“九”句英语闯天下 Uw-p758dD
之耍赖九句 bsxTqJ
游戏时耍赖︰ sG~<M"znV
That doesn't count. Et"?8\"n7
那不算! gef6pfV
We weren't playing for real. '6$*YN&5
我们不是玩真的。 G5dO 3lwq
欠钱时耍赖︰ OI}
Money has been really tight lately... (qn2xrV
最近手头有点紧…… <]C$xp<2
I've had so many other expenses... ]fnnZ
我有太多其它的费用要付…… NVIK>cT6
犯错时耍赖︰ <?D[9Mk$
It's not my fault. wn>edn
那不是我的错。 2>}xhQJ
He / She made me do it. 1tCQpf
他(她)要我做的。 !$A 37j6
交通违规时耍赖︰ w(L>#?
I didn't see the sign. /$n ~lf
我没有看到标胖尽? DlMe5=n-u
规避责任时耍赖︰ D3Jr3
It's not my turn to... 1%M&CX
这次不是轮到我…… Q@e[5RA+]
I didn't know anything about it... gu)=wu0
我对此事一无所知…… ^^i6|l1
之恭贺新禧九句 ""O"
祝新年新气象: Nf+b"&Zh`
As the new year begins, let us also start anew. dAP|:&y@
一元复始,万象更新。 f:zFFpP.j@
祝新年财运佳: ~mV"i7VX
Happy New Year and hope you strike it rich! TUL_TR
恭喜发财 2c<&eX8"
May wealth and riches be drawn your way./May you walk the path of prosperity. o
招财进宝 2)?(R;$,
May a river of gold flow into your pockets. h:XzUxL\
财源广进 =1h9rlFj"D
祝新年好运到: %zC[KE*~
May you succeed at whatever you try./May all your wishes come true. ^n#1<K[E
心想事成 _2fkb=2@
Hope everything goes your way. bLz*A-
万事如意 f0+2t.tj
May the New Year bring you good fortune. &