C: Jr
calendar year figure 历年数字 T8 k o P
call 催缴通知;认购期权 (>'d`^kjk
call deposit 通知存款;活期存款
call loan 短期同业拆借;通知贷款 .v'8G)6g
call margin 补仓;追加保证金 PeZ=ONY5
call market 短期同业拆放市场 >EG;2]M&
call money 短期同业拆借;活期贷款 b9Nw98`
call option 认购期权;看涨期权 w}?\Q,
call price 赎回价格;提前赎回价 U6"50G~u
call warrant 认购认股权证;回购认股权证 Pc-HQU
callable share 可收回股份;可兑付股份 ektFk"W3A\
called up share capital 已催缴股本 x8t1g,QA
Canadian Dollar [CAD] 加拿大元 ,;;~dfHm
Canadian Eastern Finance Limited 加拿大怡东财务有限公司 z841g `:C
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 加拿大帝国商业银行 XCY4[2*a>
cancellation price 取消费 I;LqyzM
cap 上限 H>?@nYP
capital 资本;资金 5sRNqTIr
Capital Accord 《资本协定》 ?/D#ql7
capital account 资本帐;非经常帐
capital account commitment balance 资本帐承担额结余 e%#f9i
Capital Adequacy Directive [CAD] 《资本充足指引》 Rp1 OC
capital adequacy ratio [CAR] 资本充足比率 _GS2&|7`
capital allowance 资本免税额 e5Z\v0
capital alteration 资本变更 =W?c1EPLCx
capital and liabilities ratio 资本负债比率 ;#*mB`
capital and liquidity requirement 资本与流动资金的规定 -\vq-n
capital appreciation 资本增值 <@P0sd
Capital, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings and Liquidity Rating System [CAMEL Rating System] 资本、资产质素、管理、盈利及流动资金评级制度〔CAMEL评级制度〕 0td;Ag
capital assets 资本资产 Q{l;8MCL
capital at risk 风险资本 _eS*e-@O5
capital base 资本基础;资金基础 hsh
capital charges 资本支出;资本费用 *niQ*A
capital commitment 资本承担 l}{O
capital contribution certificate 出资证明书 (s~hh
capital convergence 划一资本充足比率 HukHZ;5
capital cost 资本成本;建设成本;建设费用 GZo^0U,;
capital cover 资本保证 49yN|h;c!
capital deficit 资本亏绌;资本赤字 $J+$8pA
capital divided into shares 资本分成股份 mDhU wZH
capital element 资本因素;资本部分 :Wln$L$
capital equipment 资本设备 =KMck=#B
capital expenditure 资本开支;非经常开支 .(krB%N
capital expenses 资本费用 <qu\q \
capital financing 筹集资本;以非经常收入支付非经常开支的结算 UqH7e c
capital flow 资金流量 LcXrD+
capital formation 资本形成;集资 E[y?\{
capital formation figure 资本组合数字 ["z$rk
capital fund 资本基金 afjC~}
capital gain 资本增益;资本增值 R_ csKj
capital gains tax 资本增值税 4)?c[aC4P
capital goods 资本财货;资本货物 5M3QRJ!
capital grant 非经常补助金;非经常拨款;建设补助金 GY>0v
capital grant cycle 建设补助金周期 mcvTz, ;=
capital injection 注入资本;注资 yq2Bz7P
capital input 投入资本 Nt)9-\T
capital intensity 资本密集度 t{ 'QMX
capital intensive 资本密集 a v/=x
capital investment 资本投资 GIp?}tM
Capital Investment Fund 资本投资基金 n
capital loss 资本损失 hd900LA}
capital maintenance 资本保值;资本保留 '7$v@Tvnre
capital market 资本市场;资金市场 {.ph)8
capital market instrument 资本市场票据 DwI)?a_+
capital money 资本款项 6*%lnd+_
capital money subject to a trust 信托财产资本 qsLsyi |zG
capital movement 资本流动 WH!<Z=#c}
capital nature 资本性质 kG E|17I
capital outlay 资本支出 dg-pwWqN
capital portion 资本部分 BJvVZl2h
capital profit 资本利润 UV=TU=A\o
capital project 基本工程项目;非经常开支项目 7Sokn?~i
capital receipt 资本收入 ~V<jeb
capital redemption 资本赎回 8.@yD^'
capital redemption business 资本赎回业务 HwOw.K<
capital redemption contract 资本赎回合约 &{8 "-
capital redemption reserve 资本赎回储备 |KA8qQI]%
capital reduction 资本减缩;减资 .!&YO/
Capital Reduction Scheme [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] f!87JE=<
股本削减计划〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 4h|D[Cb]
capital repayment 偿还资本 R,(^fM
capital reserve 资本储备;后备资本 3.>jagu
capital revenue 资本收益;非经常收入 <1ai0]
capital spending 资本开支;资本支出;非经常开支 HtMlSgx,8>
capital stock 股本 Z"P{/~HG
capital stock subscription 认缴股本;认购股本 @9^kl$
capital subsidy 建设津贴;基本建设津贴 v<O\ l~S
capital subvention 非经常资助金 <ioX|.7ZX
capital sum 资本额 WTXTr0=
capital tax 资本税 y
capital transfer tax 资本转移税 tZ(Wh
capital turnover 资本周转率 /(Y\ <
capital value 资本价值 !-: a`Vs+
capital works project 基本工程项目 f+d{^-
Capital Works Reserve Fund 基本工程储备基金 X;- ,3dy
Capital Works Resource Allocation Exercise 基本工程计划资源分配工作 a].Bn#AH!C
capitalization 资本化;资本总额 ]UMwpL&rY
capitalization of interest 利息化作本金 Od"-w<'
capitalized interest 化作本金的利息 #GTmC|[
capitalized loan 转作资本的贷款 hcej?W8j
capitalized value 资本还原值;资本化价值 :QN,T3i'/3
capitation grant 按人计算的补助金 W2REwUps
captive insurance business 专属自保保险业务 p_qH7W
car insurance 汽车保险 GSl\n"S]=
Caribbean Development Bank 加勒比开发银行 :D&QGw(n
CARIPLO-Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde S.p.A. [trading as Cariplo S.p.A.] ^ K/B[8
意大利嘉利堡银行 UF}fmDi
cartel 同业联盟;卡特尔 WS;3a}u
cartelized rates system 联营式利率制度 CnAh Ef)b
cash 现金;现款 5e/%Tue.
cash accounting system 现金会计制度 j J9|
cash acquisition 以现金投资所得的资产 EQg
cash allowance 现金津贴 o#;w>-
cash assets 现金资产 1W5YS +pf
cash at bank 银行现金;银行存款 -5.>9+W8I
cash balance 现金结余 j&8U:Q,
cash basis 现金收付制;收付实现制 A=BpB}b
cash basis accounting 现金收付制会计;收付实现制会计 T%Z `:mf
cash bonus 现金红利 jAF
cash book 现金出纳帐;现金簿 3n
cash client 现金客户 =\`9 \Gd
cash commission rebate 现金回佣 j+ s8V-7(
cash compensation 现金补偿 u6I# D
cash contribution 现金承担额;现金分担额 kD2MqR>
cash cost 直接费用;现金成本 Yzd-1Jvk
cash coupon 现金礼券 _oR6^#5#
cash credit 现金信贷 5o&L|7]
cash deficit 现金赤字 NAL%qQ
cash deposit and withdrawal 现金收支 5-n N8qs
cash disbursement journal 现金支出日记簿 @w@rW
cash disbursement slip 现金支出传票;现金支出单 x`a@h\n
cash flow 现金流量;银根 <OpiD%Ctx
cash flow lending 流动现金放款;无抵押融资 u K 8r
cash flow statement 现金流量表;现金流动表 w:pc5N>we0
cash flow surplus 现金流量盈余 NJn~XCq
cash in hand 库存现金;手头现金 =PXNg!B}D*
cash in till 备用现金 N$p O] p
cash in transit 运送中现金;在运现金 8 #0?
cash input 投入现金 i;yz%Ug
cash input figure 现金投入数字 ARslw*SJ
cash limit 现金支出限额;现金限额 !iITX,'8
cash margin 现金保证金 5PdC4vI*+
cash market 现货市场;现金交易市场 vVE^Y
cash offer 现金要约;现金补偿额 ;0@"1`
cash payment 现金付款;现金支付 Jg^tr>I~
cash position 现金头寸 SxMh '
cash price 现金价格 I#9A\.pO
cash receipts journal 现金收入日记簿 UT"L5{c
cash receiving slip 现金收入传票;现金收入单 A9F Z`
cash settlement 现金结算 ^]OD+ v
cash surplus 现金盈余 =w,%W^"E
cash with order 订货付现;凭票即付 ^1}}-9q
cashier's order 银行本票 hX_;gR&R
cashier's order outstanding 未承兑的银行本票 6VRVk7"
cash-limited subhead 有现金支出限额的分目 #uKHw2N
cash-sweep 现金彩票活动 4ajBMgD]KG
casual client “散客”;“散户” (n#
CCASS Depository 中央结算系统证券存管处 eDG=-a4
CCIC Finance Limited 中芝兴业财务有限公司 |)1"*`z
cedant 分出者 =T;%R^@
ceding company 分出公司 ^k~{6S,
ceding insurer 分出保险人 >pz/wTOi
ceiling 上限 /ZX8gR5x
ceiling price 最高限价 +STT(b Mn
central bank 中央银行 VAV@Qn
Central Bank Bilateral Repurchase Agreement 《中央银行双边回购协议》 IC7n;n9
central banking 中央银行业务 :x= ZvAvo
central banking function 中央银行职能 G| ^tqI
Central Clearing and Custodian System 中央结算及托管系统 Xo }w$q5
Central Clearing and Depository System 中央结算及存管系统 kf^Wzp
Central Clearing and Settlement System [CCASS] 中央结算及交收系统〔中央结算系统〕 E/Y.f
central clearing house 中央结算所 Nqz-Mr`
central clearing system 中央结算制度;集体交收系统 3)I v8mA
central custody system 中央托管系统 5Gg`+o
central depository 中央存管处 -H{c@hl
central depository system 中央证券存管制度 lAV6z%MmM
Central Moneymarkets Unit [CMU] 债务工具中央结算系统 dc"Vc 3)
central rate 中央汇率;中心汇率 W>'R<IY4#N
Central Registration Hong Kong Limited 香港中央证券登记有限公司 s|YY i~
Central Tender Board 中央投标委员会 R>#T{<<L
Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs Mobilieres [CEDEL] 中央证券交收系统;世达结算系统 o"K{^ L~u
centralized budgetary and payments system 集中预算及支付制度 @~/LsYA:
centred 12-month moving average 十二个月定位移动平均数 1,BtOzuRo
certificate of approval 批准证明书 QR<IHE{~8
certificate of beneficial entitlement to property 资产权益证书 [JsQ/|=z
certificate of compliance 合格证明书;合约完成证明书 0p:n'P
certificate of deposit [CD] 存款证 NcRY
certificate of exemption from estate duty 豁免遗产税证明书 6SW:'u|90
certificate of incorporation 公司注册证书;法团注册证书 mLKwk6I
certificate of incorporation of registered trustees 注册受托人法团证书 )";g*4R[
certificate of indebtedness [CI] 负债证明书 ?\.P
certificate of insurance 保险证书 g7#_a6
certificate of interest 权益证明书;息票
certificate of means 资产证明书 dLG5yx\js
certificate of participation 参与证明书 4e1Zyi!
certificate of payment of profits tax 缴付利得税证明书 rQ.j$U
certificate of preference 特惠税证 O" n /.`
certificate of rateable value 应课差饷租值证明书 P#"vlNa
certificate of registration 登记证书;注册证明书 %F1 Ce/
certificate of satisfaction 清偿证明书 sm/l'e
certificate of transfer 转让证明书 ;%hlh)k$
certificate to bearer 不记名证明书 : E]A51
certification 核证 X2T)]`@
certification fee 核证费 ppfBfMX
certified cheque 经银行证明可兑现的支票 L)4TW6IUk
certified public accountant [CPA] 执业会计师 `fc2vaSH =
certified statement 经证明的报表 O>)8< yi$
cessation of business 停业 (N0G[(>
cession 分保 *}A J7]
C.F. Finance Company Limited 浙一财务有限公司 /k(0}g=\
chance 机会;中彩机会 a{,EX[~b
Chang Hwa Commercial Bank, Ltd. 彰化商业银行 $nBzYRc"3
change of domicile 迁册 jja9:$#
change to estimates 修订预算 =)(sN"%
change to the approved estimates of expenditure 核准开支预算的变动 L0_R2EA
charge 费用;押记;抵押 u%3Z +[
charge number 税单号码 \<a(@#E*~
charge on assets 资产的征税 !2$O^
charge upon general revenue 从政府一般收入中拨款支付 67')nEQ9
chargeable 可予征收;应课税的 sR
chargeable agreement for sale 可予征收印花税的买卖协议 zT`LPs6T
chargeable income 应课税入息 K%$%9y
chargeable normal trading receipt 应课税的一般营业收入 xsV(xk4
chargeable profit 应课税利润 )#M*@e$k
chargeable to tax 应课税 Ga"$_DyM
charged to... 记入……帐目 2U)H2%
chargee 承押记人 k g0Z(T:&8
charge-holder 受押人 'l!tQD!
Charges Section [Companies Registry] 押记注册组〔公司注册处〕 , z<\ Z!+=
charging order 押记令 %)u5A!"
chargor's right 押记人的权利 \c_1uDRoUn
charitable donation 慈善捐款 Hq< Vk.Nk
charitable trust 慈善信托 SPn0D9b]
charity property 慈善财产 iVREkZ2SC
Charoen Pokphand Finance Company Limited 卜蜂财务有限公司 /DJyNf*
charter 章程;特许权 00n6v;X
charter of incorporation 成立章程 bxK1v7
chartered accountant 特许会计师 7Oru{BQ">
Chartered Institute of Bankers [United Kingdom] 特许银行学会〔英国〕 SP97Q-
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy [United Kingdom] ;HgV(d#X
特许公共财政及会计学会〔英国〕 /@Y/(+DE
charterer 承租人 O. V!L
Chase Manhattan Asia Limited 美国大通亚洲有限公司 wYOSaGyZ0I
Chase Manhattan Bank 美国大通银行 [D^KM|I%+
chattels 实产 }| (KI
Chau's Brothers Finance Company Limited 周氏兄弟财务有限公司 KPs5? X
Che Hsing Finance Company Limited 浙兴财务有限公司 DU|0#z=*t5
check-and-balance system 制约平衡制度 A#f@0W:
Chekiang First Bank Limited 浙江第一银行 Tr-gdX ;
cheque 支票 )1Z*kY?f!
Chiao Yue Finance Company Limited 侨裕财务有限公司 +}J2\!Jw
Chiba Bank, Ltd. 千叶银行 w-"o?;)a
Chicago Board of Options Exchange 芝加哥期权交易所 F]0O4p~fl
Chicago Board of Trade 芝加哥交易所 `$fwLC3j
Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商品交易所 <