
; Q p7|p  
;java.home = c:\jdk %t0Fx  
; yhe$A<Rl=  
; 指向虚拟机的目录 r)<]W@ Pr  
; 65VnH=  
;java.library = c:\jdk\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll oC>QJ(o,8  
[ADr _  
; 9Ot;R?>(  
; 指向 java 扩展所在的目录,比如 c:\php\extensions *=L3bBu?  
; TH2D;uv  
;java.library.path = .\ "U34D1I )#  
[SQL] chsjY]b  
; irCS}Dbw  
; SQL 设置 RqW ZhHI1M  
; [7?K9r\#  
sql.safe_mode = Off 1oaiA/bq  
[ODBC] p5^,3&  
; a +Q9kh  
; ODBC 设置 nM  D^x  
; 3ik  
; `pF|bZ?v  
; 默认的数据库,尚未实现 s)"C~w^  
; _3h(R`VdWO  
;odbc.default_db = Not yet implemented Zo`'xg  
; !!_K|}QOE  
; 默认的用户,尚未实现 pt;E~_  
; Mjq1qEi"B  
;odbc.default_user = Not yet implemented &^4\Rx_I  
; aT[Z#Zd, N  
; 默认的密码,尚未实现 +T=Z!2L  
; CfQOG7e@  
;odbc.default_pw = Not yet implemented ]y@8mb&  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. bCg {z b#  
; aOfL;I  
; 允许或者防止持久连接 oC>e'_6_b  
; y%k\=:m  
odbc.allow_persistent = On )I{41/_YA  
|\2z w _o  
; Check that a connection is still valid before reuse. >- ]tOH,0  
; Jt"0|+g|  
; 在连接重新使用前检查是否依然合法 _)Q) tOW  
; O^|dc=  
odbc.check_persistent = On 2hAu~#X  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. ,K .P,z~*  
; E"bYl3  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 代表不限制  db^S@}  
; vb)Z&V6(  
odbc.max_persistent = -1 zx'G0Z9]  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. }rsD$  
; [Rw0']i`4  
; 最大的连接数(持久 + 非持久),-1 代表不限制 r]Bwp i%  
; x;S v&  
odbc.max_links = -1 +4f>njARIb  
; Handling of LONG fields. Returns number of bytes to variables. 0 means < i"U%Ds(  
; passthru. V"(S<o  
; f:\jPkf'  
; 处理超长的字段,返回可用的字节数量,0 代表 放弃(passthru) Ev%4}GwO4  
; 9r@r\-  
odbc.defaultlrl = 4096 ~T>_}Q[M2p  
; Handling of binary data. 0 means passthru, 1 return as is, 2 convert to char. -X5rGp++  
; See the documentation on odbc_binmode and odbc_longreadlen for an explanation /]2-I_WB  
; of uodbc.defaultlrl and uodbc.defaultbinmode mZ3i#a4  
; lBh|+K N  
; 处理二进制数据。0 代表放弃(passthru),1 返回原始的,2 转化为字符。 bwUsE U 0  
; Cq;t;qN,nQ  
odbc.defaultbinmode = 1 _,_>B8  
[MySQL] o!^':mll  
; k1i*1Tc  
; N,V %/O{Y  
; MySQL 配置 L)&?$V  
; pL8+gL  
; qCOv4b`  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. EC$wi|i  
; Kc_QxON4  
; 是否允许持久连接 Lw\ANku  
; j':Ybr>BR  
mysql.allow_persistent = On UOSa`TZbZ  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. 'W usEME  
; sguE{!BO  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 {EGiGwpf  
; n?_!gqK  
mysql.max_persistent = -1 rcMV YSj0  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. \ F#mwl,>"  
; >w+WG0Z K  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 'm}K$h(U  
; ^-c j=on=Q  
mysql.max_links = -1 \NKf$"x}  
5 :6^533]  
; Default port number for mysql_connect(). If unset, mysql_connect() will use R8P7JY[h  
; the $MYSQL_TCP_PORT or the mysql-tcp entry in /etc/services or the 9V`/zq?  
; compile-time value defined MYSQL_PORT (in that order). Win32 will only look at MYSQL_PORT. "{105&c\  
; )+RTA y[k  
; mysql_connect()默认的端口号。如果没有设置,则使用 $MYSQL_TCP_PORT 或者 在 /etc/services qEPvV  
; 里面的 mysql_tct 入口,或者运行期间给出的 MYSQL_PORT,Win32 只查看 MYSQL_PORT /1ooOq]  
; q]YPDdR#  
mysql.default_port = DxR__  
Pe8W Br;`  
; Default socket name for local MySQL connects. If empty, uses the built-in 5s_7 P"&H  
; MySQL defaults. E ;65kZ  
; $UavM|  
; 默认的本地 MySQL 连接的 socket 名字,如果为空泽使用内置的 oh:q:St  
; Ac'[(  
mysql.default_socket = UhYeyT  
SkBa- *MC  
; Default host for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). <:0649ZB  
; )9MmL-7K  
; 默认的连接主机(在安全模式下不使用) /R^Moj<  
; ;E>5<[aa  
mysql.default_host = <#<4A0:  
; Default user for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). iM+K&\{_h  
; H|k!5W^  
; 默认的用户名(在安全模式不使用) ]4-lrI1#  
; Ks . m5R  
mysql.default_user = =fG c?PQ  
0"7 xCx  
; Default password for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). #XR<}OYcL  
; Note that this is generally a *bad* idea to store passwords in this file. S`gUSYS"w  
; *Any* user with PHP access can run 'echo cfg_get_var("mysql.default_password") L ?g|:  
; and reveal this password! And of course, any users with read access to this #-dfG.*  
; file will be able to reveal the password as well. |ybW  
; *CZvi0&  
; 默认的连接密码(在安全模式下不使用) EKoAIC*?p  
; 注意:在这里存储密码是一个非常不好的注意。任何可以访问 PHP 的用户可以通过 '#gd19#  
; echo cfg_get_var("mysql.default_password")来获得密码。当然,任何拥有这个文件读取 3 XdN \xc  
; 权限的用户同样可以得到密码。 %5 V!Fdb  
; X5UcemO  
mysql.default_password = 4zs1BiMG  
[mSQL] <-62m8N|  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. *c4uCI:0t  
; n_\V G[f  
; 是否允许持久连接 rq?:I:0  
; i <0H W  
msql.allow_persistent = On J/S 47J~  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. jjbBv~vs  
; /Y@^B,6 \  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 H6(kxpOI\  
; ^N}zePy0  
msql.max_persistent = -1 g3Q]W(F%$  
; Maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent). -1 means no limit. ^_ <jg0V  
; .WM0x{t/  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 z1[2.&9D-  
; s2A3.SN  
msql.max_links = -1 =<w6yeko  
[PostgresSQL] D|m6gP;P  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. <ABN/nH  
; hO^8CA,5  
; 是否允许持久连接 RNGTSz  
; ''Fy]CwH(  
pgsql.allow_persistent = On ( ,1}P  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. TJFxo? gC"  
; HL$}Gh]q  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 }rf_:  
; 4q#6.E;yy  
pgsql.max_persistent = -1 dK'?<w$  
; Maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent). -1 means no limit. lxoc.KDtR  
; 9t@^P^}=\m  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 vw=OGjT_>m  
; u4TU"r("A  
pgsql.max_links = -1 9 2_F8y*D  
[Sybase] !Cxo4Twg  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. hZ2!UW4'  
; "&?F 6Pi  
; 是否允许持久连接 bK;I:JK3  
; !GI*R2<W  
sybase.allow_persistent = On wy6>^_z  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. ~$XbYR-  
; m qgA  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 f`'?2  
; Eyi^N0  
sybase.max_persistent = -1 xLX<. z!r  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. 3 EH/6  
; gQaBQq9  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 kbzzage6L  
; DQO~<E6c  
sybase.max_links = -1 "?EoYF_  
;sybase.interface_file = "/usr/sybase/interfaces" @igGfYy  
; Minimum error severity to display. 0[ MQp"z  
; ucP}( $  
; 显示的最小错误 K{)N:|y%!$  
; %!%G\nv  
sybase.min_error_severity = 10 t mAj  
; Minimum message severity to display. u&Q2/Y  
; [=*c8  
; 显示最小错误信息 4mR{\ d  
; ,E,oz{,i(  
sybase.min_message_severity = 10 p12'^i |  
; Compatability mode with old versions of PHP 3.0. D?;8bI%"  
; If on, this will cause PHP to automatically assign types to results according 2u 8z>/G  
; to their Sybase type, instead of treating them all as strings. This )]x/MC:9r  
; compatability mode will probably not stay around forever, so try applying /V@~Vlww  
; whatever necessary changes to your code, and turn it off. w$I<WS{J:Z  
; 2eErvfC[  
; 兼容于旧的 PHP 3.0 R3+y*< <e  
; 如果为 on, 则PHP 根据他们的 Sybase 类型自动给结果赋予类型,而不是全部当成字符串。 q#9JJWSs  
; 这个兼容模式在将来不会保留,所以请修改你的代码,关闭这个参数 xo{3r\u?}  
; uk%C:4T  
sybase.compatability_mode = Off )>,; GVu"  
[Sybase-CT] 9x;CJhX  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. ^q``f%Xt  
; 0<f\bY02  
; 是否允许持久连接 <Stfqa6FJ  
; lx9tUTaus/  
sybct.allow_persistent = On p)l>bC?3  
r[; .1,(  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. Fw ,'a  
; YC!Tgb~H  
; 最大的持久连接数量,-1 无限 pw;  
; -I."= c%  
sybct.max_persistent = -1 lq0@)'D  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. \-(.cj)?  
; ygt7;};!  
; 最大的连接数量(持久+非持久), -1 无限 AITV+=sN  
; CBaU$`5  
sybct.max_links = -1  N7%iz+  
E ]eVoC  
; Minimum server message severity to display.  L~F"  
; }.md$N_F  
; 最小的服务器严重信息显示 vLQ!kB^\W  
; 5 9$B z'LY  
sybct.min_server_severity = 10 r9!jIkILz  
[k~V77w 14  
; Minimum client message severity to display. U~{fbS3,  
; 8@`"ZzM  
; 最小的客户端严重信息显示 !uaV6K  
; T\;7'  
sybct.min_client_severity = 10 N}`.N  
[bcmath] {&tbp Bl#  
; o$dnp`E  
; CX](^yU_  
; E]G#"EV!Y  
; Number of decimal digits for all bcmath functions. ]ZJu  
; "[ f"h  
; bcmath 函数的十进制数字 ^`0^|u=  
; 3;fuz Kk@b  
bcmath.scale = 0 *>otz5]  
/?<tjK' "H  
[browscap] MQD%m ;[s  
; dWR0tS6vR`  
; 用于判断客户信息 th&?  
; GLI 5AbQK  
;browscap = extra/browscap.ini `-)!4oJ]  
QWt ?` h=  
[Informix] _Wcr'*7  
; (Uo:WyVj|F  
; G$X+g{  
; rn1^6qy)  
; Default host for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). .xXe *dm%  
; 4;G:.k!K  
; 默认的连接主机(安全模式下无效) u\~dsD2)q  
; XXbA n-J  
ifx.default_host = EL_rh TWw  
; Default user for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). *=]hc@  
; pJM~'tlHV  
; 默认的连接用户(安全模式下无效) ;6op|O  
; 4] c.mDo[T  
ifx.default_user = lq2Ah=FuN  
z[kz [  
; Default password for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode). -Y]ue*k{  
; ;{Cr+lqTJ  
; 默认的连接密码(安全模式下无效) bZ!*s  
; D&5>Op4U  
ifx.default_password = oqzx}?0  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. YGp8./ma<I  
; #{973~uj  
; 是否允许持久连接 qTM,'7Rwn  
; !Pnvqgp/  
ifx.allow_persistent = On <0my,hAK  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. }UwDHq=  
; 2z/qbzG7  
; 最大持久连接数量 dZnAdlJ  
; xf1@mi[a  
ifx.max_persistent = -1 x1['+!01  
; Maximum number of links (persistent + non-persistent). -1 means no limit. 7P}&<;5zD  
; B+:'Ld](  
; 最大连接数量 x5q5<-#  
; c(@V t&gE  
ifx.max_links = -1 Kyy CS>  
; If on, select statements return the contents of a text blob instead of its id. }S{#DgZ@X  
; u<`CkYT  
; 如果为 on, 则选择语句返回 text blob 代替编号 <^j,jX  
; '~?\NeO=  
ifx.textasvarchar = 0 C3|(XChqC  
; If on, select statements return the contents of a byte blob instead of its id. c}9.Or`?  
; 98u$5=Z' /  
; 如果为 on,则选择语句返回 byte blob 代替编号 l4c9.'6  
; 96fzSZS,  
ifx.byteasvarchar = 0 STMc@MeZU_  
; Trailing blanks are stripped from fixed-length char columns. May help the ?#|Y'%a"  
; life of Informix SE users. iU^KmM I  
ifx.charasvarchar = 0 _F|oL|  
; If on, the contents of text and byte blobs are dumped to a file instead of %";bgU2Q  
; keeping them in memory. <dxc"A  
ifx.blobinfile = 0 #biI=S  
; NULL's are returned as empty strings, unless this is set to 1. In that case, hS) X`M  
; NULL's are returned as string 'NULL'. "F/%{0d  
ifx.nullformat = 0  6C6<,c   
> %5<fK2  
[Session] mfHZGk[[  
; <Wgp$qt;  
; Session 部分 Yj+p^@{S2P  
; RJ/4T#b"+  
; Handler used to store/retrieve data. 0Da9,&D  
; tHez S~t_  
; 用于处理存储/取得数据 RY=B>398:  
; 2"`R_q  
session.save_handler = files {j%'EJ5  
@ i $jyc  
; Argument passed to save_handler. In the case of files, this is the path =aM(r6 C  
; where data files are stored. Note: Windows users have to change this ~Rx:X4|H  
; variable in order to use PHP's session functions. ^8p=g -U\  
; \A@Mlpe&t  
; 传递给 save_handleer 的参数,在 files 情况下,是数据存储的路径。 };5d>#NK,Y  
; 注意,Windows 用户需要修改这个变量来使用 PHP 的 session 功能 +Tnn'^4  
; .t\#>Fe  
; 我给出的路径是我安装 PHP的路径,你可以改成任何你硬盘存在的路径 GAK!qLy9  
;  /="~Jo  
session.save_path = c:\php {DzOXTI[Y  
p^u;]~J O  
; Whether to use cookies. 5>{S^i~!  
; WEgJ_dB  
; 是否使用 cookies xVOoYr>O  
; "<f"r#   
session.use_cookies = 1 >OP[ qj  
; Name of the session (used as cookie name). I"TFj$Pg  
; DEj6 ky  
; session 的名字(用于 cookes ) (* WO<V  
; DbRq,T  
session.name = PHPSESSID {OA2';3  
; Initialize session on request startup. 6_KO6O7g  
; u-yVc*<,  
; 在请求开始时初始化 session H_H3Gp  
; g\;&Z  
session.auto_start = 0 /DxaKZ ;b  
; Lifetime in seconds of cookie or, if 0, until browser is restarted. ~.-o*  
; #9Src\V  
; cookie 的存活秒数,如果为 0 , 则是直到浏览器重新启动 7OF6;@<  
; ces|HPBa&6  
session.cookie_lifetime = 0 i7N|p9O.  
g<ZB9;FX %  
; The path for which the cookie is valid. :xd)]Ns  
; {ek a xSR  
; 正确的 cookie 路径 Y 6B7qp  
; ;3~+M:{2  
session.cookie_path = / /r Q4JoR>  
; The domain for which the cookie is valid. uvbXsO"z]]  
; /XfE6SBz  
; 存放数值的 cookie的主机(主键) B !>hHQ2  
; 'JA<q-Gn  
session.cookie_domain = M$@Donx  
Sz z:$!t  
; Handler used to serialize data. php is the standard serializer of PHP. >M`ryM2=D  
; NT3Ti ?J,  
; 序列化数据的句柄,标准句柄是 php X:3W9`s )*  
; >ZX&2 {  
session.serialize_handler = php Gp&o  
; Percentual probability that the 'garbage collection' process is started YfB8  
; on every session initialization. h5+L/8+J^z  
; Wzm!:U2R*  
; 打开每个session初始化时自动开始垃圾收集进程 )HaW# ,XB  
; `dp]N0nz  
session.gc_probability = 1 %yr(i 6L  
; After this number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage' and B<et&r;  
; cleaned up by the garbage collection process. Y*}xD;c k  
; [ \41  
; 当超过这个时间,存储的的数据会被认为是垃圾,被 gc 进程清除 o8Q+hZB}A  
; {Z~5#<t  
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 "2J$~2{N  
c5vi Y|C^  
; Check HTTP Referer to invalidate externally stored URLs containing ids. "$@Wy,yp  
; }VetaO2*  
; 检查包含 ids 的 HTTP 里无效的外部保存 URLs的内容 N^Bjw?3  
; R:[IH2F s  
session.referer_check = |ORro r}  
; How many bytes to read from the file. vv 7T/C  
; u)NmjW  
; 从文件里读入的允许字节数 U&PwEh4uG  
; {y>o6OTITR  
session.entropy_length = 0 j B.ZF7q  
; Specified here to create the session id. ,p3moD 3  
; VH>?%aL  
; 指定在这里建立 session id PF6w'T 5  
; ]&oQ6  
session.entropy_file = +?&|p0  
;session.entropy_length = 16 =x QLf4>  
;session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom j 1Ng[  
; Set to {nocache,private,public} to determine HTTP caching aspects. /a'cP  
; @0v%5@  
; 确定 HTTP 缓存外貌 {nocache,private,public} Y<h [5  
; c;M&;'#x  
session.cache_limiter = nocache GM{J3O=  
; Document expires after n minutes. Z` ;.62S  
; BS(XEmJn&j  
; 超过 n 分钟文档到期 `8D)j>Yh~  
; D=!e6E<>@  
session.cache_expire = 180 i!tF{'*%#  
; use transient sid support if enabled by compiling with --enable-trans-sid. -nsI5\]  
; z}gfH|  
; 如果在编译时使用 --enable_trans-sid ,则使用短暂 sid 支持 rB<za I\V  
; r/G6O  
session.use_trans_sid = 1 n#.~XNbxv  
#("/ 1N6  
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry" Gs0x;91  
[MSSQL] Y, ?- []  
; ophQdJM  
; 这个就是 Microsoft Sql Server .3Ag6YI0N  
; #&oL iz=hZ  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. c}l?x \/  
; G\I DgPj`  
; 是否允许持久连接 'TdO6-X  
; X-mhz3Q&a  
mssql.allow_persistent = On }2X"  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. lY,dyNFHV  
; # $dk  
; 最大持久连接数 ar!`8"  
; o`EL)K{  
mssql.max_persistent = -1 6Z,j^: B  
; Maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent). -1 means no limit. U> @st="  
; Zd Li<1P*d  
; 最大连接数 BB)( #yoi  
; >bo_  
mssql.max_links = -1 chQCl3&e^  
"T?hIX/p _  
; Minimum error severity to display. \A ?B{*  
; 'Drz6K_KrP  
; 显示的最小错误严重 ~$@~X*K~  
; u5LrZt]k  
mssql.min_error_severity = 10 "'8^OZR  
; Minimum message severity to display. th 9I]g^=t  
; B>!OW2q0D  
; 最小的显示的严重信息 Oosr`e@S  
; H`XE5Hk)P%  
mssql.min_message_severity = 10 -76l*=|  
; Compatability mode with old versions of PHP 3.0. bV~z}V&  
; `RriVYc<  
; 兼容老的 PHP 3.0 T]#S=]G  
; kg@Okz N%  
mssql.compatability_mode = Off (C=.&',P  
; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096. ~%8T_R/3  
; Z%t"~r0PS  
; 允许值 , 默认值 tzKIi_2  
; .Zzx W  
;mssql.textlimit = 4096 , '_y@9?I  
; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096. /&`sB|  
; lebwGW,!  
; 允许值, 默认值 6H)T=Z|  
; X,Q'Xe /  
;mssql.textsize = 4096 m,TN%*U!  
; Limits the number of records in each batch. 0 = all records in one batch. 2(<2Gnpl  
; e{*-_j "I  
; 每个批次最大的纪录数, 0 = 所有纪录1个批次 AxbQN.E  
; E5H0Yo.Wi  
;mssql.batchsize = 0 X/8CvY#n  
[Assertion] +Ui @3Q  
; Assert(expr); active by default. v*&WxP^Gm  
;assert.active = On t04_~e  
; Issue a PHP warning for each failed assertion. ?$>#FKrt  
;assert.warning = On cU+% zk  
; Don't bail out by default. I &jiH)  
;assert.bail = Off bGO[P<<  
D (>,#F  
; User-function to be called if an assertion fails. |6ZH+6[  
;assert.callback = 0 WaaF;| ,(  
; Eval the expression with current error_reporting(). Set to true if you want 49gm=XPm  
; error_reporting(0) around the eval(). O :'ENoQ:&  
;assert.quiet_eval = 0 =FB[<%  
[Ingres II] a___SYl 'K  
; Allow or prevent persistent links. 5vfzSJ  
ingres.allow_persistent = On S1!X;PP/  
Rfk8trD B  
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit. jgz}  
ingres.max_persistent = -1 TVVr<r  
; Maximum number of links, including persistents. -1 means no limit. 9ozK}Cg4  
ingres.max_links = -1 5}pn5iI  
; Default database (format: [node_id::]dbname[/srv_class]). "IjCuR;#  
ingres.default_database = n B5:X  
; Default user. <hS %I  
ingres.default_user = x$6` k  
; Default password. X q"_^  
ingres.default_password = >`3wEJ"<  
[Verisign Payflow Pro] qId-v =L  
; Default Payflow Pro server. /|)VO?*D  
pfpro.defaulthost = "test-payflow.verisign.com" 06Irx^n  
g}vOp3 ^  
; Default port to connect to. m$bX;F}T  
pfpro.defaultport = 443 "RkbT O  
; Default timeout in seconds. n0nvp@?7bJ  
pfpro.defaulttimeout = 30 o)(N*tC  
; Default proxy IP address (if required). &V$qIvN$  
;pfpro.proxyaddress = _4#8o\  
; Default proxy port. |SO?UIWp  
;pfpro.proxyport = N`G* h^YQ  
; Default proxy logon. pZYcCc>6&  
;pfpro.proxylogon = ;x|E}XD  
; Default proxy password. WeqE 9@V  
;pfpro.proxypassword = |qn`z-  
[Sockets] *tWZ.I<<  
; Use the system read() function instead of the php_read() wrapper. cJ}J4?  
; HP$GI  
; 使用系统的 read() 函数代替 php_read() 封装 ')bas#=uP  
; "&_$%#HUv  
sockets.use_system_read = On 6;O fh   
[com] 61XLL/=P  
; COM 设置 pd3=^ Zi  
; 2/T4.[`t  
; path to a file containing GUIDs, IIDs or filenames of files with TypeLibs C\Y%FTS:  
; ??'>kQ4  
; 指向包含 GUIDs,IIDs 或者 拥有 TypeLibs 文件的文件名的文件路径 zq:+e5YT?T  
; &gP/<!#  
;com.typelib_file = :c*_W /  
; allow Distributed-COM calls ,n}h_ct  
; (O&R-5m  
; 允许分布式 COM 调用 0wh4sKm[X  
; p)dD{+"/2  
;com.allow_dcom = true JGJy_.C  
W N5`zD$  
; autoregister constants of a components typlib on com_load() ![>j`i  
; ;fdROI  
; 在 com_load()时自动注册 typlib 组件的常量 lBYc(cr  
; 'e/= !"T  
;com.autoregister_typelib = true  d*Wg>8|  
; register constants casesensitive w%3R[Kdzk  
; _#jR6g TY  
; 注册常量区分大小写 ]c Or$O*  
; 9{A[n}  
;com.autoregister_casesensitive = false U= Gw(  
<kmH^ viX  
; show warnings on duplicate constat registrations bzl-|+!yB  
; b_'VWd:am  
; 重复注册常量则给出警告 'l&),]|$)  
; hHu?%f*  
;com.autoregister_verbose = true /qKO9M5A  
oZ /z{`  
[Printer] k|r+/gIV  
;printer.default_printer = "" LE'8R~4.<  
[mbstring] `veq/!  
;mbstring.internal_encoding = EUC-JP k)a3j{{  
;mbstring.http_input = auto f3p)Q<H>`(  
;mbstring.http_output = SJIS 2i4&*& A  
;mbstring.detect_order = auto jQV.U~25Q  
;mbstring.substitute_character = none; ~8j4IO(  
[FrontBase] ~+HZQv3Y  
;fbsql.allow_persistant = On ) ]y^RrD  
;fbsql.autocommit = On d:_3V rRZ  
;fbsql.default_database = k*U(ln  
;fbsql.default_database_password = g]ct6-m  
;fbsql.default_host = KysJ3G.k\  
;fbsql.default_password = FEF $4)ROv  
;fbsql.default_user = "_SYSTEM" 2`]`nTz,  
;fbsql.generate_warnings = Off QMI6l'"s  
;fbsql.max_connections = 128 d~>d\K%v  
;fbsql.max_links = 128 ZJod=^T  
;fbsql.max_persistent = -1 G<M X94?  
;fbsql.max_results = 128 m|c5X)}-  
;fbsql.mbatchSize = 1000 ZDhl$m [m  
; Local Variables: ,lUroO^^  
; tab-width: 4 3[a&|!Yw  
; End: s (hJ *  
下载这个文件 php.ini ; *@lH%u  
[PHP] k7R}]hq]""  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 9[9 ZI1*s  
; About this file ; vz *'1ugaA  
; &l<~Xd#  
; 关于这个文件 z+=wql*Eo  
; .Z2zv*  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Z7G l^4zn  
; 5RUhrE   
; This is the recommended, PHP 4-style version of the php.ini-dist file. It gWK NC  
; sets some non standard settings, that make PHP more efficient, more secure, ~R$Ko(N  
; and encourage cleaner coding. ^]_5oFRIj  
; S *D Bzl  
;  Bm\OH#  
; 这个是推荐的,PHP 4 版本类型的 php.ini-dist 文件,他设置了一些非标准的设置,他们使得 ,Qw\w,  
; PHP更加有效,更加安全,鼓励整洁的编码。 iDdmr32E  
; tw*n+{]hi  
; 1k:s~m?!  
; The price is that with these settings, PHP may be incompatible with some 'y? HF@NJ  
; applications, and sometimes, more difficult to develop with. Using this pn._u`xMV  
; file is warmly recommended for production sites. As all of the changes from o(|fapK.  
; the standard settings are thoroughly documented, you can go over each one, Li{R?Osx  
; and decide whether you want to use it or not. jWX^h^n7K  
; ZQ_&HmgRy  
; f'-) 3T  
; 这样做的代价是,某些应用程序可能在这样的配置下不兼容,在某些情况下,开发会更加困难。 XVRtfo  
; 使用这个文件是我门对建设站点的热心建议。每个标准设置的改变都有彻底的说明稳当,你可以 ;V:Cf/@@R  
; 处理没一个,决定是否使用他们。 .zMM!l3  
; b~L8m4L  
; #R#o/@|  
; For general information about the php.ini file, please consult the php.ini-dist L>PPAI  
; file, included in your PHP distribution. ~=#jr0IZ  
; 3v:c".O2O  
; 4pw:O^v  
; 关于 php.ini 的一般信息,请参考 php.ini-dist 文件,包括你的 PHP 的说明 .15^c+j  
; a+_F^   
; G#(+p|n  
; This file is different from the php.ini-dist file in the fact that it features -AX[vTB  
; different values for several directives, in order to improve performance, while f|cF [&wo  
; possibly breaking compatibility with the standard out-of-the-box behavior of zB@@Gs>  
; PHP 3. Please make sure you read what's different, and modify your scripts Cjn)`Q8  
; accordingly, if you decide to use this file instead. 2TZ+R7B?  
; 'aAay*1  
; Q&;d7A.@  
; 这个文件和 php.ini-dist 的区别在于它给予了一些指示不同的值,来提高性能,同时可能破坏了 8>(DQ"h  
; PHP 3 的标准的 out-of-the-box 特性。 >RL|W}tI4  
; 1 xu2$x.b  
; DP-euz  
; - register_globals = Off [Security, Performance] >8>}o4Q/X  
; Global variables are no longer registered for input data (POST, GET, cookies, d O'apey  
; environment and other server variables). Instead of using $foo, you must use YYiT,Xp<A  
; you can use $_REQUEST["foo"] (includes any variable that arrives through the w-3 B~e  
; request, namely, POST, GET and cookie variables), or use one of the specific ]B'H(o R<|  
; $_GET["foo"], $_POST["foo"], $_COOKIE["foo"] or $_FILES["foo"], depending `J}-U\4F{  
; on where the input originates. Also, you can look at the #]_S)_Z-  
; import_request_variables() function. aDreN*n  
; Note that register_globals is going to be depracated (i.e., turned off by wwI'n*Q'$  
; default) in the next version of PHP, because it often leads to security bugs. c~=yD:$  
; Read http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php for further rcyq+wY #  
; information. MY$-D+#/`  
; S}T*gUO  
; g0n 5&X  
; 全局变量不再注册输入的数据(POST,GET,cookies,环境变量和其他的服务器变量)。作为代替的是使用 F#az&  
; $foo, 你必须使用 $_REQUEST["foo"] ( 包括所有的通过请求传来的变量,也就是说,POST,GET,和 [L+VvO%cT  
; cookies 变量)或者根据输入的来源使用指定的 $_GET["foo"],$_POST["foo"],$_COOKIE["foo"] G'\x9%  
; ,$_FILES["foo"] (访问他们).同时,你可以查看 import_request_variables()函数。 Q x]zz4jD  
; kpU-//lk+  
; 注意,这个参数可能在下个版本去掉(默认为off),因为他经常引起安全 bugs.到 ue~?xmZg  
; http://php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php "k%B;!We)  
; 查看详细内容 /t<C_lLM  
; F]"Hs>  
; j& x=?jX  
; - display_errors = Off [Security] ncy?w e  
; With this directive set to off, errors that occur during the execution of A` iZ"?  
; scripts will no longer be displayed as a part of the script output, and thus, )ZP-t!).G#  
; will no longer be exposed to remote users. With some errors, the error message .!&S{;Vv?W  
; content may expose information about your script, web server, or database oB8x_0#n  
; server that may be exploitable for hacking. Production sites should have this [61T$.  
; directive set to off. \a|bx4M  
; B2uLfi$q  
; !]v&/  
; 设置这个指示为Off,在脚本执行期间发生错误时,不再将错误作为输出的一部分显示,这样就不会暴露给 nnm9pnx  
; 远端用户。对于某些错误,错误信息的内容可能暴露你的脚本,web服务器,数据库服务器的信息,可能被 1hT!~'  
; 黑客利用。最终产品占点需要设置这个指示为off. YhzDi>hob  
; n~wNee  
; V`7^v:  
; - log_errors = On [Security] =rrbS8To=  
; This directive complements the above one. Any errors that occur during the U'8ub(:&  
; execution of your script will be logged (typically, to your server's error log, JnT1-=t.  
; but can be configured in several ways). Along with setting display_errors to off, ;J)8#|  
; this setup gives you the ability to fully understand what may have gone wrong, \EC=#E(  
; without exposing any sensitive information to remote users. O [81nlhS0  
;  7z?r x  
; Owa]ax5  
; 这个指示补充上面的。所有的发生在脚本运行期间的错误都会纪录在日志中(代表性的,记录在服务器的错误 c_33.i"I}  
; 日志中,但是可以配置不同的方式)。随着 display_errors 设置为 off,这个设置给你全面了解到底什么 Yiq8 >|  
; 发生错误的能力,而不会向远端用户暴露任何信息。 G\S>H  
; 6a=Y_fma  
; %](H?'H  
; - output_buffering = 4096 [Performance] 8O)!{gB  
; Set a 4KB output buffer. Enabling output buffering typically results in less *Y@)t* -a  
; writes, and sometimes less packets sent on the wire, which can often lead to )/:&i<Q:  
; better performance. The gain this directive actually yields greatly depends nOd'$q  
; on which Web server you're working with, and what kind of scripts you're using O+o4E?}  
z z4.gkU  
JmR) g  
设置 4KB 的输出缓冲区。打开输出缓冲可以减少写的次数,有时减少线路发送包的数量,这样能提高性能。 oo:(GfO}  
; 这个指示真正得到的益处很大程度的依赖于你的工作的 WEB 服务器,以及你使用的脚本。
级别: 大掌柜
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2006-07-02
; - register_argc_argv = Off [Performance] YGA( "<  
; Disables registration of the somewhat redundant $argv and $argc global b 83__i  
; variables. _PPW9US{  
; jQKlJi2xu  
; fDn|o"  
; 禁止注册某些多于的 $argv 和 $argc 全局变量 tp3>aNj  
; NjCdkT&g  
; M@>EZ  
; - magic_quotes_gpc = Off [Performance] 6!,Am^uXM  
; Input data is no longer escaped with slashes so that it can be sent into Q/%(&4>'y  
; SQL databases without further manipulation. Instead, you should use the x=>+.'K  
; function addslashes() on each input element you wish to send to a database. \k=.w  
; 5K;vdwSB  
; &?@gUk74"  
; 输入数据不再被斜线转义,以便于无需更多的处理就可以发送到SQL数据库里面。作为代替,你可 q>~\w1%}a\  
; 以对每个要发送到数据库的输入元素使用 addslashes()函数。 y1JxAj  
; RsYn6ozb  
; 5ml^3,x  
; - variables_order = "GPCS" [Performance] P}%0YJ$6  
; The environment variables are not hashed into the $HTTP_ENV_VARS[]. To access ; )Vro  
; environment variables, you can use getenv() instead. 5pBQ~m3  
; i4Y_5  
; 环境变量不再进入 $HTTP_ENV_VARS[],你需要用 getenv()来访问环境变量。 b"ypS7 _  
; ~=Y <B/  
; KUdpOMYX  
; - error_reporting = E_ALL [Code Cleanliness, Security(?)] ?Jlz{msI  
; By default, PHP surpresses errors of type E_NOTICE. These error messages 'JBf*p".  
; are emitted for non-critical errors, but that could be a symptom of a bigger EBY=ccGE{  
; problem. Most notably, this will cause error messages about the use IX7|_ci  
; of uninitialized variables to be displayed. TU&t 1_6  
; 1@nGD<,.  
; ~HwY?[}!m  
; 默认的,PHP 给出 E_NOTICE 错误类型,这些错误信息不是核心错误,但是可能是个更大错误的隐患。 y&0&K 4aa  
; 大多数提醒是那些没有初始化变量引起的错误信息。 o |7]8K=  
; |5wuYG  
; cJ G><'  
; - allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off [Code cleanliness] D!. r$i)  
; It's not possible to decide to force a variable to be passed by reference 41<.e` {  
; when calling a function. The PHP 4 style to do this is by making the e!wS"[,  
; function require the relevant argument by reference. .wrNRU7s  
; Ojkbv  
; PMJe6*(x/  
; 在调用函数时,不可能决定强制传递变量的引用。PHP 4 里通过函数请求相关参数的引用来实现 @15%fX`*o  
; 5#zwd oQ  
; 1n! Jfs U  
OC zWP,  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; x@F"ZiYD@O  
; Language Options ; uf* sI  
; ^;3z9}9  
; %d+:0.+`n  
; 语言配置 D<[4}og&]  
; vgzNT4o  
; q/,W'lQ\;  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (Al.hEs'  
; Enable the PHP scripting language engine under Apache. X6mY#T'fQ  
; l1~>{:mq  
; 1\7SiQ-  
; 允许在Apache下的PHP脚本语言引擎 W:uIG-y~  
; o y! W$ ?6  
; [8/E ;h  
engine = On ,UQ4`Mh^L  
; Allow the tags are recognized. CTt3W>'=+  
; $|!VP'VI  
; A%n l@`s,  
; 允许 标记 /<Cl\q2 A  
; :8U=L'4  
; ]*pALT6  
short_open_tag = On 3e"_R  
@B$ Y`eK\  
; Allow ASP-style tags. u>H^bCXI  
; A>^\jIB>  
; )'M<q,@<(  
; 允许 ASP 类型的 标记 .eW}@1+[;  
; KYVB=14  
; 6}2vn5 E//  
asp_tags = Off Zb`}/%\7  
; The number of significant digits displayed in floating point numbers. aT"q}UTK  
; }:YS$'by  
; wFpt#_fS  
; 浮点数显示的有意义的数字(精度) 3*64)Ol7t]  
; {) 4D1  
; lu_ y9o^  
precision = 14 #"%oz^~\  
; Enforce year 2000 compliance (will cause problems with non-compliant browsers) V;ZyAp  
; M[D`)7=b  
; 4(2}O-~  
; 强制遵从 2000 年(会在不遵从的浏览器上引起错误) -DhF> 4f  
; {<ymL}  
; ow]S 3[07  
y2k_compliance = Off }m/aigA[1  
; Output buffering allows you to send header lines (including cookies) even 6T&6N0y+9  
; after you send body content, at the price of slowing PHP's output layer a pNr3u  
; bit. You can enable output buffering during runtime by calling the output J6_H lt  
; buffering functions. You can also enable output buffering for all files by <^|8\<J  
; setting this directive to On. If you wish to limit the size of the buffer O*rKV2\  
; to a certain size - you can use a maximum number of bytes instead of 'On', as #JeZA0r5  
; a value for this directive (e.g., output_buffering=4096). 0FsGqFt  
; ]plg@  
; KQaw*T[Q3w  
; 输出缓冲允许你在主体内容发送后发送头信息行(包括 cookies),作为代价,会稍微减慢一点PHP /cexd_l|f  
; 输出层的速度。你可以在运行期间通过调用输出缓冲函数来打开输出缓冲。你也可以通过设置这个 9s6, &'  
; 指示来对虽有的文件打开输出缓冲。如果你想限制缓冲区大小为某个尺寸,你可以使用一个允许最大 Duj9PV`2  
; 的字节数值代替 "On",作为这个指示的值。 Yq4_ss'nB  
; *bDuRr?v9  
; Sb>;k(;`:  
output_buffering = 4096 HviL4iO  
BM& 95p   
; You can redirect all of the output of your scripts to a function. For XB UO  
; example, if you set output_handler to "ob_gzhandler", output will be YMj z , N  
; transparently compressed for browsers that support gzip or deflate encoding. %L}9nc%~eP  
; Setting an output handler automatically turns on output buffering. #q9jFW8  
; x,@cU}D  
; 3%|LMX]M5_  
; 你可以重新定向脚本所有输出到一个函数。例如,你可以设置 output_handler 为 "ob_gzhandler", i|*(vH&D.  
; 输出将会被明显的被压缩到支持 gzip 或 deflate 编码的浏览器。设置一个输出管理会自动打开 lE`hC#m  
; 输出缓冲 tk|Ew!M:  
; zK(9k0+s  
; `22F@JYN  
output_handler = lV]hjt-L 2  
y'*^ '  
; Transparent output compression using the zlib library HY~\e|o  
; Valid values for this option are 'off', 'on', or a specific buffer size `LVItP(GUM  
; to be used for compression (default is 4KB) Ry,_ %j3  
; *$Aneq0f  
; 25XD fi75  
; 使用 zlib 库进行输出压缩,可以指定 off/on 或者用于压缩的缓冲大小 A 7'dD$9  
; ,u-i9`B  
; 2.p7fu  
zlib.output_compression = Off -d[9mS  
wr~# rfH  
; Implicit flush tells PHP to tell the output layer to flush itself lfOF]Kiqr  
; automatically after every output block. This is equivalent to calling the w[I%Id;E  
; PHP function flush() after each and every call to print() or echo() and each 'C]zB'H=  
; and every HTML block. Turning this option on has serious performance 1u:OzyJy  
; implications and is generally recommended for debugging purposes only. ?y>xC|kt  
; cR 4xy26s  
; mhH[jO)  
; 隐含的通知PHP的输出层在每个输出块后自己自动刷新。等同于在每个 print() 或者 echo() ;El"dqH   
; 和每个HTML块后面都调用 flush()函数。打开这个配置会引起严重的隐含执行,一般推荐在用于 #.$p7]  
; 调试目的时使用。 hzg&OW=:  
;  Xt(w+  
; ;+>-uPT/1  
implicit_flush = Off bmr.EB/  
; Whether to enable the ability to force arguments to be passed by reference pa N )t  
; at function call time. This method is deprecated and is likely to be ]sE~gro  
; unsupported in future versions of PHP/Zend. The encouraged method of ^*#5iT8/  
; specifying which arguments should be passed by reference is in the function NC)Iu  
; declaration. You're encouraged to try and turn this option Off and make 51;V#@CsQ  
; sure your scripts work properly with it in order to ensure they will work fKY6stJE  
; with future versions of the language (you will receive a warning each time {'l^{"GO"  
; you use this feature, and the argument will be passed by value instead of by @\e2Q& O  
; reference). }_u1'  
; tH,}_Bp  
; *.K+"WS%  
; 是否允许在函数调用期间有强制参数以引用的形式传递的能力。这个方法不赞成使用,在将来的 YQ}Rg5 o  
; PHP和Zend版本里面可能不支持。鼓励的方法是在函数声明时指定哪个参数通过引用传递。鼓励你 /@g D 8  
; 尝试关闭这个参数,确认你的脚本能够正常运行,以便在以后版能里面正确运行(你会在每次使用 \\AufAkJ  
; 这个特性时得到一个警告,并且参数以值来传递,代替引用) @Iia>G @Rz  
; FU kO$jnO  
; NVU@m+m~  
allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off |&`NB|  
AWsO? |YT  
; .xS3,O_[  
; Safe Mode dnTB$8&  
; Eq c&iS~  
; -lV]((I&  
; 安全模式 lyNa(3  
; f=]+\0MQ  
; U+>!DtOYK  
; `CA-s  
safe_mode = Off P +ONQN|  
; By default, Safe Mode does a UID compare check when }R4%%)j(Vj  
; opening files. If you want to relax this to a GID compare, o%XAw   
; then turn on safe_mode_gid. DP ,owk  
; ?$i`K|  
; ,~u5SR  
; 安全模式默认的在打开文件时进行 UID 比较检查,如果你想放宽他为GID比较,打开这个参数 Nd'+s>d0  
; M }=X/*T  
; Wew'bj  
safe_mode_gid = Off (jd)sf6Tj[  
1"? 3l`i  
; When safe_mode is on, UID/GID checks are bypassed when )'3(=F$+l  
; including files from this directory and its subdirectories. oE \Cwd  
; (directory must also be in include_path or full path must 2k;>nlVxX  
; be used when including) ^0vK >  
; q}P< Ejq}  
; >]K:lJ]l  
; 在安全模式,当包含如下目录和子目录文件时,绕过 UID/GID检查(路径必须在 include_path下面 )d5H v2/0  
; 或者在包含时使用完整路径 r LQBaT7t#  
; 6-#<*Pg  
; OXcQMVa 6  
safe_mode_include_dir = 0?OTa<c  
; When safe_mode is on, only executables located in the safe_mode_exec_dir NwPGH= V  
; will be allowed to be executed via the exec family of functions. qd$Y"~Mco  
; iR} 3 [  
; }dcXuX4{r  
; 在安全模式下,只有给出目录下可以通过 exec 族函数执行 XTboFrf  
; 7|Z=#3INw  
; ^ [FK<9  
safe_mode_exec_dir = kS_oj  
; open_basedir, if set, limits all file operations to the defined directory OXu*w l(z  
; and below. This directive makes most sense if used in a per-directory ;Z>u]uK4+  
; or per-virtualhost web server configuration file. 7> ~70  
; 7|$cM7_r  
; .U}"ONd9e  
; 如果设置,则限制所有的文件操作都到下面给出的目录下。这个指示在每个目录,每个虚拟主机的web jw63sn  
; 服务器配置文件里给出更多的认识。 {2jetX`@h  
; w7Fz(`\  
; Pnf|9?~$H  
;open_basedir = : L}Fm2^  
; Setting certain environment variables may be a potential security breach. ~)J]`el,Q  
; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of prefixes. In Safe Mode, ":=\ ci]e%  
; the user may only alter environment variables whose names begin with the GD*rTtDWn  
; prefixes supplied here. By default, users will only be able to set mEK0ID\  
; environment variables that begin with PHP_ (e.g. PHP_FOO=BAR). A'A5.\UN  
; ^eF%4DUC;  
; Note: If this directive is empty, PHP will let the user modify ANY cD^`dn%$  
; environment variable! VycC uq&M  
; f3r\X  
; {tS^Q*F  
; 设置某些环境变量可能是隐藏的安全缺口。这个指示包含一个逗号分割的前缀指示。在安全模式下 ^:krfXT  
; 用户只能修改下面提供的为前缀的变量名字。默认,用户只能设置以 PHP_ 前缀开头的环境变量( d7, ZpHt  
; 例如 PHP_FOO=BAR). [D;wB|+,  
; \!-IY  
; 注意:如果这个设置为空,则 PHP 可以让用户修改任何环境变量。 5hxG\f#}?  
; =7^rKrD  
; g5",jTn#  
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_ ,K/l;M5I  
; This directive contains a comma-delimited list of environment variables that @=i- *U  
; the end user won't be able to change using putenv(). These variables will be +,;"?j6<p  
; protected even if safe_mode_allowed_env_vars is set to allow to change them. C0f<xhp?j  
; cd&^ vQL8  
; z (1zth  
; 这个指示包含用逗号分割的不允许最终用户通过 putenv()修改的环境变量的列表。这些变量即使 egXHp<bqw  
; 在 safe_mode_allowed_env_vars 设置允许改变他们的情况下也被保护。 %-nYK3  
; J\@ r ~x5G  
; _DDknQP  
safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH `s )- lI  
; This directive allows you to disable certain functions for security reasons. :D|5E>o(  
; It receives a comma-delimited list of function names. This directive is [TW?sW^0  
; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off. s'7PHP)LOJ  
; {/)q=  
; k^H&IS!  
; 这个指示用于在由于安全原因的情况下屏蔽某些函数。接受用逗号分割的函数名列表,这个指示不受 |>Ld'\i8  
; Safe Mode 是否打开的影响。 c 5%uiv]  
; >P<8E2}*  
; VYR<x QA  
disable_functions = `i2:@?Kl9  
VxP cC+  
; Colors for Syntax Highlighting mode. Anything that's acceptable in 8mm]>u$  
; would work. Yy 8? X9r.  
; gh?3[q6  
; g7UZtpLTm  
; 语法加亮模式的颜色,任何 正常工作的都可以接受 k4E2OyCFoJ  
; >iV2>o_  
; mEZHrr J  
highlight.string = #CC0000 {i^F4A@=Z  
highlight.comment = #FF9900 G`e!WvC  
highlight.keyword = #006600 e0$.|+  
highlight.bg = #FFFFFF 6uTFgSqZ  
highlight.default = #0000CC ufi:aE=}  
highlight.html = #000000 n~Yr`5+Z  
; u9*7Buou^  
; Misc *'n L[]  
; 3Fg{?C_l  
; Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that it is installed on the server ?Q[b1:;Lm  
; (e.g. by adding its signature to the Web server header). It is no security b{Bef*`/  
; threat in any way, but it makes it possible to determine whether you use PHP ,Dy9-o  
; on your server or not. m ##_U9O  
; re x MS  
; GboZ T68  
; 是否让服务器暴露 PHP(例如在 web 服务器头增加标记)。他不会有安全威胁,但是可以让你 <dKHZ4  
; 检测一个服务器是否使用了 PHP. DP.Y <V)B  
; MAc jWb~ f  
; v[\Z^pccgj  
expose_php = On %%T?LRv  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; N5 b^  
; Resource Limits ; hiEosI C  
; ;--p/h*.  
; .1f!w!ltVR  
; 资源限制 \HL66%b[  
; Fu>;hx]s  
; nH}V:C  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [M2xF<r6t  
; XZ"oOE0=  
; D^S"6v" z  
; 每个脚本最大执行的秒数 c1xX)cF  
; Xb@dQRVX  
; xD9ZL  
max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds Xdh@ ^`  
+4F; m_G6  
; rX22%~1  
; y*E{X  
; 一个脚本最大消耗的内存 Ckhw d  
; 69 J4p=c,  
; ;?Q0mXr  
memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB) F(`Q62o@  
G+t zp&G@  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; y\:,.cZ+TQ  
; Error handling and logging ; @h\i<sh!^  
; _8 l=65GW  
; ~ujg250.L  
; 错误处理和记录 EcPvE=^c  
; a YY1*^  
; lUiO|  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; eGUe#(I /  
; error_reporting is a bit-field. Or each number up to get desired error *7qa]i^]  
; reporting level n65fT+;  
; _+gpdQq\p  
; crJNTEz  
; 错误报告是一个位字段,每个数值代表错误报告的等级 7N0m7SC  
; vIFx'S~D  
; z]sQ3"cmX  
; E_ALL - All errors and warnings O>ZJOKe  
; !)c0  
; 所有的错误和警告 /sl#M  
; "?YpF2pD  
; E_ERROR - fatal run-time errors wDs#1`uTq  
; 'v@1_HHW\  
; 致命的运行期错误 5a* Awv}  
; 3iiOxg?j  
; E_WARNING - run-time warnings (non-fatal errors) +7K]5p;!~  
; h#8 {fr)6  
; 运行期警告(非致命错误) U4Pk^[,p1G  
; :wJ!rn,4  
; E_PARSE - compile-time parse errors T f^O(  
; B^1Io9  
; 编译期间解析错误 >2)!w  
; (yz8}L3  
; E_NOTICE - run-time notices (these are warnings which often result Xg97[I8/  
; from a bug in your code, but it's possible that it was \y/+H  
; intentional (e.g., using an uninitialized variable and 5TdI  
; relying on the fact it's automatically initialized to an @yjui  
; empty string) Q&9& )8-  
; Mq,_DQ  
; 运行期间注意,一般是由于代码的 bug 引起的警告,但是很可能是故意这样的。例如使用没有初始化 )5bdWJ>l  
; 的变量,依赖于他自动初始化为空的字符串。 9a_(_g>S  
; @i:_ JOl  
; E_CORE_ERROR - fatal errors that occur during PHP's initial startup 6UJBE<ntj  
; dzMI5fA<_  
; 发生在 PHP 的初始启动阶段的致命错误 B6vmBmN  
; 8 _[f#s`)  
; E_CORE_WARNING - warnings (non-fatal errors) that occur during PHP's >Y/1%Hp9  
; initial startup ("BFI  
; kL qFh<  
; 发生在 PHP 的初始启动阶段的警告(非致命错误) Sq==)$G  
;  yQ8H-a.  
; E_COMPILE_ERROR - fatal compile-time errors @.iOFY  
; z*>CP  
; 致命的编译期间错误 I@q>ES!1H  
; aa1XY&G"!  
; E_COMPILE_WARNING - compile-time warnings (non-fatal errors) j|(bDa4\  
; BmUzsfD  
; 编译期间的警告(非致命的错误) ig/716r|  
; |@-WC.  
; E_USER_ERROR - user-generated error message  )Bk?"q  
; (^Do#3  
; 用户引起的错误信息 emS+%6U  
; NI s4v(!  
; E_USER_WARNING - user-generated warning message U w`LWG3T  
; |_2ANWHz  
; 用户引起的警告信息 M7Hk54U +t  
; O x$|ZEh  
; E_USER_NOTICE - user-generated notice message 83l)o$S  
; iK %Rq  
; 用户引起的提醒信息 r IK|}5  
; Z#MODf0H@  
; JN KZ'9  
; Examples: u\.sS|$  
; }Rux<=cd|  
; - Show all errors, except for notices |b3/63Ri-0  
; 'qd")  
; 显示所有错误,除了提醒 S8)awTA9  
;  xBG1up<z  
;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE :A{-^qd(  
; TQ2Tt "  
; - Show only errors \4p<;$'  
; z0W+4meoH  
; 只显示错误 XbOL/6V ^[  
; x/S%NySG  
;error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR z*[Z:  
; 5Q}@Y3 i=  
; - Show all errors except for notices y d$37G|n  
; t]o gn(  
; 显示所有的错误(译者注:英文可能有错误) :gVjBF2  
; ]\ezES  
error_reporting = E_ALL `3:%F>  
; Print out errors (as a part of the output). For production web sites, }00e@a  
; you're strongly encouraged to turn this feature off, and use error logging ~Iu09t|a  
; instead (see below). Keeping display_errors enabled on a production web site z,7^dlT  
; may reveal security information to end users, such as file paths on your Web tVcs r  
; server, your database schema or other information. Vwqfn4sx?i  
; ;~bn@T-  
; >g2B5KY  
; 输出错误(作为输出的一部分)。对于成品网站,强烈建议关闭这个特性,使用下面错误日志代替。 M Sj0D2H  
; 在成品网站打开这个特性可能对最终用户暴露安全信息。例如 WEB 服务器的文件路径,数据库计划 dW`D?$(@,  
; 或其他信息。 p o`$^TB^+  
; .'1j5Y-l`N  
; "p{ '984r<  
display_errors = Off eQx"nl3U%  
h<.[U $,  
; Even when display_errors is on, errors that occur during PHP's startup ,lJ6"J\8.  
; sequence are not displayed. It's strongly recommended to keep &3f.78a  
; display_startup_errors off, except for when debugging. 5!zvoX9  
; SA1/U  
; `RcNqPY#S  
; 即使 display_errors 参数设置位 on,发生在 PHP 的启动顺序期间的错误也不会显示。 4g9b[y~U  
; 强烈建议保持 display_startup_errors 为 off,除非在调试阶段。 <yPHdbF  
; SEIu4 l$E  
; Ol9 fwd  
display_startup_errors = Off PuJ{!S\T7  
; Log errors into a log file (server-specific log, stderr, or error_log (below)) d 6EY'*0  
; As stated above, you're strongly advised to use error logging in place of &>l8SlC?  
; error displaying on production web sites. N{t :%[  
; t`,IW{  
; YnWl'{[ C  
; 把错误写到一个日志文件里面(服务器指定日志,标准错误,或者后面的错误日志)。 gj,J3x4TK/  
; 根据上面的一致性,强烈建议使用错误日志代替web站点的错误显示。 k)V%.Eobf  
; \]A;EwC4C  
; vqOLSE"t*O  
log_errors = On '5/}MMT  
; Store the last error/warning message in $php_errormsg (boolean). |u r~s$8y-  
; j(C UYm  
; V?59 .TJ  
; 保存最后的错误/警告信息在 $php_errormsg(boolean)里面。 :wZ`>,K"t>  
; iv+jv2ZF%  
; 8]":[s6x  
track_errors = Off @) ZO$h  
; Disable the inclusion of HTML tags in error messages. Au} ;z6k  
; ]Y&)98  
; _G[I2]  
; 屏蔽掉错误信息里面内含的HTML标记 ;c- ]bhBB  
; ]p&<nK,  
; Vt=(2d5:p  
;html_errors = Off V9j1j}  r  
; String to output before an error message. E< CxKY9  
; Mq :'-`  
; ~8xh0TSi  
; 错误信息前输出的字符串 XyM(@6,'  
; =Xy`"i{`(  
; `}~ )1'(#/  
;error_prepend_string = "" {jM<t  
; String to output after an error message. C8qTz".5$  
; 3Wb2p'V7$?  
; )'!ml  
; 错误信息后输出的字符串。 Ue3B+k9w  
; P,/13tZ#3  
; 2rO)qjiH  
;error_append_string = "" IQw %|^  
; Log errors to specified file. <DXmZ1  
; 9eGCBVW:*  
; 'je8k7`VA  
; 错误写进指定的文件 B9LSxB  
; *f`s%&Y]s  
; &gWMl`3^*!  
;error_log = filename JN&MyA"  
; Log errors to syslog (Event Log on NT, not valid in Windows 95). 3s?v(1 {)  
;error_log = syslog Gg}5$||^C  
Nt zq"ces)  
; Warn if the + operator is used with strings. l5=u3r9WYC  
; H_?;h-Y]  
; uX<+hG.n}  
; 在对字符串用 + 操作符时给出警告 WYwzo V-  
; VLh%XoQx[  
; v9E+(4I9_  
warn_plus_overloading = Off |.b%rVu  
E\R raPkQT  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ]`zjRRd  
; Data Handling ; >.J'L5 x$  
; $zC6(C(l  
; UvPp~N 7,  
; 数据处理 +jq 2pFQ  
; <K.Bq]  
; iD%qy/I/  
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ?N4A9W9  
;  LsQs:O  
; Note - track_vars is ALWAYS enabled as of PHP 4.0.3 >W8bWQ^fK  
; mYjf5  
; 注意,在 PHP 4.0.3 里面, track_vars 总是打开的。 4$%`Qh>yA  
; Jf_]Z  
; The separator used in PHP generated URLs to separate arguments. Qn *6D  
; Default is "&". v-ThdE$G#  
; ?Rlgv5P!  
; R @"`~#$$  
; PHP在产生URLs时用于分割参数的分割符。默认是 "&" 9#u}^t  
; BApa^j\?  
; SLSF <$  
;arg_separator.output = "&" /a%*u6z@  
; List of separator(s) used by PHP to parse input URLs into variables. V{KjRSVf=  
; Default is "&". ?3[tJreVj  
; NOTE: Every character in this directive is considered as separator! Dft4isyt^  
; \ZqK\=  
; > 9o{(j  
; PHP用于把输入的 URLs 解析为变量的分割符列表,默认是 "&"; H;qJH1EdD  
; 注意:这个指示的每个字符都被认为是分割符 Y7-*2"!  
; 9-b 8`|s  
; M]1;  
;arg_separator.input = ";&" ?C}sR:K/  
; This directive describes the order in which PHP registers GET, POST, Cookie, 2pz4rc  
; Environment and Built-in variables (G, P, C, E & S respectively, often uw_H:-J  
; referred to as EGPCS or GPC). Registration is done from left to right, newer Oohq9f#!  
; values override older values. vuZf#\zh}  
; mzu<C)9d,  
; x=h0Fq ,T  
; 这个指示描述PHP注册 GET,POST,Cookes,环境变量和内部变量的顺序(分别对应于 G,P,C,E 和 S, )XpV u  
; 经常为 EGPCS 或者 GPC).注册从左到右,新的值覆盖旧的值。 G,B?&gFX  
; KhrFg1|  
;  b)Tl*  
variables_order = "GPCS" |e:rYLxm:  
Y_+ SA|s  
; Whether or not to register the EGPCS variables as global variables. You may /,X7.t_-  
; want to turn this off if you don't want to clutter your scripts' global scope } #qQ2NCH  
; with user data. This makes most sense when coupled with track_vars - in which '<W<B!HP5Z  
; case you can access all of the GPC variables through the $HTTP_*_VARS[], L $SMfx  
; variables. 7x(v?  
; pUGN!3  
; 6(>WGR  
; 是否注册 EGPCS 变量为全局变量。如果你不想和用户数据混淆脚本全局范围,你可能想关闭他。 -qfnUh  
; 结合 track_vars 可以更加理性。它可以让你通过 $HTTP_*_VARS[] 访问所有的GPC变量。 >%l:Dw\A:  
; TVYz3~m  
; /~tP7<7A  
; You should do your best to write your scripts so that they do not require FD))'!>  
; register_globals to be on; Using form variables as globals can easily lead 6P^hN%0  
; to possible security problems, if the code is not very well thought of. ^\T]r<rCY  
; "Vx6 #u@}  
; >O3IfS(l  
; 你可以尽力书写不需要 register_globals 打开时的脚本。如果代码没有非常好的考虑是 z-I|h~ii  
; 使用来源于全局变量的表单数据很容易引起安全问题。 8RU.}PD  
; bM^7g  
; g8'~e{= (  
register_globals = Off 5#2jq<D  
; This directive tells PHP whether to declare the argv&argc variables (that E<k ^S{  
; would contain the GET information). If you don't use these variables, you 9(Jy0]E~  
; sh

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