吃里爬外live on sb. while helping others secretly
^nHB1"OCV X!7VyE+n d1~_?V'r] 痴心妄想、 胡思乱想wishful thinking
ggm2%|?X t_I\P.aMA <$i"zb 持之以恒preserve
>Lw}KO` @cuD8<\i 4pmTicA~ 叱咤风云ride the whirlwind
;m@1Ec@*p XMN?;Hj> =y<">- 愁眉苦脸pull a long face snoot
,&.W6sW >H0) ph *'9)H0 愁眉苦脸的,愁眉苦脸地woebegone 、 morosely
iZO*@ ~9JW#HHzn j>0<#SYBu 臭名远扬,臭名昭著flagrancy, notorious
On{~St'V .q0218l:dF $?FS00p*|X 出乎意料unexpected
gEZwW]r- o {=qC: b {8^Gs^c
c 出口成章have an outstanding eloquence
R*s* +I Z69+yOJI 7"ylN"syZ 出类拔萃,鹤立鸡群fill the bill supereminence
)Vwj9WD p=!#],[ %&^Q(f 出谋划策give counsel suggest
z j~M#Ss-H8 Ya}T2VX 出奇制胜defeat sb. by a surprise action
CJzm}'NY / Zo~1q M[ x_#m| 出生入死go through fire and water
<=q*N;=T, u-m %=2 Y)$52m5rM 触类旁通comprehend by analogy
^9&b+u=X )-=2w-ZX `.{U-U\ 垂头丧气,无精打采 down in the mouth lose one"s spirits with the tail between the legs
\r)%R5_CQ ]]>nbgGn# vG Y!4@[ 垂头丧气的blue about the gills crestfallen downhearted
LO"_NeuL ]#F q>E bfFmTI$, 绰绰有余more than sufficient
<J6-J {tPnj_|n< _ 1sP.0 t 此起彼伏as one falls,another rises
M]c7D`%s ]Z_$'?f h~ $& 从容不迫go easy take one"s time
YU&4yk lE aiYo8+{!# /T,zZ9= 从容不迫的leisured unhurried
0z/h+, yL.^ = gW kjUz) 从容不迫地by easy stages
0f1H8zV PNf&@ !~WZ_z 粗枝大叶careless slapdash sloppy
GE@uOJ6H 9qEOgJ o~= iy 粗枝大叶的broad-brush
2xDQ:=ec $57\u/(
Rfht\{N 7 措手不及unaware unprepared
f3!n$lj {B3(HiC {(;B5rs 错综复杂、 扑朔迷离 anfractuosity
F=srkw:*. J;~E<_"Hn OZ^h\m4 错综复杂的anfractuous daedal reticula sinuous
%VWp&a8 0 sZwdO Rb#/qkk/ 打草惊蛇act rashly and alert the enemy
HcA[QBh )S2iIi;Bq Wm(:P 大材小用waste one"s talent on a petty job
mbyih+amCr y1iX!m~) vevf[eO- 大公无私selfless
c}%es=@ >Fyu@u ehE-SrkU' 大海捞针look for a needle in a bottle of hay
N`HSE=u> Qwv '< 3w6&&R9 大惑不解be extremely puzzled
>b>gr OX KSc~GP_ q[P~L`h S 大惊小怪a storm in a teacup 、 foofaraw 、 fuss 、 like a hen with one chicken
[t{](- 8"i/wMP] Pu..NPl+ 大惊小怪的spoffish
"R23Pi @bT3'K-4 KzG_ << 大快人心affording general satisfaction
0R|K0XH#$ zw]3Vg{T 0~]QIdu{AR 大名鼎鼎famous well known
_IxamWpX$ wWTQ6~Y%d 333u] 大器晚成great minds mature slowly
!!WJn} ra:GzkIw b+Vi3V 大千世界the boundless universe
y\#o2PVmY $ 6!iBX@ b
=b: 大失所望greatly disappointed
ufPCx|x~ >jMH#TZaX 2h)8Fq_" 大同小异largely identical but with minor differences
4fty~0i=z JpK[&/Ct K2HvI7$- 大显身手、 大显神通strut one"s stuff
)b92yP{ BI.V0@qZ cy3M^_5B< 大言不惭、 夸夸其谈fanfaronade rodomontade
1Nj=B_T bMmra.x4L c&*l" 大义凛然inspiring awe by upholding justice
.S!-e$EJ K/| wAh# 大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty
F\LsI;G 76u{!\Jo/{ FJwt?3\u5 大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water runs deep
ao$):,2* h0Jl_f#Y a#y{pT2 b 呆若木鸡dumbstruck transfixed
5x0R nU17L6'$ t',BI 待人接物the ways one gets along with others
\Y e%o}.{ 3dG4pl~ gxmc| 殚思极虑rack one"s brains
gz61FW Qh-4vy=r #
X/Q 胆小如鼠cannot say boh to a goose
m*oc)x7' s$GF 95^ J8;Okzb!L 胆战心惊的funky
tU:FX[&?R ^ ulps**e ]:et~pfW 淡泊明志not seek fame and wealth
I4ilR$jg 31}W6l88c Rla4L`X; 道貌岸然be sanctimonious
uyT/Xzo3 GN%(9N'W #ElejQ|? 得过且过drift along muddle along
}V]eg,.BJ T//S, C`4gsqD;Z 得天独厚的advantaged
GMm'of# dJl^ADX[@ nwf7M#3d 得心应手handy with facility
54q3R`y ^~l $&~ O
>FO> 得意忘形、 得意洋洋 bloat get dizzy with success
kCA5|u $Ha%Gr /s[DI;M$o 得意洋洋elated、 elation、 exaltation、 jauntiness
=.b Y#4 ~lw<799F6 uvB1VV4 得意扬扬ride high
si"o9 HmV />9 El6bD% \G 得意洋洋的cock-a-hoop、 high-blown 、 perky
/2@["*^$ Bq!cY Wj &71e5<(dG 得意扬扬的triumphant
Oh`2tc- d+}k g 德才兼备have both ability and moral integrity
<v$QM;Ff Wsm`YLYkt! VPd,]]S5( 德高望重sainted 、 saintlike
zj%cQkZ -3hCiKq ow.6!tl0=h 登峰造极reach the limit reach the peak of perfection
[ 此贴被小迪宝贝在2008-02-18 16:56重新编辑 ]